Blog articles

on 12/18/2024 4:21 PM
There is more than one way to test user journeys that span multiple bounded contexts. Your choice depends on organizational structure, team responsibilities, and the maturity of your testing practices.
Ultimately, every part of the user journey should be [...]
on 12/16/2024 12:44 AM
Memulai Pengalaman Bermain Slot dengan Deposit QRIS Permainan slot online semakin diminati di Indonesia karena […]
Artikel Slot QRIS: Deposit Mudah Mulai 5 Ribu di Olympus 1000 pertama kali tampil pada wizardsofsmart.
on 12/14/2024 1:21 PM
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News Videos FsAdvent Blogs New Releases That’s all for now. Have a great week. If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!
on 12/13/2024 5:36 PM
The ability to invalidate a user's session with immediate effect is a common enterprise requirement.
However, this goes against how token-based authentication is designed to work. JWT tokens are stateless and are typically short-lived (for security reason[...]
on 12/8/2024 5:32 AM
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News Videos FsAdvent Blogs F# vNext Highlighted projects New Releases That’s all for now. Have a great week. If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!
on 11/30/2024 5:00 AM
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News Videos Blogs F# vNext Highlighted projects New Releases That’s all for now. Have a great week. If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!
on 11/23/2024 11:37 AM
Welcome to F# Weekly, A roundup of F# content from this past week: News Videos Blogs F# vNext Highlighted projects New Releases That’s all for now. Have a great week. If you want to help keep F# Weekly going, click here to jazz me with Coffee!
on 11/17/2024 11:06 PM
A year ago I did a clean architecture comparison for some clean architecture implementation samples online. One of the conclusions was that I did not look into how much each implementation chooses to marry different frameworks and libraries.
on 11/11/2024 11:21 AM
When I wrote my preview DigiMixer post, I was awaiting the arrival of my latest mixer: a Behringer Wing Rack. It arrived a few days later, and I’m pleased to say it didn’t take long to integrate it with DigiMixer. (It’s now my main mixer.) While most of t[...]
on 11/1/2024 9:08 AM
Sejenak dikala anda melacak daftar anjuran pilihan situs judi online slot gacor terpercaya enteng menang […]
Artikel Rekomendasi Situs Slot Online Gacor Gampang Menang Maxwin pertama kali tampil pada wizardsofsmart.
Latest blog articles (see all)
- F# Weekly #52, 2024 – Happy Holidays
- Cohesion vs. Coupling
- Keunggulan Bermain di Situs Judi Slot Online Terpercaya
- Year in review, 2024
- F# Weekly #51, 2024 – Merry Christmas
- How to end-to-end test microservices across bounded contexts?
- Slot QRIS: Deposit Mudah Mulai 5 Ribu di Olympus 1000
- F# Weekly #50, 2024 – F# Cognitive Load and Productivity
- How to invalidate Cognito-issued JWT tokens
- F# Weekly #49, 2024 – Write F# and win PXL-CLOCK!
- F# Weekly #26, 2024 – WinMerge F# with syntax highlighting!
- Building an election website
- F# Weekly #25, 2024 – Adding #help to fsi
- F# Weekly #24, 2024 – fsih, zed-sharp and farmer
- F# Weekly #23, 2024 – Official OpenAI library for .NET
- AppSync’s new async Lambda resolver is great news for GenAI apps
- F# Weekly #22, 2024 – F# Developer Story
- Variations in the VISCA protocol
- F# Weekly #47, 2023 – G-Research FSharp Analyzers
- F# Weekly #46, 2023 – F# 8 and .NET Conf Announcement
- Patch net7 dev container for net8
- F# Weekly #45, 2023 – Second life for FsEye and
- How I implemented web analytics reporting with Timestream
- F# Weekly #44, 2023 – F# graph-based type checking
- Monthly roundup – October 2023
- Serverless v4 will start charging users, but that’s a good thing
- F# Weekly #43, 2023 – 11 year of F# Weekly and #FsAdvent 2023
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2023
- F# Weekly #42, 2023 – What’s new in F# 8
- Amplify: how to share code without Lambda Layers or private NPM
- F# Weekly #41, 2023 – Overhauled F# code fixes and .NET 8 RC2
- How I built an affiliate tracking system in a weekend with serverless
- F# Weekly #40, 2023 – F# is not slow and used by Pulumi
- Help! How do I set DeletionPolicy to Retain for production only?
- Monthly roundup – September 2023
- F# Weekly #39, 2023 – New Fable Release!
- F# Weekly #38, 2023 – F# computations with the new ‘while!’ keyword
- F# Weekly #37, 2023 – .NET 8 RC1, StereoDB and F# Tools is VS
- F# Weekly #36, 2023 – F# Code Fixes
- Static IP for Lambda: ingress, egress and bypassing the dreaded NAT Gateway
- Step Functions: combine Standard and Express workflows for fun & profit
- F# Weekly #35, 2023 – 65% Off for Rider and VS4Mac Retirement.
- New IKVM 8.2 & MavenReference for .NET projects
- F# Weekly #34, 2022 – Fantomas 5 Release Party & Fabulous MAUI
- F# Weekly #33, 2022 – Fable with TP, Falco.Markup and new F# Kata
- How to setup geofencing and IP allow-list for Cognito user pool
- Amplify: how to fix images that show up locally but not after deployment
- Amplify: you shouldn’t allow redirect from apex to www
- F# Weekly #18, 2022 – F# eXchange 2022 & VS4Mac 2022 RC
- How Machine Learning Products are Different (Part 1, High Level)
- No-code, no thought? Substrates for simple programming for all
- F# Weekly #17, 2022 – new Bolero, FSharp.CosmosDb and C# 11 Preview
- Don’t Overlook Tech Writers
- F# Weekly #16, 2022 – Giraffe 6, Ionide 6, Saturn and MAUI RC
- Taking .NET MAUI for a spin
- F# Weekly #15, 2022 – One month till MAUI!
- Small and simple business applications using SQL
- Small and simple business applications using SQL
- F# Weekly #14, 2022 – Copilot for VS2022 and Copilot Labs
- Foundational Knowledge for a Software Developer
- What’s up with TimeZoneInfo on .NET 6? (Part 2)
- F# Weekly #13, 2022 – Fast F#, new Fantomas and FsDocs
- F# Weekly #12, 2022 – .NET 7 Preview 2, Fable for Flutter!
- Validation and mediator
- Validation and mediator
- F# Weekly #11, 2022 – IcedTasks & F# tool team positions in Prague
- F# Weekly #10, 2022 – FSSF Statement, Paket 7 and News from Don
- F# Software Foundation Statement in Support of Ukraine
- F# Software Foundation Statement in Support of Ukraine
- F# Weekly #48, 2021 – Dynamic PGO in .NET 6.0, dotnet-gcmon and TypeInferencer
- F# Weekly #47, 2021 – Fable 3.6 and rise of Fantomas
- F# Weekly #46, 2021 -F# 6, .NET 6, VS2022 are officially released!
- Can .net compete with nodejs
- Can .net compete with nodejs
- F# Weekly #45, 2021 – .NET 6 launch at .NET Conf, F# 6 and #FsAdvent
- Playing By Color
- Monorepo versus Polyrepo
- Monorepo versus Polyrepo
- F# Weekly #44, 2021 – Nacara, #GitHubCopilot in Rider and Chet Husk @Microsoft!
- F# Weekly #43, 2021 – 9 years of F# Weekly, #FsAdvent 2021, F# eXchange 2021, F# 6.0 and Hot Reload drama
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2021
- F# Weekly #42, 2021 – .NET 6 RC2 and What’s new in F# 6.0
- F# Weekly #41, 2021 – Support fast tailcalls in R2R
- Pop-up from Hell: On the growing opacity of web programs
- F# Weekly #40, 2021 – Fable.Lit 1.0 & VS4Mac 2022 Preview
- F# Weekly #39, 2021 – New Package Details Page
- Group-based auth with AppSync Lambda authoriser
- F# Weekly #38, 2021 – .NET 6 RC1, VS2022 Preview 4 and Fable Rust by ncave
- F# Weekly #37, 2021 – Don Syme defends lack of type classes
- F# Weekly #36, 2021 – Sutil REPL, FSSF Election, int array and Myriad
- 2021 Board of Trustees Election
- 2021 Board of Trustees Election
- F# Weekly #31, 2021 – Hello, I am GPT-3 and will explain to you why F# is a great
- F# Weekly #30, 2021 – Save the date: July 29 – .NET Conf: Focus of F#
- F# Weekly #29, 2021 – HOPL IV talk “Narratives in the Early History of F#” & .NET 6 Preview 6
- Book updates for July 2021
- F# Weekly #28, 2021 – F# Community Bonanza & Rider on M1
- F# Weekly #5, 2021 – F#-friendly
- OSC mixer control in C#
- F# Weekly #4, 2021 – Octonav, Fantomas & Avalonia
- F# Weekly #3, 2021 – Fss, Ficus, fsdocs 8, Ionide 5.2
- F# Weekly #2, 2021 – F# coding conventions
- ML.NET Recommendation Engine: Pitfall of One-Class Matrix Factorization
- Thank you, and Welcome to 2021!
- Thank you, and Welcome to 2021!
- F# Weekly #1, 2021 – Happy New Year!
- Year in review, 2020
- F# Weekly #52, 2020 – Ionide 5.0 & SSDT Type Provider
- Fable DJ Drops
- F# Weekly #51, 2020 – Rider 2020.3 & FsLab
- F# Weekly #50, 2020 – F# Lexer, Parser, quick fixes and codegen
- My top picks from re:Invent 2020 week 1
- What you need to know about Aurora Serverless v2, so far.
- VISCA camera control in C#
- Serverless at re:Invent 2020 – hot takes #1
- Bolero 0.16 released for .NET 5
- F# Weekly #47, 5 years of Ionide
- How I built a social network in 4 weeks with GraphQL and serverless
- F# Weekly #46, .NET 5, F# 5 and nothing about Apple Silicon
- F# Weekly #45, Dark’s new back end will be in F# & Resumable State Machines
- “Even simple serverless applications have complex architecture diagrams”, so what?
- Production-Ready Serverless is back!
- F# Weekly #44, F# Ukraine 2020 & F# Compiler Community Sessions
- F# Weekly #43, 2020 – #FsAdvent 2020 and 8 years of F# Weekly
- A Tour of the .NET Functions Framework
- AppSync Masterclass is open for early access!
