Blog articles

on 11/29/2010 3:00 AM
No! Long live the Future! Something that’s new in Akka 1.0-RC1 is the possibility to add hooks that are executed when a Future is completed. Behold! Welcome to Scala version (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_22).Type in express[...]
on 11/28/2010 1:07 PM
I’ve been meaning to write something very thoughtful about dependency management over the past year, but haven’t found time to do it. So now I’ll just blurt it out and see what you think of it. Dependency management in Java land usually means keeping tra[...]
on 11/28/2010 1:01 AM
Something that’s new in Akka 1.0-RC1 is the “unhandled”-callback for Actor. This is what it looks like:   /**    * User overridable callback.    *    * Is called when a message isn’t handled by the current behavior of the actor    * by default it throws[...]
on 11/27/2010 8:15 PM
ASP.NET MVC framework is lightweight web framework with strong emphasis on loose coupling and testability of involved components. This post will be dedicated to the major subject: how to create WebSharper web application based on ASP.NET MVC so it can tak[...]
on 11/27/2010 6:02 AM
What’s new in Akka 1.0-RC1 is that HotSwap now takes the following signature: case class HotSwap(code: ActorRef => Actor.Receive, discardOld: Boolean = true) Before it only had: case class HotSwap(code: Actor.Receive) So what’s new is that you can use the[...]
on 11/26/2010 3:17 PM
Whats wrong with SharePointfrom a developer point of view? Packages It's somewhat unreliable in it's deployment of files. Takes a lot of time to install/uninstall a package. Not a modern approach to package management. Its basically a cab file with files[...]
on 11/26/2010 3:17 PM
Whats wrong with SharePointfrom a developer point of view? Packages It's somewhat unreliable in it's deployment of files. Takes a lot of time to install/uninstall a package. Not a modern approach to package management. Its basically a cab file with files[...]
on 11/26/2010 3:17 PM
Whats wrong with SharePoint from a developer point of view? Packages It’s somewhat unreliable in it’s deployment of files. Takes a lot of time to install/uninstall a package. Not a modern approach to package management. Its basi[...]
on 11/26/2010 10:08 AM
Earlier this week I gave a talk at the first London WebSharper User Group meetup about WebSharper 2.0 and some of its new features such as sitelets and the new Visual Studio templates. This was a longer, class-like talk with many technical points discusse[...]
on 11/26/2010 3:22 AM
We are making excellent progress on releasing WebSharper 2.0 in the coming weeks, and have just put out the first beta version of WebSharper 2.0, ready for some public testing and community feedback. Here are the links:
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