Blog articles

on 8/20/2023 4:01 AM
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News .NET Videos Blogs F# vNext Highlighted projects New Releases That’s all for now. Have a great week. If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!  
on 8/19/2023 1:32 AM
Sources Dan North: Why Every Element of SOLID is Wrong Wikipedia SOLID for functional programming Equivalent of SOLID principles for functional programming Solid Relevance Principles Single responsibility principle Let us start with The si[...]
on 8/13/2023 5:33 AM
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News F# Videos and Slides .NET Videos Blogs F# vNext Highlighted projects New Releases That’s all for now. Have a great week. If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz m[...]
on 8/6/2023 4:26 PM
This concludes the two-part blog entry on turning HuggingFace into a deep learning playground (and we have not even talked about all the LMs they host!). Mostly it will be about Spaces, but we are starting with models. Models We train tons of models as we[...]
on 7/31/2023 11:26 AM
I have recently posted a video briefly explaining how we use GNNs (Graph Neural Nets) at Fetch to identify duplicate receipts. I have mentioned HuggingFace in passing there, but in fact I use it quite heavily to make my machine learning life simpler. The [...]
on 6/11/2023 5:20 AM
I’m aware that I haven’t been writing as many blog posts as I’d hoped to about DigiMixer. I expect the next big post to be a comparison of the various protocols that DigiMixer supports. (I’ve started a protocols directory in the GitHub repo, but there isn[...]
on 4/7/2023 7:17 AM
Background In dotnet-architecture/eShopOnWeb I noticed the interesting usage of Specification classes. When I did some digging, I found that these are implemented through ardalis/Specification For those who are more familiar with the Java world we have D[...]
on 4/5/2023 10:00 AM
As previously mentioned in the blog I use a M1 mac. In order to help introduce others to Kubernetes I have done some testing of the K8S tutorial. In order to try it out I first tried using the qemu driver for minikube. First gotcha was that the image gc[...]
on 2/19/2023 3:47 AM
Project with many repositories This is a continuation of Monorepo versus Polyrepo. This is a story about a project I worked on. We had some pain points related to many different source repositories. Shared business domain library that contained shar[...]
on 2/10/2023 2:44 PM
Architecture and urban planning have been a useful source of ideas for thinking about programming. I have written various blog posts and a paper Programming as Architecture, Design, and Urban Planning that argue why and explore some of those ideas. Like u[...]
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