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2020
- F# Weekly #42, 2020 – .NET 5.0 RC2
- F# Weekly #41, 2020 – Exploration of Interactive Visualization in the ELM Architecture
- Weekly update 48
- Is deep learning a new kind of programming? Operationalistic look at programming
- Applied F# Challenge 2021 - Call for Judges
- Applied F# Challenge 2021 - Call for Judges
- F# Weekly #40, 2020 – FSSF Mentoring, BOB CPF and F# eXchange
- Empathy and the Other Side of Impostor Syndrome
- F# Weekly #39, 2020 – Giraffe is 50-100% faster of .NET 5 & F# eXchange 2020
- Bolero 0.15 released
- F# Weekly #37, 2020 – Fabulous, Ionide and NBomber
- Software Development And The False Dilemma
- How to set up custom domain names for AppSync
- Dependency injection in FSharp
- Dependency injection in FSharp
- F# Weekly #36, 2020 – #fsharp_ukraine conference will be online and free
- The Infosec Apocalypse
- Posting to in code
- F# Weekly #35, 2020 – F# 5 update & Fantomas 4.0
- Focus And Productivity
- How to model hierarchical access with AppSync
- F# Weekly #34, 2020 – F# Lint for VS
- F# Weekly #33, 2020 – F# Support in Rider 2020.2
- Weekly update 47
- F# Weekly #32, 2020 – RFC FS1001 for string interpolation is now merged
- Choreography vs Orchestration in the land of serverless
- F# Weekly #31, 2020 – Call for F# content : .NET Conf 2020 (Nov 10-12)
- How I scaled an AppSync project to 200+ resolvers
- F# Weekly #30, 2020 – Phillip Carter: Five years at Microsoft
- Travis logs and .NET Core console output
- AppSync: how to inject table names into DynamoDB batch & transact operations
- F# Weekly #29, 2020 – Flips, Fasaani, AlgEff and MemoryVisualizer
- Creating interactive You Draw bar chart with Compost
- V-Drum Explorer: Blazor and the Web MIDI API
- F# Weekly #28, 2020 – Fantomas for VS
- Bolero 0.14 released
- F# Weekly #27, 2020 – 2020 Board of Trustees Election and .NET Conf Microservices
- 2020 Board of Trustees Election
- 2020 Board of Trustees Election
- F# Weekly #17, 2020 – .NET 5.0 Preview 3
- Weekly update 44
- Data exploration calculus: Capturing the essence of exploratory data scripting
- F# Weekly #16, 2020 – Rider 2020.01 and updates
- AppSync: how to error on DynamoDB conditional check failures
- Skill up your serverless game with my new instructor-led online workshop
- F# Weekly #15, 2020 – Mobius and new semantic highlighting in Ionide
- Hit the 6MB Lambda payload limit? Here’s what you can do.
- On architecture, urban planning and software construction
- F# Weekly #14, 2020 – .NET 5.0 Preview 2 & tasks and resumable state machines in the F# compiler
- F# Weekly #13, 2020 – F# Online, VSMac and Ionide updates
- Bolero 0.12 released
- How to: optimize Lambda memory size during CI/CD pipeline
- F# Weekly #12, 2020 – F# 5 & .NET 5 (Preview 1) and The Elmish Book
- Real-World Serverless: fully-serverless insurance company with Joe Emison
- Real-World Serverless: state of serverless adoption at Zoopla
- Introducing Clippit, get your slides out of PPTX.
- F# Weekly #11, 2020 – OpenSilver & Rider “.NET Core edition”
- Weekly update 42
- F# Weekly #10, 2020 – Waypoint & Perfolizer
- Announcing the new Real-World Serverless podcast
- V-Drum Explorer: Planning notes for MVVM
- F# Weekly #9, 2020 – Rider 2020.1 EAP & new F# talk videos
- V-Drum Explorer: Memory and 7-bit addressing
- Giving your Windows Service lots of time to finish (F#)
- Diversity tickets for Production-Ready Serverless workshops
- F# Weekly #8, 2020 – FSharp.Analyzers.SDK
- New and improved JonSkeet.DemoUtil
- Weekly update 41
- F# Weekly #7, 2020 – F# 5.0 (preview) and TP.SDK update!
- F# Weekly #6, 2020 – F# Ukraine and FSharp.Formatting for .NET Core
- Estimated language popularity in Sweden among companies
- Estimated language popularity in Sweden among companies
- F# Weekly #5, 2020 – What is next for F#?
- Minimal F# Windows Service
- Validations in F# and C#
- Validations in f# and c#
- Immutable classes in c#
- Immutable classes in C#
- F# Weekly #4, 2020 – Azure Functions 3.0 GA, How Fantomas works and F# on Win 3.11
- Weekly update 39
- F# Weekly #3, 2020 – VS F# Tooling Performance and Ionide major fixes
- Converting a WebSharper HTML app to a client-server one
- New course – Learn you some Lambda best practice for great good!
- F# Weekly #2, 2020 – Fantomas Configuration File
- BREAKING NEWS: Production-Ready Serverless workshop is coming to a city near you
- Weekly update 38
- F# Weekly #1, 2020 – Happy New Year!
- Welcome to 2020!
- Welcome to 2020!
- Year in Review, 2019
- Working on dotnet core on Mac OS X part 3
- Working on dotnet core on Mac OS X part 3
- F# Weekly #52, 2019 – How to find F# jobs?
- Commands and services
- Commands and services
- F# metablogging: introducing BlogEngine for your static markdown-based F# blog
- Complete Guide to Step Functions: new lessons and 50% off sale is now on
- Configure Airport printer on Windows
- Configure Airport printer on Windows
- F# Weekly #50, 2019 – F# Europe 2020 and great new releases
- F# Weekly #50, 2019 – Azure Functions 3.0 and Gherkin TP
- Weekly update 37
- F# Weekly #49, 2019 – .NET Core 3.1 LTS and first #FsAdvent posts
- What to teach as the first programming language and why
- Announcing Paket 6 alpha
- F# Weekly #48, 2019 – FableConf 2019 Videos
- Reducing my international speaking
- Using multiple keyboard layouts on Windows 10
- Using multiple keyboard layouts on Windows 10
- F# Weekly #47, 2019 – CapitolFSharp, F# Ukraine and F# Europe 2020
- F# Weekly #46, 2019 – F# 4.7 docs update and new FSCS & Ionide
- V-Drum Explorer: MIDI interface
- F# Weekly #45, 2019 – #FsAdvent, .NET Jupyter Notebooks, ML.NET 1.4, MS Ignite Videos
- How to break the “senior engineer” career ceiling
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2019
- Check-list for going live with API Gateway and Lambda
- F# Weekly #44, 2019 – Oryx, FSharp.JsonApi and major Fabulous update
- Weekly update 36
- V-Drum Explorer: Introduction
- F# Weekly #43, 2019 – New Rider EAP and F# eXchange CFP
- Options for .NET’s versioning issues
- Why I don’t start versions at 0.x any more
- Where Serverless plugin stops and platform starts
- F# Weekly #41, 2019 – CapitolFSharp CFP & Mono 6.4.0
- Weekly update 35
- Using “git bash” from AppVeyor
- HashiCorp Vault and TLS Certificate Authentication for .NET Applications (Comprehensive guide)
- The API Gateway security risk you need to pay attention to
- F# Weekly #40, 2019 – Giraffe 4.0, F# 4.7 in Fable REPL, Try-Convert and new FSAC!
- All you need to know about caching for serverless applications
- Should you pack the AWS SDK in your deployment artefact?
- F# Weekly #39, 2019 – F# 4.7, C# 8, .NET Core 3.0 and Community for F# Heroes
- Copy an Azure Storage Table using Rust
- Bolero 0.9 released
- F# Weekly #38, 2019 – .NET Conf (Sept 23-25) & CapitolFSharp
- F# Weekly #37, 2019 – Oh Fable! and Community for F# Heroes voting.
- Your first Bolero project not compiling? Try this!
- Masstransit
- Masstransit
- How to use the power of CloudFormation custom resources for great good
- F# Weekly #35, 2019 – Behind the F# editor tooling & F# Weekly vacation
- A Deep Reinforcement Learning Journey Home.
- Is there microservices or is it an architectural dream cloud
- Is there microservices or is it an architectural dream cloud
- Weekly update 32
- Wie Cannabis mein Leben veränderte
- F# Weekly #34, 2019 – Fable resources, CSS Type Provider and Keras.NET
- A simple event-sourcing example with snapshots using Lambda and DynamoDB
- How to Register your Startup In India
- Why do we need microservices
- Why do we need microservices
- F# Weekly #33, 2019 – New and F# Community Heroes 2019 nomination!
- Why we don't need microservices
- Why we don't need microservices
- Weekly update 31
- F# Weekly #32, 2019 – FSharp.Core 4.7, Rider Code Vision and Open F# 2019
- How to do blue-green deployment for Step Functions
- Bolero 0.7 released
- F# Weekly #31, 2019 – F# Mentorship, Fable-Electron, PyTorch for .NET
- Why do we need message queues?
- Why do we need message queues?
- ESB and service mesh
- ESB and service mesh
- Choose your own adventure in F# 2
- Choose your own adventure in f# 2
- F# Weekly #30, 2019 – Fantomas 3.0, new Saturn, .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7 and new VS.
- Maven security issues scanning
- Maven security issues scanning
- Decompiling Java binaries
- Decompiling Java binaries
- F# Weekly #29, 2019 – .NET Core FSI in Rider, Ionide Vim & FsHttp
- F# Weekly #28, 2019 – Tickets for FableConf are on sale!
- F# Weekly #27, 2019 – Femto, |> in Babel and Fabulous by Don
- Results of Applied F# Challenge 2019
- Results of Applied F# Challenge 2019
- When is Go a nice language?
- When is Go a nice language?
- Bolero 0.5 released for Blazor 3.0-preview
- Lying to the compiler
- F# Weekly #21, 2019 – Ionide 4.0 & Fable Announcements
- How to log timed out Lambda invocations
- Docker and .net
- Docker and .net
- ICYMI: five updates you’ve missed about Serverless Step Functions
- A self-healing Kinesis function that adapts its throughput based on performance
- F# Weekly #20, 2019 – dotnet/fsharp & 2019 Board of Trustees Campaign
- Weekly update 26
- AWS SAM + Cloudformation macros, a patch made in heaven
- 2019 Board of Trustees Campaign
- 2019 Board of Trustees Campaign
- How to include Serverless Repository apps in serverless.yml
- CloudFormation protip: use !Sub instead of !Join
- F# Weekly #19, 2019 – Ionide Info Panel, Open F# CFP & .NET 5!
- F# Weekly #18, 2019 – ML.NET 1.0 & CFP for FableConf 2019 Antwerp
- Weekly update 25
- 2019 Board of Trustees Election
- 2019 Board of Trustees Election
- Introducing… CloudFormation extrinsic functions ;-)
- New course on AWS Step Functions!
- F# Weekly #17, 2019 – .NET for Apache Spark & Meta-Programming With Myriad And Falanx
- Weekly update 24
- F# Weekly #16, 2019 – Fable.React 5, Blazor preview and experimental Ionide
- Bolero 0.4 released with remote authentication
- automate your .NET versioning with GitVersioning
- Kubernetes and distractions
- Kubernetes and distractions
- use NuGet 5.0 for lock files
- F# Weekly #15, 2019 – Towards F# 5.0, Bolero 0.4 and first news from Southern Fried Fsharp
- Kubernetes on the cheap
- Kubernetes on the cheap
- When does it make sense to use Kubernetes?
