Blog articles

on 1/9/2011 12:29 PM
Let me spend a couple of minutes explaining what Im going to be posting about, heres a little bit of background… First of all I’m a seasoned C# programmer, I develop enterprise business applications, mainly specialising in backend architectures, multithre[...]
on 1/9/2011 12:29 PM
Let me spend a couple of minutes explaining what Im going to be posting about, heres a little bit of background… First of all I’m a seasoned C# programmer, I develop enterprise business applications, mainly specialising in backend architectures, multithr[...]
on 1/9/2011 10:48 AM
Hi this is my first post here on my new site, and in fact new blog too. This site is the online presence for my company which specialises in high performance enterprise software. I will be making regular contributions in the form of technical articles o[...]
on 1/5/2011 2:04 AM
Happy new year folks, we just rolled out the WebSharper 2.0 Beta4 release - with an enhanced installer and better support for sitelet-based development with some significant performance improvements. The new installer also became smarter and for new users[...]
on 1/4/2011 3:10 PM
F# is a new language so the F# editor in Visual Studio does not have all the bells and whistles of say the C# editor. I particularly missed the C# outlining/navigation features in the F# editor. Fortunately, Visual Studio 2010 … Continue reading →
on 1/3/2011 4:29 PM
Following on from part 2 where I wrote a simple page with a canvas area where you can scribble, I thought I’d add a couple of new features: ability to show the image as PNG image so user can save it change the line cap change the line join change the shad[...]
on 1/3/2011 10:25 AM
This is a neat trick I picked up the other day, you can create a dynamic class which takes in a set of properties in the constructor and dynamically generates Accessor and/or Mutation methods (you just have to choose which lines to leave out): In your cal[...]
on 1/3/2011 9:55 AM
In C# and other similar general purpose languages, there are access modifiers which allow you to specify whether a particular property can be accessed/modified by everyone (public), only subclasses (protected) or only from within the same class (private).[...]
on 1/3/2011 6:34 AM
Earlier I explored some of the basic drawing methods available on the 2D context of the new canvas element in HTML5, moving on from there, I’ve put together another quick demo here (see image below) which lets the user scribble inside the canvas element. [...]
on 1/1/2011 1:32 PM
One of the cool new features introduced by HTML5 is the new <canvas> tag, which defines an area for you to draw graphics on using javascript. Basics To create a canvas element is as easy as inserting a <canvas> tag like this: Typically you will give it an[...]
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