Blog articles

on 11/23/2010 11:43 AM
When you write your first Fluent NHibernate application with Mono/.NET based on the Getting started tutorial, you eventually discover that you require a few extra assembly-dll references not mentioned. For my Postgres (PostgreSQL) project my references ar[...]
on 11/20/2010 7:15 PM
In this article, we look at the internals of asynchronous programming models in F# and a future version of C#. We compare the compilation in C# (based on state machines) and the compilation in F# (based on combinators) and we look at advantages and disadv[...]
on 11/20/2010 8:59 AM
Why using a build system like Ruby rake or some other next generation tool (psake looks promising) to build your .net application or library? A) Builds are not data. Xml is for data. It may be that the files or configurations are stored as xml, but does[...]
on 11/20/2010 8:59 AM
Why using a build system like Ruby rake or some other next generation tool (psake looks promising) to build your .net application or library? A) Builds are not data. Xml is for data. It may be that the files or configurations are stored as xml, but does [...]
on 11/20/2010 7:31 AM
These prompts are quite :Hanselman: Introducing PowerShell prompt hereCommand prompt here round up For visual studio 2010 you might want to change the path to the correct Program Files folder (for instance if you’re running a 64 bit system).
on 11/18/2010 12:10 PM
Over the past 2 years my career has taken some interesting turns. I moved to Cape Town, started at Intervate Cape Town as contractor, and then moved on to MiX Telematics as a permanent member. At the time I joined them, both organizations went through far[...]
on 11/15/2010 10:36 PM
on 11/15/2010 3:06 PM
WebSharper talk at Sinergija 2010, Community Track.
on 11/15/2010 11:30 AM
The library System.Numerics.dll, who was introduced in .Net 4.0, contains a System.Numerics.BigInteger structure. BigInteger represents a whole number of arbitrary size (or precision). Before .Net 4.0, the largest number that could b[...]
on 11/15/2010 11:30 AM
The library System.Numerics.dll, who was introduced in .Net 4.0, contains a System.Numerics.BigInteger structure. BigInteger represents a whole number of arbitrary size (or precision). Before .Net 4.0, the largest number that could b[...]
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