- When does it make sense to use Kubernetes?
- Weekly update 23
- F# Weekly #14, 2019 – New world with F# 4.6, SAFE 1.0, Fable compiler 2.2, Fable.Core 3 and VS 2019!
- Comparing Nuclio and AWS Lambda
- Using a NuGet Lock File for Reproducible Builds
- F# Weekly #13, 2019 – Ionide — A New Hope & VS 2019 Launch Event
- Storing UTC is not a silver bullet
- Supercharging Object Detection in Video: from Glacial to Lightning Speed
- Supercharging Object Detection in Videos: Setup
- Supercharging Object Detection in Video: First App
- Supercharging Object Detection in Video: TensorRT 5
- Supercharging Object Detection in Video: Optimizing Decoding and Graph Feeding
- Just how expensive is the full AWS SDK?
- F# Weekly #12, 2019 – F# in Amazon Lambda, Mono tail calls optimizations & IL viewer in Rider
- Weekly update 22
- Making Terraform and Serverless framework work together
- Hosting ASP.NET Core behind https in Google Kubernetes Engine
- F# Weekly #11, 2019 –, Rider 2019.1 & new RFCs
- Detroit Tech Watch 1.0
- Save The Date
- Weekly update 21
- Understanding the scaling behaviour of DynamoDB OnDemand tables
- F# Weekly #10, 2019 – dotnet fsi preview, Azure Functions V2 and LambdAle
- DynamoDB TTL as an ad-hoc scheduling mechanism
- F# Weekly #9, 2019 – VS 2019 RC, F# JSON TP for Fable & SwaggerProvider for .NET Core
- Weekly update 20
- WebSharper 4.5.9 released with F# anonymous record support
- WebSharper 4.5.8 released with Visual Studio 2019 support
- F# Weekly #8, 2019 – F# Weekly for Android, Fable 2.2 & CSS Type Provider
- F# Weekly #7, 2019 – TensorFlow API for F# + Differentiable F# eDSL
- Bolero 0.3 released with HTML template hot reloading
- HoloLens Object Detection
- NullableAttribute and C# 8
- F# Weekly #6, 2019 – Submit to the Applied F# Challenge!
- What should a Software Engineering course look like?
- Weekly update 18
- Lambda optimization tip – enable HTTP keep-alive
- Applied F# Challenge
- Applied F# Challenge
- F# Weekly #5, 2019 – Announcing Open Collective for Ionide
- F# Weekly #4, 2019 – F# 4.6 Preview & SkyLight
- Weekly update 17
- On the Margins: Non-maximum Suppression with Tensorflow
- Subscribe SQS to a SNS topic in another AWS account with CloudFormation, and gotchas!
- Bolero 0.2 released with improved routing
- F# Weekly #3, 2019 – Category Theory for (dotnet) Programmers & Fabulous 0.3
- F# Weekly #2, 2019 – Open FSharp 2018 Videos
- You are thinking about serverless costs all wrong
- Weekly update 16
- Choose your own adventure in F#
- Choose your own adventure in F#
- F# Weekly #1, 2019 – #FsAdvent is closed, but new adventures are coming
- Welcome to 2019!
- Welcome to 2019!
- Year in Review, 2018
- F# Weekly #52, 2018 – Happy New 2019 Year!
- Moving to my own website
- F# Weekly #51, 2018 – Experienced Developers Choose F#
- Notes from Screaming in the Cloud with Joseph Ruscio
- Load test your API with Vegeta
- Announcing Try F# on WebAssembly
- F# Weekly #50, 2018 – Bolero: F# Tools for WebAssembly!
- Create React App with Mobx in Typescript
- Announcing Bolero: F# tools for WebAssembly
- From enterprise to next-generation web: celebrating 11 years with WebSharper
- F# Weekly #49, 2018 – F# Tooling Update and gifts from F# Advent bloggers
- Setup HTTPS with Nginx on Azure Ubuntu VM
- F# Weekly #48, 2018 – F# Advent starts tomorrow!
- Moving from chaining to piping in rxjs 6.x
- F# Weekly #47, 2018 – FSharp.Data.SqlClient v2 supports .NET Standard and last change to join #FsAdvent 2018
- Entity Framework Core Performance Optimization
- F# Weekly #46, 2018 – One year of SAFE and pre-order of “Stylish F#”
- Create a Navigation loading bar for Angular with PrimeNG
- Weekly update 15
- Write your own Excel in 100 lines of F#
- F# Weekly #45, 2018 – Anonymous records became part of F#
- Monitor Upstream Response Time with Nginx and CloudWatch
- Serilog with AWS Cloudwatch on Ubuntu
- F# Weekly #44, 2018 – Fable Community Heroes and #FableConf / @RemmidemmiConf videos
- Weekly update 14
- WebSharper 4.5.5 released
- Anniversary edition of F# Weekly #43, 2018 – Six years together!
- Basic Authentication with Nginx
- Come meet us at CodeMotion Berlin in November and get 20% off tickets
- Is there a value in having diversity when it comes to solutions?
- Is there a value in having diversity when it comes to solutions?
- WebSharper 4.5.4 released
- Weekly update 13
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2018
- F# Weekly #42, 2018 – Zander, Fantomas and Extending F#
- Gitlab CI/CD with pipeline, artifacts and environments
- F# Weekly #41, 2018 – ML.NET 0.6 and open source of Infer.NET
- Setup a Jenkins Pipeline for local development environment in Docker container
- Programming as interaction: A new perspective for programming language research
- F# Weekly #40, 2018 – Stylish F#, Infer.NET, Fable 2, Blazor 0.6, .NET Core 3.0, VS 2019
- Weekly update 12
- Docker compose an ASP NET Core application with SQL Server
- We can do better than percentile latencies
- Production-Ready Serverless is coming to a workshop near you!
- F# Weekly #39, 2018 – The Early History of the F# Language
- Deploy ASP NET Core application on Docker Linux container
- F# Weekly #37-38, 2018 – VS 15.8.5, Giraffe 3.0 and .NET Conf 2018
- Setup Continuous Integration and Deployment for dotnet library with Appveyor and FAKE
- Farewell, Daisy Shipton
- Versioning for open source library
- WebSharper 4.5.2 released with new AspNetCore API
- Anecdotal Evidence
- Why I prefer React over Angular
- Why I prefer React over Angular
- F# 2 years later
- f# 2 years later
- F# Weekly #36, 2018 – Fabulous & Voting for 2018 Community for F# Heroes
- Implement timeout and retry policies for HttpClient in ASP NET Core with Polly
- What about Identity Server?
- What about Identity Server?
- Working on dotnet core on Mac OS X part 2
- Working on dotnet core on Mac OS X part 2
- F# Weekly #35, 2018 – .NET Standard 2.1 & New Fable 2.0 Beta
- Continuously deploy infrastructure with GitLab Pipeline
- Meine Erfahrung mit Cannabis und Depressionen
- WebSharper.React: new and improved!
- F# Weekly #34, 2018 – Ionide reached 1.000.000 of downloads!
- Inspect proxied requests from Nginx to Kestrel with Mitmproxy
- Poestmortem
- SDK-Style project and project.assets.json
- Naive agent-based backends
- ApiController attribute in ASP NET Core 2.1
- WebSharper 4.5 released
- Update NPM packages for frontend projects with npm-check-updates
- WebSharper 4.4.1 released
- SignalR Core with Angular
- Manage configurations with ASP NET Core on Ubuntu
- Nginx 502 bad gateway after SSL setup
- F# Weekly #29, 2018 – Magic of Saturn, Code Prediction with NN and Happy Birthday to @sforkmann and @TRikace !
- HTTPS with SSL for Nginx, Kestrel and Angular
- HttpClientFactory in ASP NET Core 2.1
- F# Weekly #28, 2018 – Racing the Zebra & Fable Community Heroes
- A complete SignalR with ASP Net Core example with WSS, Authentication, Nginx
- WebSharper 4.4 released with Web Workers and Promises
- Verify dotnet SDK and runtime version installed
- F# Weekly #27, 2018 – Concurrency in .NET pBook is out!
- Remove redirection of localhost to HTTPS
- Self Signed Certificate for Identity Server 4 and SSL in Ubuntu 16.04 server
- F# Weekly #26, 2018 – Guide to F# async and common hazards
- Multi environment logging with Serilog for AspNet Core
- Newtonsoft.Json enabling Source Link
- WebSharper 4.3 released with pure .NET Core support
- F# Weekly #25, 2018 – Giraffe is faster than aspcore-mvc
- Setup a CI/CD pipeline with Gitlab for ASPNET Core on Ubuntu
- Grow-Only Set In C#
- Some Advice To The Young Lions
- Simple DSL for Logging in F#
- F# Weekly #24, 2018 – Fable Conf 2018, 26-27 October, Berlin!
- What Makes A Senior Developer
- Create JavaScript libraries from your C# or F# code
- Bundle Bootstrap using Webpack
- Weekly update 04
- F# Weekly #23, 2018 – FAKE 5, FSharp.Core 4.5 & ML.NET 0.2
- Custom Minio Grain Storage for Microsoft Orleans
- Highlights of Monitorama PDX day 1
- Video and slides for my talk “applying principles of chaos engineering to Serverless”
- F# Weekly #22, 2018 – Released .NET Core 2.1 & F# Friday
- Video and slides for my talk “applying best parts of Microservices to Serverless”
- ASP NET Core with Nginx
- Weekly update 03
- F# Weekly #21, 2018 – .NET Core 2.1 & F# Relaxation achieved, 200%
- Manage Kestrel process with systemd
- Would aliens understand lambda calculus?
- F# Weekly #20, 2018 – F# style guide
- Useful bash and friends commands
- auto-create CloudWatch Alarms for APIs with Lambda
- F# Weekly #19, 2018 – F# Community Forums, Type Providers for .NET Standard and other news from Build2018
- ASP NET Core Client-side libraries management with VS 2017 Library Manager
- Announcing the F# Community Forums
- Announcing the F# Community Forums
- 2018 Board of Trustees Campaign
- 2018 Board of Trustees Campaign
- F# Weekly #18, 2018 – F# Tooling Support for AWS Lambda
- Async pipe versus Subscribe in Angular
- WebSharper 4.2.10 and UI 4.2.6 released
- Weekly update 02
- F# Weekly #17, 2018 – FableConf in Berlin October 26-27th
- You need to sample debug logs in production
- 2018 Board of Trustees Elections
- 2018 Board of Trustees Elections
- Healthchecks in ASP NET Core
- Diversity opportunity: "Rapid Web Development with F# and the SAFE Stack" workshop
- Diversity opportunity: "Rapid Web Development with F# and the SAFE Stack" workshop
- F# Weekly #16, 2018 – VS 15.7 preview 4, .NET Core 2.1 and Rider 2018.1
- First steps with nullable reference types
- Sementic versioning for dotnet application
- A ‘Functional’ Library for Deep Learning
- A ‘Functional’ Library for Deep Learning
- A ‘Functional’ Library for Deep Learning
- A ‘Functional’ Library for Deep Learning
- WebSharper 4.2.9 released
- F# Weekly #15, 2018 – Virtual fsharpConf 2018, April 16
- Diversity opportunity: "Capturing Domain Logic in F#" workshop
- Diversity opportunity: "Capturing Domain Logic in F#" workshop
- Backward compatibility and overloading
- Microsoft Project Orleans ClientBuilder and SiloBuilder
- F# Weekly #14, 2018 – Microsoft uses SAFE as a form of validation for .Net core
- Serverless observability, what can you use out of the box?
