It is an exciting time to be working for IntelliFactory. After quite a bit of hard work, we finally have a public beta release of the WebSharper™ platform. As we continue to work on it, I encourage you to download and play with the current beta release.
WebSharper™ aims to change the way you think about web programming, no more and no less. The idea behind it is very simple. Instead of HTML + JavaScript + PHP/C#/Java code, you write F#, and let the compiler do its magic to get a working AJAX website. Alternatively, you develop a small component and expose it as an ASP.NET control, without having to rewrite your website from scratch.
Let me start with a simple, indeed primitive, example. Let us take the the first problem from Project Euler (a great source of profitable amusement for many of us), solve it in F#, and run it in the browser. To play with it, download and install the beta release of the WebSharper™ platform, start a new WebSharper solution, and change the project code to the following:
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namespace WebSharperProject open IntelliFactory.WebSharper open IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Html [<assembly: WebSharperAssembly>] do () [<JavaScriptType>] module Math = /// Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. [<JavaScript>] let ProjectEuler0001 = seq { 0 .. 999 } |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x % 3 = 0 || x % 5 = 0) |> Seq.sum [<JavaScriptType>] type Example() = inherit Web.Control() [<JavaScript>] override this.Body = let answer = Span [] Div [ Div [ Span ["The answer is: "] answer ] Input [Type "Button"; Value "Calculate"] |> On Events.Click (fun _ -> answer.Text <- string Math.ProjectEuler0001) ]
Then change the Default.aspx to reference the newly defined Example
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<%@ Page Language="C#" %> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <WebSharper:ScriptManager runat="server" /> </head> <body> <ws:Example runat="server" /> </body> </html>
This is a small example, but there is a lot to get excited about already. Take powerful F# type-checking, functional abstractions, embedded HTML combinators, or ASP.NET integration...
Yes, Project Euler problems are not exactly representative of the tasks a typical web programmer faces. But I firmly believe that a platform that makes difficult things possible should make simlpe things simple.
I will be blogging with more posts on WebSharper™ in the coming days. In the meanwhile, the impatient should definitely check out the Demos.