on 8/8/2014 12:31 PM

We just released CloudSharper, and as you probably noticed, there have been quite big visual changes with the 0.9.15 series as we switch to Dojo as our UI toolkit.

Change log

Besides this visual update, here are the recent changes:

  • #450: No more unneeded file change notifications when opening a file shortly after opening a workspace.
  • #461: Cancel code completion request when another is sent or the tab is switched.
  • #464: Report error when moving a file/folder failed.
  • #465: Implement file/directory copying. This can be done either using the cp command in the console, or using Ctrl+drag and drop in the file tree.
  • Initial login should now be faster.


  • If you experience a slow loading of the solution tree, be sure to dowload the latest installer.
  • If on startup, the local component shows the following error followed by a stack trace:

    System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
    '<StartupCode$CloudSharper-Backend-Local>.$LocalBackend' threw an exception.
    ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly
    'IntelliFactory.IO, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
    or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

    Then you need to run the installer again and select "Repair"; things should run smoothly from there.

Happy coding!

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