- Part 2. Model-View-Update (MVU) style apps with WebSharper UI
- how to do fan-out and fan-in with AWS Lambda
- My top picks from JeffConf Hamburg 2018
- Hashicorp Vault behind IIS
- Weekly update 01
- What is the best event source for doing pub-sub with AWS Lambda?
- F# Weekly #13, 2018 – new Rider, Neptune, and Foom on .NET Core + OSX
- Manage secrets with Hashicorp Vault
- WebSharper.UI 4.2.4 released
- First steps: Using HTML templates, accessing form values, and wiring events
- WebSharper 4.2.8 released with in-document template binding
- F# Weekly #12, 2018 – F# eXchange in London (5-6 April 2018)
- Let’s Encrypt for ASP.NET Core application on IIS
- WebSharper 4 for ASP.NET MVC: new and improved
- Stack Overflow Culture
- F# Weekly #11, 2018 – What Languages Are Associated with the Highest Salaries Worldwide?
- Estimating cloud infrastructure cost
- What makes for happy c#?
- What makes for happy C#?
- Creating and Printing a TypeScript AST from Rust 0.2
- F# Weekly #10, 2018 – fsharpConf 2018 & tons of F# improvements in VS 15.6
- WebSharper 4.2.4 released
- Remote PowerShell to Windows VM with WinRM
- Diversity opportunity: "Practical Machine Learning with Functional Programming" workshop
- Diversity opportunity: "Practical Machine Learning with Functional Programming" workshop
- F# Weekly #9, 2018 – Do not miss new F# Books
- Implementing IXmlSerializable in readonly structs
- Install dotnet on Ubuntu with the Linux subsystem on Windows 10
- Clear and simple reactive code with WebSharper.UI's V
- WebSharper 4.2 released
- F# Weekly #8, 2018 – Paket-Github TLS disaster
- Logging in ASP NET Core with Serilog
- Rounding is a bitch – Twitter polls, percentages, and VAT
- Deploying a .NET Core WebSharper site in AWS Lambda
- WebSharper 4.1.7 and 4.2.2-beta released
- F# Weekly #7, 2018 – Announced Open FSharp 2018
- Working on dotnet core on Mac OS X
- Working on dotnet core on Mac OS X
- OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect and Identity Server
- WebSharper 4.2-beta released with .NET Core/Standard support
- F# Weekly #6, 2018 – Announced Giraffe 1.0 & FsConfig
- SSL with Let’s Encrypt
- WebSharper 4.1.6 released
- WebSharper 4.1.2 released
- F# Weekly #5, 2018 – Saturn framework (new functional MVC for .NET Core)
- Params inheritance strategy with Angular Router
- F# Weekly #4, 2018 – FSharp.Core with netstandard2.0 support
- Start processes from C# in DotNet Core
- F# Weekly #3, 2018 – F# Compiler Office Hours
- Dotnet core a year later
- Dotnet core a year later
- DotNet Framework, Standard, Core and ASP Net Core
- Diversity opportunity: F# eXchange 2018
- Diversity opportunity: F# eXchange 2018
- WebSharper 4.1.3 released
- F# Weekly #2, 2018 – Don Syme will help Xamarin team to make F# better for mobile and cloud users
- The Steps Toward Leadership
- A simple OAuth application
- Password-less authentication with WebSharper.OAuth
- WebSharper 4.1.1 released
- SourceLink joined the .NET Foundation
- F# Weekly #1, 2018 – F# Applied II
- Setup environments for your AspNetCore backend and Angular frontend
- Another New Year for the F# Software Foundation
- Another New Year for the F# Software Foundation
- F# Weekly #52 – Happy New 2018 Year!
- Serving SPAs
- Publish Angular application with Angular CLI and AspDotNet Core
- WebSharper 4.1 released
- F# Weekly #52 – Merry Christmas!
- Save array of string EntityFramework Core
- Diversity opportunity: "Building Solid Systems in F#" workshop
- Diversity opportunity: "Building Solid Systems in F#" workshop
- F# Weekly #51 – FSSF is now over 2000 members!
- Microsoft Orleans logs warnings and errors
- F# Weekly #50 – Ionide docs, VS 2017 15.6 and dependent types for F#
- How to setup Continuous Integration/Deployment with GitLab for ASP NET Core application
- F#unctional Londoners Meetup activity
- F# Weekly #49 – F# Advent Calendar in English 2017 starts soon!
- Prime NG data table for Angular
- dotnet new vscode
- NuGet package statistics
- F# Weekly #48 – Domain Modeling Made Functional
- Yargs Node.js console apps in F#
- Validation in ASP NET Core and Angular
- How to create an http2 app in F#
- F# Weekly #45-#47 – VS support for .NET Core, new RFCs, F# plugin for Rider, LambdUp and more
- ts2fable 0.3.0 generating comments
- Implement PATCH on ASP NET Core with JSON Patch
- Applying principles of chaos engineering to AWS Lambda with latency injection
- REST - Representational State Transfer
- ts2fable 0.2.0 written in F#
- Swagger for ASP NET Core API development
- Halloween
- How can we apply the principles of chaos engineering to AWS Lambda?
- F# Software Foundation News - Q3 2017 Edition
- F# Software Foundation News - Q3 2017 Edition
- F# Weekly #44 – F# Advent Calendar in English 2017
- Silo configuration and Cluster management in Microsoft Orleans
- Anniversary edition of F# Weekly #43, 2017 – Five years together!
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2017
- Microsoft Orleans Grains Concurrency Handling
- local Haddock and Hoogle with Stack
- Creating and Printing a TypeScript AST from Fable
- F# Humor (kinda)
- F# Weekly #42 – Visual F# Team is hiring
- Create a simple Microsoft Orleans application
- Creating and Printing a TypeScript AST from Rust
- Diagnosing a Linux-only unit test failure
- F# Weekly #41 – ARKit and F#
- A first look at Microsoft Orleans
- F# Weekly #40 – Welcome Community for F# Heroes 2017!
- Implement a breadcrumb in Angular part 2
- Mind the 75GB limit on AWS Lambda deployment packages
- F# Weekly #38 – be on the SAFE stack today!
- You should use SSM Parameter Store over Lambda env variables
- Model-driven form with Angular FormBuilder
- Using Protocol Buffers with API Gateway and AWS Lambda
- F# Weekly #38 – Ionide 3.0 & FHash
- Implicit flow with Identity Server and ASP NET Core
- The design side of programming language design
- Non-nullability in C# 8.0 and F#
- F# Weekly #37 – Is F# dead?
- Manage assets and static files with Angular CLI
- Announcing WebSharper 4 Release Candidate
- Capture and forward correlation IDs through different Lambda event sources
- F# Weekly #36, 2017 – Voting for 2017 Community for F# Heroes is open!
- Tips and tricks for logging and monitoring AWS Lambda functions
- Create type extensions in Typescript
- Hello from org-mode
- Centralised logging for AWS Lambda
- Diagnosing a VS-only build problem
- Tooling Not Craft
- WebSharper 4 beta-10 released
- F# Weekly #35, 2017 – Today and every weekend!
- Implement a breadcrumb in Angular with PrimeNg
- Write recursive AWS Lambda functions the right way
- Diagnosing a corner-case tooling bug
- Diagnosing a single slow test
- F# Weekly #34, 2017 – Choose your 2017 F# Heroes !
- Difference between CanActivate and CanActivateChild in Angular Router
- Distributing Rust GTK+ Apps
- Diagnosing slow tests (again)
- Diagnostics everywhere!
- Using .NET Core 2.0 SDK on Travis
- Many-faced threats to Serverless security
- F# Weekly #33, 2017 – Hello WebAssembly
- Upcoming speaking engagements
- Inline form Angular and PrimeNg
- Some Updates On “LDAP Authentication With Phoenix”
- F# Weekly #32, 2017 – Rider 2017.1 RTM
- The problems with DynamoDB Auto Scaling and how it might be improved
- Easily ensure that data are loaded with Ngrx store and router guards in Angular
- Running and debugging AWS Lambda functions locally with the Serverless framework and VS Code
- Some words on #nugate
- I’m running a live course on designing serverless architecture with AWS Lambda
- F# Weekly #31, 2017 – All new Microsoft. Loves Open Source.
- Tree structure in Angular with PrimeNg
- Slides for my serverless security talk
- WebSharper 4 beta-9 released
- Improve your blogging experience in WebSharper
- F# Weekly #30, 2017 – Happy 2nd anniversary @jet
- Scripting Video Editing with F# and FFmpeg
- A better dotnet CLI experience with ConEmu
- Professional Layouts In A Few Steps With WebSharper
- Start your graph theory website with WebSharper
- Yes! I really like WebSharper’s TypeProvider.
- Render your data in graphs with WebSharper
- Applying the Saga pattern with AWS Lambda and Step Functions
- F# Weekly #29, 2017 – The @openfsharp conf is in Sept
- Configurations in ASP NET Core
- Announcing the F# Community Diversity Program
- Announcing the F# Community Diversity Program
- From JavaScript to Functional Web Development (part 2)
- Intro your website in WebSharper
- F# Weekly #28, 2017 – Fable Conf 2017
- Managing global state with Ngrx store in Angular
- Using Swiper in WebSharper
- From JavaScript to Functional Web Development (part 1)
- Displaying mathematics equations in WebSharper
- Higher level mathematics in WebSharper
- Yubl’s road to Serverless – Part 5 – building better recommendations with Lambda, BigQuery and GrapheneDB
- F# Weekly #27, 2017 – Save the date for .NET Conf
- Bootstrap your Angular project with Angular CLI
- AWS X-Ray and Lambda : the good, the bad and the ugly
- Imposter Syndrome (part 2)
- F# Weekly #26, 2017 – What is Next?
- How to use the Angular Router
- Finding coldstarts : how long does AWS Lambda keep your idle functions around?
- Tabs, spaces and your salary - how is it really?
