We have updated the WebSharper Xamarin Studio / MonoDevelop add-in for the latest WebSharper 3.0.36-alpha. It is now easier than ever to get started with WebSharper 3.0 on Mac or Linux!
Here is how to install it:
Open the add-in manager.
Make sure that you have the F# Language Binding installed.
In the Gallery, add a new repository with the following address:
The WebSharper add-in is now available under the "Web Development" category. Select it and click "Install".
Voilà! The "New Project" and "New Solution" dialogs now have a new category for WebSharper. In this category you can find the same templates that are provided by the Visual Studio extension and CloudSharper, to quickly start new projects using WebSharper.
You can check the sources for the addin here.
Happy coding!
Thank you! This is fantastic! I was able to create and build the client server app, but I can't get Xamarin Studio to recognize it as a web app. What do I need to do to run it in the browser?