Blog articles

on 11/7/2011 11:45 PM
After two years in the CFML world, FW/1 (Framework One) comes to Clojure! Intended to bring the same simple, lightweight, convention-based MVC web application development that has proved so popular in the CFML world to the world of Clojure, FW/1 for Cloju[...]
on 11/7/2011 4:43 PM
Indexer If your have a type that represents a collection of values, adding a custom indexer gives you a natural way to index directly into the object using the .[ ] operator. Take this simple Calendar class for instance, which keeps a map (F# equivalent o[...]
on 11/7/2011 2:56 PM
I have implemented a simple web server in F#. The idea was to try to marry .NET asynchronous socket operations with F# async. Result: F# async seems to be the right tool for the job of webserver implementation: it makes asynchronous programming intuitive[...]
on 11/7/2011 7:34 AM
I wrap asynchronous .NET socket methods in F# Async and benchmark a simple webserver clocking at 3500 requests/second. Read more.
on 11/7/2011 6:57 AM
The MonoDevelop team have taken a leaf out of the Visual Studio team's book and started MonoDevelop User Voice. Here you can vote on MonoDevelop features and discuss them. One of the hot ticket items you might like to vote for right now is Full Support fo[...]
on 11/7/2011 5:13 AM
on 11/6/2011 12:54 PM
Implemented isop auto cli. It’s possible to use the isop library without having a reference to isop.
on 11/5/2011 6:17 AM
While WPF is nice and resharper + visual studio is awesome it’s just to painful to develop on a remote machine. The alternative is to buy visual studio + windows and create a virtual machine. This feels to much like a serious investment: The cost of windo[...]
on 11/4/2011 7:54 AM
Just a quick note to say that my talk “The Combinator Approach to Programming Domain Specific Languages with F#” is now available on Skills Matter site. I’ve put the code on github. If you enjoyed the talk I’ll be giving it again at CodeKen, the conferen[...]
on 11/2/2011 2:36 PM
Release 0.1.0 removed the dependency on (deprecated) structmap, with rows using regular maps now. Release 0.1.1 incorporates patches from Phil Hagelberg that allow the database connection spec to be provided as a URI (either a string or an actual URI inst[...]
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