- F# Weekly #25, 2017 – Paket 5 and new Rider EAP
- Imposter syndrome (part 1)
- Reactive form with Angular
- Getting started with The Gamma just got easier
- AWS Lambda – compare coldstart time with different languages, memory and code sizes
- F# Weekly #24, 2017 – Suave learning discount inside
- How to declare a component in angular
- WebSharper 4 beta-7 released
- Win Tickets To Detroit.Code
- F# Weekly #23 – FAKE 5 is coming
- New Chocolatey NuGet BEAM Packages
- How does NgModule work in Angular
- Reproducing the D3 zoomable map example with F# and WebSharper
- F# Weekly #22, 2017 with 2017 F# survey results
- Saving data with Entity Framework Core with SQLite
- D3 Off-Label
- Beware of dilution of DynamoDB throughput due to excessive scaling
- F# Weekly #21, 2017 – Welcome new FSSF board!
- Razor syntax and helpers
- Part 2- Creating a reactive Single-Page App in F# with WebSharper UI.Next and Bootstrap
- 2017 Board Election Update and Annual Meeting of the Members
- 2017 Board Election Update and Annual Meeting of the Members
- Creating a reactive Single-Page App in F# with WebSharper UI.Next and Bootstrap – Part 1
- F# Weekly #20, 2017 – Join FableConf in Bordeaux!
- Attribute route in ASP NET Core
- Serverless 1.X – enable API Gateway caching on request parameters
- F# Weekly #19, 2017 – Join Open F# !
- Opinions and decisions, how to be a successful team mate
- Overview of Websharper's templating engine: data-holes
- Yubl’s road to Serverless architecture – Part 4 – building a scalable push notification system
- When the Scala compiler doesn't help
- F# Weekly #17-18, 2017 – JetBrains Rider adds F# support
- Code And Coffee
- Make your pizzas taste better thanks to the F# Forward Pipe operator!
- Filters in ASP NET Core - what are they and how to use them
- Surprise! Creating an instance of an open generic type
- Auto-scaling Kinesis streams with AWS Lambda
- All about java.util.Date
- Different types of authorization in ASP.NET Core
- AWS Lambda —3 pro tips for working with Kinesis streams
- F# Weekly #16, 2017 – Happy F# Day!
- ResourceOwnerPassword with Identity Server 4 and ASP.NET core
- Papers we Scrutinize: How to critically read papers
- HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
- WebSharper 4 beta-6 bugfix released
- Contributing to Visual F# in 2017
- F# Weekly #15, 2017
- Cost of living in London
- 2017 Board of Trustees Elections
- 2017 Board of Trustees Elections
- AWS Lambda – build yourself a URL shortener in 2 hours
- F# Weekly #14, 2017
- Slides for my AWS user group talk – AWS Lambda from the trenches
- Create a responsive navbar with flexbox and boostrap v4
- AWS Lambda – comparing platform performances
- F# Weekly #13, 2017
- WebSharper 4 beta-6 released
- Setup vscode to work with sass effortlessly
- Yubl’s road to Serverless architecture – Part 3 – ops
- F# Weekly #12, 2017
- Understanding Fold
- How to make a sticky navbar using Bootstrap
- Variable Arguments in F#
- F# Weekly #11, 2017
- Detecting Faces with Dlib from F#. IFSharp Notebook
- An update
- More Gimp tips!
- The mythology of programming language ideas
- Enable source link support & Announcing SourceLink 2.0
- F# Weekly #10, 2017
- Deep Learning for Sensor Fusion and Sequence Classification
- Deep Learning for Sensor Fusion and Sequence Classification
- Deep Learning for Sensor Fusion and Sequence Classification
- Deep Learning for Sensor Fusion and Sequence Classification
- Towards open and transparent data-driven storytelling: Notes from my Alan Turing Institute talk
- Create a simple form engine with WebSharper.UI.Next in F#
- Mutability vs. Immutability: Valid objects
- F# Weekly #9, 2017
- Post form data to WebSharper sitelet from HTML/JS
- F# Weekly #8, 2017
- Use Local storage with ListModel with WebSharper.UI.Next in F#
- HashSet, Graph, Cognac
- F# Weekly #7, 2017
- Fix ‘The method or operation is not implemented Visual Studio’ when referencing project in F# solution
- F# Weekly #6, 2017
- How to avoid input lost focus with ListModel WebSharper F#
- Yubl’s road to Serverless architecture – Part 2 – Testing and CI/CD
- F# Weekly #5, 2017
- Running dotnet core 1.1 on appveyor and travis
- Running dotnet core 1.1 on appveyor and travis
- The Gamma dataviz package now available!
- Authentication for WebSharper sitelet with JWT token in F#
- From F# to Scala – apply & unapply functions
- F# Weekly #4, 2017
- Create a Splash screen on Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Forms project
- Detroit Day Of Functional
- Star Wars : Rogue One, Type Provider edition
- From F# to Scala – case class/object (ADTs)
- F# Weekly #3, 2017
- Use FontAwesome on your Xamarin.iOS app with Xamarin.Forms
- Programming in Racket #1
- From F# to Scala – traits
- Elmish now supports RemoteDev time-travelling debugger
- Authoring Fable bindings: inheritance and variance in action.
- From F# to Scala – type inference
- F# Weekly #2, 2017
- Get started with SQLite in from Xamarin.Forms
- Getting Emotional with Affectiva, F#, and Emgu
- Welcome to 2017! A retrospective of the past year
- Welcome to 2017! A retrospective of the past year
- F# Weekly #1, 2017 – New Year Edition
- Simple reactive scenarios with WebSharper
- Use Font Awesome from Xamarin.Android for your Xamarin.Forms project
- Zooming Through Euler Path: Supercharging with GPU
- F# Weekly #52, 2016
- Advent of Code F# – Day 24
- Advent of Code F# – Day 23
- Advent of Code F# – Day 22
- Output logs in Console, File and Live stream for your WebSharper sitelet
- Advent with a Star
- Advent of Code F# – Day 21
- How I Blew That Interview
- Advent of Code F# – Day 20
- F# Weekly #51, 2016
- F# SQLProvider and SQLite now work better together
- Fetch from Browsers with System.js
- GIMP Alpha Channel, what is it?
- Fetch API via TypeScript Async
- TypeScript Testing of jQuery Ajax from Node.js
- F# Weekly #50, 2016
- Diversity and speaking engagements
- Transform an operation from a Xamarin.Android activity to an awaitable task
- The road to WebSharper 4
- Distributed web applications in F# with WebSharper
- Advent of Code F# – Day 6
- Advent of Code F# – Day 5
- Advent of Code F# – Day 4
- Advent of Code F# – Day 3
- Advent of Code F# – Day 2
- X-Platform development with Xamarin.Forms & F#
- F# Weekly #49, 2016
- Context matters
- Google Logging from log4net
- Pass Google Application Default Credentials to Docker
- F# Weekly #48, 2016
- Differences between Internal and External Folders in Xamarin.Android
- Why I created Baskee?
- Left Side vs. Right Side Agile
- Slides and videos for my Oredev talks on Neo4j and APL
- F# Weekly #47, 2016
- Yubl – a sad end to a wonderful journey
- Fix adb server is out of date killing... Android
- Slides and video from my webinar on localization and design pattern automation
- How to use the Snackbar API in Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Forms
- Fix INSTALL_FAILED error - adb server version doesn't match in Xamarin.Android
- F# Weekly #46, 2016
- Upcoming webinar on Localization and Design Pattern Automation
- Walking the Euler Path: PIN Cracking and DNA Sequencing
- How to fix Xamarin Android app instantly closing with error after deployment
- Slides and recording of my Lambda talk at LeetSpeak 2016
- F# Weekly #45, 2016
- Build your own Line chart for Xamarin.Forms (Part 2)
- F# Weekly #44, 2016
- Build your own Line chart for Xamarin.Forms
- ニコチン依存と効果的な禁煙の手段
- Anniversary edition of F# Weekly #43, 2016 – Four years of news
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2016
- F# SQLProvider+SQLite on the Raspberry Pi
- What does DP, DPI, PPI and PX represent in Android?
- F# Weekly #42, 2016
- The usefulness of generalized regular expressions
- The usefulness of generalized regular expressions
- How to make a splash screen with Xamarin.Android
- Thinking the unthinkable: What we cannot think in programming
- F# Weekly #41, 2016
- Build an Accordion view in Xamarin.Forms
- Common csproj issues that can be detected automatically
- F# Weekly #40, 2016
- Gimp's primary features
- One Week with the BeeRaider Keyboard
- Can programming be liberated from function abstraction?
- Walking the Euler Path: GPU for the Road
- F# Weekly #39, 2016
- Function Application and Composition
- 世界禁煙デーの認知により施設内では禁煙が当たり前に
- Absolute layout and relative layout Xamarin forms
- Visualizing Graphs
- F# Weekly #38, 2016
- Fix signing identity error after update of Xamarin Studio
- Accessing Kubernetes API on Google Container Engine
- Walking the Euler Path: Intro
- Publish your Android app to Google Play Store
- Structured SVM Framework
- 1Poshword - PowerShell client for 1Password
- 1Poshword - PowerShell client for 1Password
- F# Weekly #37, 2016
- Untrack a file previously pushed with Git
- Cross-platform UIs with F# and Fable
- F# Weekly #36, 2016
- AWS Lambda – use recursive function to process SQS messages (Part 2)
- Bring internationalization (i18n) to your WebSharper webapps in FSharp
- F# Weekly #35, 2016
- TypeShape: Practical Generic Programming in F#
- Wire – Writing one of the fastest .NET serializers
- I’m on Functional Geekery!
- Get your domain name and setup SSL with CloudFlare
- Don Syme 2.0 : Cow Herding Edition Type Provider
- Semagle F# Framework
- Semagle F# Framework
- Takeaways from “Simplifying the Future” by Adrian Cockcroft
- F# Weekly #34, 2016
- OOP in FSharp - How to define and implement classes, abstract classes and interfaces
- Should you work with old technologies?
- Should you work with old technologies?
- F# Weekly #33, 2016
- Fable |> React – Running a F# Sudoku solver everywhere
- Load balancing: Rancher vs Swarm
- 子どもの健康を守るためにも禁煙・胃がんのリスク
- Fable |> AsyncStorage – Data access with F# on React Native
- Fable |> Fetch – HTTP calls in JavaScript apps with F#
- Understand Xamarin Forms Data bindings with F#
- F# Weekly #32, 2016
- Better TeX math typesetting in Hugo
- Fable |> React Native – Native apps with F#
- Create HTML componants for your WebSharper webapp with UI.Next template
- Curious behavior when de-duplicating a collection in PowerShell
- AWS Lambda – janitor-lambda function to clean up old deployment packages
- Optimization of F# implementation of SVM
- Optimization of F# implementation of SVM
- F# Weekly #31, 2016
- Slides for my AWS Lambda talk tonight
- Approximate your spending pattern using Gradient descent in FSharp
- F# Weekly #30, 2016
- Slides and Video of programming languages talk at TheLeadDev
- Distinguished Paper Award at PLDI 2016
- Git for Windows accidentally creates NTFS alternate data streams
- How to setup a nice output folder for WebSharper projects
- We’ve Moved the Blog!
