Blog articles

on 4/1/2015 3:41 AM
On year ago, on this very day, I wrote about the open-sourcing of C# 6.0. Thanks to a very special information leak, I learned about this about a week before Microsoft officially announced it. However, my information were slightly incorrect - rather th[...]
on 4/1/2015 3:41 AM
On year ago, on this very day, I wrote about the open-sourcing of C# 6.0. Thanks to a very special information leak, I learned about this about a week before Microsoft officially announced it. However, my information were slightly incorrect - rather then[...]
on 3/31/2015 10:57 PM
Just before Christmas I came across some Java source code by “Uncle” Bob Martin aimed at “demystifying compilers” which expends about 600 lines of code to parse the following simple finite state machine: Actions: Turnstile FSM: OneCoinTurnstile Initial: [...]
on 3/31/2015 6:17 PM
Tweet This excellent book by Steve Krug was a real eye opener when I chanced upon it a few years ago. I’m not a UI/UX designer by trade or by training, and as a backend developer my appreciation for UI/UX has very little outlet in my day-to-day job either[...]
on 3/31/2015 5:00 PM
5 years ago today, I sent the following bug report to the Powershell team. From: Lincoln Atkinson Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:33 PM To: PowerShell Discussions Subject: Problem with get-date Hey experts, maybe you can help me with this issue. Get-[...]
on 3/31/2015 8:47 AM
I would love to do more (or any) professional Haskell and I am really happy that I can do F# in my day to day work but the sad fact is: most of you probably may not (or don’t want to) use F# in your day-job and do C#. Now that does not mean that […]
on 3/31/2015 5:31 AM
Auf der Spartakiade hatte ich als schwerere Aufgabe für die Teilnehmer folgendes: Implementiere foldl unter Verwendung von foldr Das ist ein Klassiker, der einem richtig schön das Hirn verknoten kann – ihr könnte es ja gerne (nochmal) probieren, bevor ihr[...]
on 3/30/2015 10:34 PM
In our previous post, we looked at James McCaffrey’s code, “Gradient Descent Training Using C#” from MSDN magazine, and took a stab at rewriting the first part in F#, to clarify a bit the way the dataset was created. Today, we’ll dive in the second block,[...]
on 3/30/2015 10:07 AM
In my last post I covered the top 100 .Net bloggers since 2008, based on links posted on Alvin Ashcraft's Morning Dew. This (intentionally) captured many bloggers that are no longer actively blogging, but equally still have interesting content to consume.[...]
on 3/30/2015 6:15 AM
Did you know there was more to the type matching operator than just pattern matching and exception handling?
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