- Slides and Video of Elm talk at Polyconf
- F# Weekly #29, 2016
- 2か月の禁煙で息が爽やかになる等のメリット
- Manage mutable state using actors with F# Mailbox processor
- F# Type Providers Development Tips (not Tricks)
- F# Weekly #28, 2016
- Better F# data science with FsLab and Ionide
- Better F# data science with FsLab and Ionide
- From idea to product with WebSharper in FSharp
- What does technical debt mean for a project?
- What does technical debt mean for a project?
- F# Weekly #27, 2016 – EAP
- Manipulating data frame with Deedle in FSharp - Part 2
- Three is a crowd – Actor based
- All the FP talks at NDC Oslo
- F# Weekly #26, 2016
- Thoughts on privilege (moved!)
- Keep your UI framework up to date for your WebSharper SPA with Paket GitHub dependencies
- F# Weekly #25, 2016
- All the FP talks at NDC London
- FsIntegrator – Creating a DSL in FSharp
- Three ways to manage your resources for WebSharper SPA
- Moving to a static site generator
- F# Weekly #24, 2016
- GPU Split & Sort With Alea.CUDA
- Running computational intensive code outside of Hopac scheduler
- Tracking down a performance hit
- Slides from NDC Oslo talks
- Nice features and tricks with SQLite
- F# Weekly #23, 2016
- Common enterprise architectures
- Common enterprise architectures
- Transform your WebSharper web app into a Android mobile app with Xamarin.Forms WebView
- Upcoming F# events - learn Suave, FsLab & more!
- Upcoming F# events - learn Suave, FsLab & more!
- 2016 Annual Meeting of the Members
- 2016 Annual Meeting of the Members
- タバコ代のランニングコストは高い、禁煙が得策
- F# Weekly #22, 2016
- Merging in svn
- Merging in svn
- Catamorphisms
- Upcoming F# struct tuples: are they always faster?
- Philosophical questions about programming
- Monoids
- Understand the difference between Direct and Inline attributes in WebSharper
- AWS Lambda – constant timeout when using bluebird Promise
- F# Weekly #21, 2016
- Hash maps: Rust, F#, D, Go, Scala
- Introduction to Functional Programming
- Setup your environment to build an Android app with Xamarin.Forms in F#
- F# Weekly #20, 2016
- Deploy your WebSharper webapp on Azure easily
- 2016 Board of Trustees Campaign
- 2016 Board of Trustees Campaign
- Protoshell and Thriftshell update
- RustyCode Running on Docker in Azure & Displaying Locally
- The Option Module
- F# Weekly #19, 2016
- Extract text from images in F# - OCR’ing receipts!
- CPS fold -- fold with early exit
- Google Cloud Vision API from .NET\F# (OAuth2 with ServiceAccount.json)
- Akka.NET Streams vs Hopac vs AsyncSeq
- Visual Studio Code served from Docker
- F# Weekly #17-18, 2016
- 施設基準に達してる病院の禁煙治療で肺がんのリスク減
- 2016 Board of Trustees Elections
- 2016 Board of Trustees Elections
- A primer on manipulating data frame with Deedle in F#
- Algebraic Data-Types
- “Make failure great again” – a small journey into the F# compiler
- AWS Lambda – use recursive function to process SQS messages (Part 1)
- Javascript – string replace all without Regex
- Get started with F# on Mac with VSCode and Ionide
- Serverless – enable caching on query string parameters in API Gateway
- Dealing with stress and anxiety in the Software industry
- F# Weekly #16, 2016
- Continuations and foldBack
- Proxies in WebSharper, how, when, where!
- 30 Years of Scrum
- 30 Years of Scrum
- Sequence and Traverse
- Ticket for Craft Conf for sale at Early Bird price
- An easy way to try FsShelter
- Bigger news for .net
- Exercises in Programming Style–Map Reduce
- Applicative: Lists
- Going deeper into angular
- Going deeper into angular
- Coeffects playground: Interactive essay based on my PhD thesis
- Coeffects playground: Interactive essay based on my PhD thesis
- Recording and Slides for “7 Ineffective Coding Habits Many F# Programmers Don’t Have”
- Optionals
- F# Weekly #15, 2016
- A faster and slicker Try WebSharper
- Launch of the F# Speakers Program
- Launch of the F# Speakers Program
- Sort, drag and drop in UI Next with Sortable
- Exercises in Programming Style–Dataspaces
- From mutable loops to immutable folds
- FsShelter: a Storm shell for F#
- F# Weekly #14, 2016
- Understanding bind
- Silverlight Resurrection
- Introducing Paket’s caching feature – or how I fixed our broken builds
- Understanding apply
- Var, View, Lens, ListModel in UI.Next
- Exercises in Programming Style–Actors
- Versioning conundrum for Noda Time – help requested
- F# Weekly #13, 2016
- Understanding map
- Ultimate Man Cave: voice automation for my shed
- Exceptions are Evil
- Exercises in Programming Style–Lazy Rivers
- Higher-kinded Polymorphism: What is it, why you want it
- How WebSharper.Warp works behind the scene
- Capture Video in 2 Lines of Code
- Property based testing in the real world – or how I made my package manager suck less
- Exercises in Programming Style–Spreadsheet
- F# Weekly #12, 2016
- null is Evil
- GNU Octave via Docker & X11
- Prototyping web app made easy with WebSharper Warp
- 禁煙とアルコール依存の脱却促進に精神ケアと啓発本
- happy PI-day
- Understanding Immutability and Pure Functions (for OOP)
- F# Weekly #11, 2016
- Premature Generalization
- Introduction to F#
- Create forms with Websharper.Forms
- F#ools’ Day Party – April 1, 2016
- Applying Structured Programming
- Structured Programming
- Building Emulators in FSharp
- F# Weekly #10, 2016
- Recording and Slides for F# DSLs talk at F# |> Bristol
- Create an animated menu with WebSharper.UI.Next
- Exercises in Programming Style–Quarantine
- Exercises in Programming Style–Declared Intentions
- F# Weekly #9, 2016
- Chocolatey NuGet Package For Elixir v1.2.3
- F# Weekly #7-#8, 2016
- Implementation Hiding in F#
- Quick Elixir Debugging Tip
- Improving developer feedback loop in WebSharper.UI.Next with FAKE
- 禁煙と食事について
- Exercises in Programming Style–Aspects
- Benchmarking IEnumerables in F# - Seq.timed
- Exercises in Programming Style–Reflective
- Benchmarking IEnumerables in F# - Seq.timed
- F# Weekly #6, 2016
- Method chaining for Bootstrap components with WebSharper in F#
- Exercises in Programming Style–Introspective
- 禁煙して一番変わること
- JNI object lifetimes - quick reference
- Upcoming user group talks in UK
- Project Euler — Problem 83 Solution
- JNI object lifetimes - quick reference
- F# Weekly #5, 2016
- External JS library with WebSharper in F#
- Project Euler — Problem 82 Solution
- Building a random arts bot in F#
- Star Wars social networks: The Force Awakens
- F# Weekly #4, 2016
- Clean your work area!
- Clean your work area!
- Quick setup with Paket and .fsx scripts
- F# Weekly #2-#3, 2016
- Divide and conquer
- Divide and conquer
- MS Bond and Chiron benchmarked
- Project Euler — Problem 75 Solution
- WebSharper 3.6.7 released
- Binary and Json benchmarks updated
- Slides for my CodeMash talk
- Quick Elixir Tip
- Exercises in Programming Style–Abstract Things
- To base() or not to base(), that is the question
- Exercises in Programming Style–Closed Maps
- Look-and-say: [Alea.]CUDA
- One way to structure Web App built in F# and WebSharper
- F# Weekly #1, 2016 – New Year Edition
- Welcome to 2016 - A Call to Action
- Welcome to 2016 - A Call to Action
- Procedural Invaders
- Happy New Year 2016 around the World: Behind the scenes of my #FsAdvent project
- Happy New Year 2016 around the World
- 2015 in review
- 2015 in review
- Year in Review, 2015
- A safer way to use F# with SQL CLR
- A safer way to use F# with SQL CLR
- Look-and-say: F#
- F# Weekly #52, 2015
- WebSharper - a year in review
- Advent of Code F# – Day 25
- Advent of Code F# – Day 24
- Advent of Code F# – Day 23
- Advent of Code F# – Day 22
- Designing for Problems Too Big to Test
- F# advent 2015 – some fun with lambda calculus
- Advent of Code F# – Day 21
- Hacking together @wbfacts, a World Bank Twitter Bot
- Making Exrm Work On Windows
- Press Release: F# Software Foundation Granted 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Status
- Press Release: F# Software Foundation Granted 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Status
- FsAdvent: Automatic re-build and background tasks for websites
- F# Weekly #51, 2015
- WebSharper 3.6.6 released
- The Star Wars social network
- Moving an Umbraco SQL DB to Azure
- F# Weekly #50, 2015
- Inheritance in JavaScript
- Inheritance in javascript
- Providing Value with Trivial Abstraction in F#
- Philosophy of science books every computer scientist should read
- Philosophy of science books every computer scientist should read
- MSDNify Types
- Disinherited Types
- Application contracts with Swagger powered APIs for .NET or Why SwaggerProvider
- F# Weekly #49, 2015
- Calendar Types
- Everything you always wanted to know about using ggplot2 from F# (but were afraid to ask)
- How to restore Visual Studio 2015 after the Update 1 (dependency dance)
- F# advent calendar: Using Async.Choice in Paket
- F# Weekly #48, 2015
- SVM Classification in F#
- SVM Classification in F#
- WebSharper 3.6 released with CDN support
- F# Weekly #47, 2015
- F# tackles James Bond
- F# + ML |> MVP Summit Talks
- F# + ML |> MVP Summit: Talk recordings, slides and source code
- Simple Web API OWIN host using F#
- F# Weekly #46, 2015
- Random Numbers in F#
- Random Numbers in F#
- WebSharper 3.5.16 released
- F# Presentations at CodeMash 2016
- Wonderland Katas, F# style
- F# Weekly #45, 2015
- Summary statistics in F#
- Summary statistics in F#
- Data-aware workbooks and client-side data access with WebSharper.Data
- Data Sources in F#
- Data Sources in F#
- F# Weekly #44, 2015
- F# for Data Science
- F# for Data Science
- webforms and confusion
- webforms and confusion
- WebSharper 3.5.14 released
- VNC over SSH to Linux
- WebSharper 3.5.13 released
- F# Community Hero
- Anniversary edition of F# Weekly #43, 2015 – Three years together
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2015
- An open letter about the terms "F#" and "Visual F#"
- An open letter about the terms "F#" and "Visual F#"
- Elm – fun with L-System (Part 6)
- Minimal CoreCLR Console App
- WebSharper 3.5.9 released
- Comparing C# and F# code
- Elm – fun with L-System (Part 5)
- F# Weekly #42, 2015
- ruby on windows
- ruby on windows
- Mono and OS X El Capitan
- Mono and OS X El Capitan
- Elm – fun with L-System (Part 4)
- Mini US Tour – Fall 2015
- Eliminating Bugs with Single Case Discriminated Unions
- Crazy stuff people do with FAKE and Paket – 1 of n
- Slides for “F# in the Real World”
- A Docker to try building F# for CoreCLR on Linux
- Developer Open Space 2015
- Elm – fun with L-System (Part 3)
- F# Weekly #41, 2015
- Upcoming speaking engagements
- Elm – fun with L-System (Part 2)
- Announcing WebSharper 3.5 with pluggable HTML support
- Haskell – Editor konfigurieren
- there are infinitely many prime numbers
- Try Websharper: version info about extensions and some embedding improvements
- Haskell installieren
- Developer Open Space 2015
- Elm – fun with L-System (Part 1)
- F# Weekly #40, 2015
- Announcing WebSharper.Suave
- Speaking at Dog Food Conference, CloudDevelop, and CodeMash
- The Gamma: Simple code behind interactive articles
- The Gamma: Simple code behind interactive articles
- Exercises in Programming Style–Pipeline
- F# Weekly #39, 2015
- Regular expressions: Rust vs F#
- WebSharper 3.4.19 released
- Exercises in Programming Style–Cookbook
- F# Weekly #38, 2015
- Try WebSharper: on-hover type info
- Exercises in Programming Style–Monolith
- Three Rules Of All Testing
- Creating web sites with Suave: How to contribute to F# Snippets
- Creating web sites with Suave: How to contribute to F# Snippets
- F# Weekly #37, 2015
- Fix - Project and File Management for F#
- it’s just math
- Exercises in Programming Style–Go Forth
- Video: Introduction to Real World Functional Programming in F#
- In the age of the web: Typed functional-first programming revisited
- In the age of the web: Typed functional-first programming revisited
- Non-linear Thinking with CUDA.
- WebSharper.UI.Next 3.4.19 with OnAfterRender
- Recognizing Patterns in Noisy Data using Trainable ‘Functional’ State Machines
- Recognizing Patterns in Noisy Data using Trainable ‘Functional’ State Machines
- Turnpike Problem (F#)
- F# Weekly #34,#35,#36, 2015
- Swagger for F# Web Apps
- Random Art
- Getting Go
- WebSharper 3.4.14 released
- Live F# coding and snippets with dependencies in Try WebSharper
- Using owin to implement an api
- Using owin to implement an api
- path unshift dirname of file
- path unshift dirname of file
- BDD style testing in qunit
- BDD style testing in qunit
- Which Is Better A or B?
- Code Reuse with the SqlProgrammabilityProvider
- FSharpArm - part 2
- Exercises in Programming Style–Style 1
- Railway Oriented Programming In Elixir
- Build tools and package managers for .net
- Build tools and package managers for .net
- Single page app with WebSharper UI.Next and Bootstrap
- Try WebSharper: update notes for snippets
- Warning, Conferences ahead!
- FSharpx.Extras
- FSharpx.Extras
- F# 2 weeks later
- fsharp 2 weeks later
- Computation Expression Approach For Calling Rest Api
- Decomposition Problem with F#, Dynamic Programming
- Try WebSharper: snippet versioning, gist import, and other enhancements now available
- Configuring A WordPress Site On EC2
- Real-time analytics with Apache Storm – now in F#
- More fun with APL
- Error: Successive arguments should be separated by spaces or tupled
- Real-time analytics with Apache Storm – now in F#
- Real-time analytics with Apache Storm – now in F#
- Adding a [FixedLength] Attribute in Code-First Entity Framework
- F# Weekly #33, 2015
- F# Card Game Part 2 - Dealing Cards
- Interesting And Unexpected Benefit Of Pattern Matching
- Introducing FunSharp
- Will bower be used to develop sharepoint in the next 5 years
- My picks from OSCON keynotes
- F# Weekly #32, 2015
- Share and embed Try WebSharper snippets
- Language Safety Score, revisited
- Rebar3 Beta1 on Chocolatey NuGet
- FSharpArm - part 1
- New WebSharper templates
- Tokyo Experience Report
- F# Card Game Part 1 - Modeling the Domain
- [Guest post] Visual F# Power Tools: community-led tooling for F# in Visual Studio
- [Guest post] Visual F# Power Tools: community-led tooling for F# in Visual Studio
- Introducing Try WebSharper
- Building Azure Service Fabric Actors with F# – Part 1
- WebSharper UI.Next 3.4: the new HTML syntax
- Fasterflect vs HyperDescriptor vs FastMember vs Reflection
- WebSharper 3.4 released
- F# Weekly #31, 2015
- Understanding Discriminated Unions from Enums
- Slides for “F# at Gamesys”
- “Sideways overriding” with partial methods
- Miscomputation: Learning to live with errors
- Miscomputation: Learning to live with errors
- F# Weekly #30, 2015
- WebSharper 3.3 released with client-side JSON serialization
- Announcing the RTM of Visual F# 4.0
- Announcing the RTM of Visual F# 4.0
- Fun with Alea.CUDA, F# Interactive, Charts
- F# Weekly #29, 2015
- Elixir: first look
- How to: Example F# application with functional flow
- Reckoning day
- WebSharper 3.2.22 released
- Open Source .NET with AppVeyor NuGet Feeds
- Developer Conferences on a Shoestring
- F# Weekly #28, 2015
- Meta-Matic
- How To: Example application with data access in F#
- How To Use Real Computer Science in Your Day Job
- New Versions Of Chocolatey NuGet Packages For Elixir and Erlang
- Creating a Generative Type Provider
- F# Weekly #27, 2015
- SourceLink 1.0 with private GitHub support
- Flappy
- Pentago
- Pentago
- An FSharp monad TIL experience
- Visualizing interesting world facts with FsLab
- Visualizing interesting world facts with FsLab
- F# Weekly #26, 2015
- WebSharper 3.2.10 released
- the barber of springfield
- bridging the worlds with ØMQ
- Announcing Paket.PowerShell
- SHA1 compile time checked literals: F# vs Nemerle vs D
- F# Weekly #25, 2015
- Fib: C++, C# and GDC
- Introducing WebSharper Warp
- Timesheet in Websharper
- F# Weekly #24, 2015
- Some Thoughts On Windows 10
- Fear and Loathing with APL
- WebSharper 3.2 with support for scriptable applications, better resource management, and additional streamlined syntax
- CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Jepsen IV: Hope Springs Eternal”
- Working with spreadsheets
- Working with spreadsheets
- F# Weekly #23, 2015
- Lots of deliverables
- Lots of deliverables
- Thoughts on using Angularjs
- Thoughts on using Angularjs
- CodeMotion 15–Takeaways from “Measuring micro-services”
- Backwards compatibility is (still) hard
- For a Few Dollars More
- F# Weekly #22, 2015
- Joy of Coding experience report
- A Fistful of Dollars
- A consistent approach to track correlation IDs through microservices
- CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Architecture Without an End State”
- F# Weekly #21, 2015
- WebSharper 3.1 published
- Save the day with a Visual Basic, C#, or F# T-Shirt!
- Save the day with a Visual Basic, C#, or F# T-Shirt!
- The Detail-Oriented Nature Of Software Development
- CloudSharper 0.9.31 published
- Understanding homoiconicity through Clojure macros
- Simplifying (?) State with C# Async
- Null-checking considerations in F# - it's harder than you think
- Rust – memory safety without garbage collector
- Null-checking considerations in F# - it's harder than you think
- Motif Finding with Gibbs Sampling (F#)
- F# Weekly #20, 2015
- Moving
- Composing custom error types in F#
- Erlang on Xen
- Deploying WebSharper apps to Azure via GitHub
- A handy Powershell filter for converting plain text to objects
- A handy Powershell filter for converting plain text to objects
- Against the definition of types
- Against the definition of types
- InfoQ interview at BuildStuff 14
- F# as a Ubiquitous Language
- WebSharper: From Zero to an Azure-deployed Web Application
- Why I like Go’s interfaces
- F# Weekly #19, 2015
- SourceLink.MSBuild uploaded to NuGet Gallery
- CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Microservice AntiPatterns”
- WebSharper 3.0.59 released
- Announcing FsLab: Data science package for Mono and .NET
- Announcing FsLab: Data science package
- Common mistakes in date/time formatting and parsing
- CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “The Hidden Dimension of Refactoring”
- Go: fib
- Taking a peek at F# on StackOverflow
- F# Weekly #18, 2015
- importing FSharp.Targets, compatible with Visual Studio 2015 and Mono 4
- Catch of the month, April 2015
- 2015 Annual Meeting of the Members
- 2015 Annual Meeting of the Members
- CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Scaling micro-services at Gilt”
- Rounding out Visual F# 4.0 in VS 2015 RC
- Rounding out Visual F# 4.0 in VS 2015 RC
- 2015 Board of Trustees Elections: Vote Now!
- 2015 Board of Trustees Elections: Vote Now!
- CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Beyond Features”
- WebSharper site enhancements
- F# Weekly #17, 2015
- CraftConf 15 experience report
- Slides for my Craft-Conf meetup talk on DSLs and F#
- The only 3 apps you’ll ever write…
- Foreach and Command Query Separation
- Binary and Json benchmarks updated
- Comparing date range handling in C# and F#
- Comparing date range handling in C# and F#
- Precedence: ordering or grouping?
- Design for Latency issues
- Websharper Grid: Paste from Excel
- F# Weekly #16, 2015
- F# Exchange 2015
- Create beautiful plots in F# with ggplot
- CloudSharper 0.9.30 with WebSharper 3 templates
- WebSharper 3.0 released
- Don’t learn a syntax, learn to change the way you think
- 2015 Board of Trustees Campaign
- 2015 Board of Trustees Campaign
- Learn to Learn
- F# Weekly #15, 2015
- Akka.Net for Ubuntu Server 14.04
- Computing cryptography hashes: Rust vs F# vs D
- Interview with Rik Van Bruggen @ QCon London 2015
- Getting into Higher Order Functions
- Modelling game economy with Neo4j
- Multi environment deploy with Jenkins
- Writing custom F# LINQ query builder
- Writing custom F# LINQ query builder
- F# Weekly #14, 2015
- My adventure with Elm @ Lambda Days 2015
- Minsk F# User Group: New logo and wallpapers
- An open engineering birthday for Visual F#
- An open engineering birthday for Visual F#
- String and StringBuilder revisited
- setting up a IDRIS sandbox
- Bug with Powershell Get-Date
- Pattern matching in action using C# 6
- Pattern matching in action using C# 6
- Parsing with SNOBOL
- Random thoughts on API design
- Bug with Powershell Get-Date
- bridging the gap: functional csharp
- Nachtrag zur Spartakiade
- Rewriting a logistic regression from C# to F# (part 2)
- Top 100 .Net Bloggers from 2014
- Are you my type?
- Are you my type?
- F# Weekly #13, 2015
- Rust: fib
- WebSharper forum enhancements
- Node.js Azure Web App built with Atom TypeScript
- Upcoming F# book and event deals
- Upcoming F# book and event deals
- Election for the new Board of Trustees
- Election for the new Board of Trustees
- Rewriting a logistic regression from C# to F# (part 1)
- Announcing SourceLink.exe
- F# Weekly #12, 2015
- travis supports csharp
- travis supports csharp
- Streamline Your Vector Algebra With F#
- Streamline Your Vector Algebra With F#
- WebSharper 3.0 RC released
- F# Weekly #11, 2015
- WCF onder Linux
- I dont want StyleCop I want StyleButler
- Make flame with Elm
- Kibana vs Elmah like gui
- Kibana vs Elmah like gui
- Solving the Stable Marriage problem in Erlang
- QCon London 2015–Takeaways from “The Bad Idea Terminator”
- This is why you need Composition over Inheritance
- dependency injection – a functional way
- do it with fun: kill next puzzle
- Fun Basic Preview
- F# Weekly #10, 2015
- QCon London 2015–Takeaways from “Scaling Uber’s realtime market platform”
- Provable Optimization with Microsoft Z3
- Restsharp + WebAPI + F#
- more on Monoids in F# – exploiting static constraints
- Event sourcing and in memory database
- Event sourcing and in memory database
- Library patterns: Why frameworks are evil
- Library patterns: Why frameworks are evil
- understanding Monoids using F#
- Backward compatibility pain
- CloudSharper 0.9.29 released
- F# Weekly #9, 2015
- Introducing - The Mixin Type Provider
- Fibonacci Variations, Part 1: A Library-Based Infinite Sequence
- Fibonacci Variations, Part 1: A Library-Based Infinite Sequence
- WebSharper 3.0-alpha for Xamarin Studio / MonoDevelop is now available!
- WebSharper-3.0.36-alpha released
- Warning, Conferences ahead!
- Svcutils are easier to debug in cli mode
- Goto considered harmful
- Goto considered harmful
- Goto considered harmful
- F# Weekly #8, 2015
- Looking at ORM a few years later
- Looking at ORM a few years later
- First impressions with DiffSharp, an F# autodiff library
- CloudSharper 0.9.28 released
- Spartakiade
- F# Weekly #7, 2015
- Tips for the Websharper Novice
- Workshop FSharp in den Haag
- functional event-sourcing – compose
- Upcoming in WebSharper 3.0: serving REST APIs, easy as pie!
- One day you'll walk alone
- One day you'll walk alone
- functional event-sourcing – let’s playback with fun
- CloudSharper 0.9.27 released
- WebSharper.3.0.26-alpha released
- Simplifying State with Async (with XNA/WPF examples)
- F# Weekly #6, 2015
- F#, an Ideal Language For Writing .NET Unit Tests
- F#, an Ideal Language For Writing .NET Unit Tests
- Articles about using F# to implement Lisp
- Secret Santa challenge in D
- type system for the win: phantom types
- Why global installation of packages?
- Why global installation of packages?
- Render xml as html
- Render xml as html
- you should be able to think recursively
- Dioptric Dilemmas Of The Third Kind
- Dioptric Dilemmas Of The Third Kind
- in defense of static methods
- Library patterns: Multiple levels of abstraction
- Library patterns: Multiple levels of abstraction
- F# Weekly #5, 2015
- Clean event handler invocation with C# 6
- WebSharper 3.0.15-alpha released
- Spartakiade: Zwischenstand
- F# Weekly #4, 2015
- Exploratief met Type providers
- Enigma Machine – Type Provider Edition
- Stormin’ F#
- Stormin’ F#
- Stormin’ F#
- Stormin’ F#
- Listen und Morphismen
- Small Basic on Mac & Linux
- Debugging Small Basic Apps in Visual Studio
- F# Weekly #3, 2015
- Cyclic Data References in F#
- Non-transitive Grime Dice, via Mathematica
- Format TypeScript with F#
- Non-transitive Grime Dice, via Mathematica
- FnuPlot: Cross-platform charting with gnuplot
- Format TypeScript with v1.4 Language Service
- Visual F# has moved to GitHub
- CloudSharper 0.9.26 released
- Visual F# has moved to GitHub
- SlideShow: Paket Introduction
- C# 7 feature request #1… extension attributes
- Wo das lambda herkommt
- F# Weekly #2, 2015
- Fun with L-system
- FAKE Final Targets
- Parallel reduce: Hopac vs Asyncs vs Tasks
- CloudSharper 0.9.25 released
- RSDE positions at Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- WebSharper 3.0.8-alpha published
- RSDE positions at Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Fibonacci: Hopac vs Async vs TPL Tasks on .NET and Mono
- Funktionen
- Why you should learn F# in 2015 (and how)?
- TypeScript 1.4 AST from Node.js
- Today is Phi Day -- at least, it ought to be
- Today is Phi Day -- at least, it ought to be
- self hosting WebApi
- F# Weekly #1, 2015
- Twitter Pulse #fsharp 2014
- DAS ist … (funktionale) Spartakiade
- Year in Review, 2014
- The 2014 F# Tour in numbers
- Top 10 most memorable talks in 2014
- Deploying .NET code instantly using Vagrant
- F# Weekly #52, 2014 – New Year Edition
- Duck Typing in FSharp
- Spelling checker in F#
- Nested looping to programmatic depth in F#
- Nested looping to programmatic depth in F#
- The North Pole Type Provider: Escape from Santa’s Grotto!
- Seven ineffective coding habits many F# programmers don’t have
- F# Weekly #51, 2014
- F# for C# developers: Creating escaped concat/split functions in F#
- F# for C# developers: Creating escaped concat/split functions in F#
- Textogramme
- Review: F# Deep Dives
- having fun with type-level numbers using a type-provider
- having fun with type-level naturals
- CloudSharper 0.9.23 released
- WebSharper 3.0.3-alpha released
- F# Weekly #50, 2014
- Christmas Carol and other eigenvectors
- Neo4j talk at CodeMesh 2014
- Modelling Stochastically Independent Processes with F# Computation Expressions: Part 2
- Becoming an F# contributor
- Finite State Machine Compiler
- Terror From The Deep
- Terror From The Deep
- A look at Microsoft Orleans through Erlang-tinted glasses
- Find the last Sunday of each Month
- News from WebSharper 3.0: NuGet, Visual Studio, Mono, upcoming features and API changes
- Composing Christmas with F#
- C# 6 in action
- F# Weekly #49, 2014
- Developing an Algorithm in F#: Fast Rotational Alignments with Gosper’s Hack
- Being visually honest with F#
- Developing an Algorithm in F#: Fast Rotational Alignments with Gosper’s Hack
- Extending a 3rd-party API with F# units of measure
- Slides for my Elm talk at NDC London
- WebSharper migration to GitHub complete!
- Modelling Stochastically Independent Processes with F# Computation Expressions: Part 1
- Extending a 3rd-party API with F# units of measure
- Distributing the F# Mailbox Processor
- WebSharper 3 alpha now under Apache 2
- Toward a Visual F# 4.0 release
- WebSharper 2.5.134 released
- Toward a Visual F# 4.0 release
- Snowflakes
- When is an identifier not an identifier? (Attack of the Mongolian Vowel Separator)
- Slides for CodeMesh, BuildStuff and FBy
- F# Weekly #48, 2014
- Evolution of the F# Empty WPF Template
- Generating Permutations: Clojure or F#: Part 2
- Short talk about source control
- Short talk about source control
- Generating Permutations: Clojure or F#: Part 1
- Installing build server
- Installing build server
- Working with Non-Compliant OWIN Middleware
- f(by) Minsk 2014
- F# Weekly #47, 2014
- maybe Maybe is not so bad
- F# Advent Calendar in English 2014
- Android Wear Starter Project – F# + Xamarin
- Android Wear Starter Project – F# + Xamarin
- Introducing SourceLink.SymbolStore
- Muller's Recurrence - roundoff gone wrong
- Muller's Recurrence - roundoff gone wrong
- GitLink - a port of SourceLink with a Command Line
- NuGet dependency visualizer with F# and Graphviz
- Thoughts on using knockout for the last years
- Thoughts on using knockout for the last years
- Seq vs Streams
- 0hh1 puzzle in haskell
- CloudSharper released
- F# Weekly #46, 2014
- I saw my reflection and cried ...
- I saw my reflection and cried ...
- It’s Conference Time!
- Self-hosted WebSharper application template available
- Announcing a preview of F# 4.0 and the Visual F# Tools in VS 2015
- Announcing a preview of F# 4.0 and the Visual F# Tools in VS 2015
- Introducing FsReveal – Beautiful, version controlled presentations in the browser
- What Is the Name of This Function?
- Progressive F# Tutorials London 2014
- F# Weekly #45, 2014
- A simple benchmark of various math operations
- A simple benchmark of various math operations
- When is a string not a string?
- Athena Code
- Writing and speaking update
- Solution to the prisoner puzzle
- Flux Compression (redux)
- Flux Compression (redux)
- As Free As a Bird
- As Free As a Bird
- Pascals triangle in Haskell … or why point-free sometimes is pointless
- Puzzle: prisoners and switches
- People 101
- F# Weekly #44, 2014
- New Project Templates in the F# MVC 5 Package
- Loewensberg re-animated
- A problem with resources
- Progressive F# Tutorials London 2014
- CloudSharper released
- CloudSharper released
- Animating Lohse
- Some completely useless fun with the logistic map
- Anniversary edition of F# Weekly #43, 2014 – Two years together
- Elm and Myo playing together
- Myo – First day of happy hacking!
- D
- Violating the “smart enum” pattern in C#
- Caution installing Visual Studio CTP 4
- F# Weekly #42, 2014
- Project Euler – Problem 68 Solution
- Project Euler – Problem 64 Solution
- Project Euler – Problem 80 Solution
- Project Euler – Problem 61 Solution
- CloudSharper released
- 24hrs in F#
- Retrieving GitHub download counts
- F# Weekly #39-41, 2014
- More F# Tourism: Europa F# 2014
- F# – Imitating Erlang’s bit syntax for easier binary protocol implementation
- The Last Assignment
- WebSharper 2.5.127 released
- CloudSharper released
- Unboxing FP
- Oops
- get and compile the latest monodevelop on Ubuntu/Linux
- Upcoming speaking engagements
- CloudSharper released
- Elm – building a version of Snake in under 100 lines of code
- C# 6 Cuts
- Texas UIL Computer Science Competition Should Use JavaScript
- The mysteries of BCL time zone data
- CloudSharper released
- Church numerals, .net and working around the value restriction
- One Week in F#
- Binary and Json benchmarks updated
- CloudSharper released
- F# Weekly #38, 2014
- Generating F# code using its AST
- F# Coding Breakfasts & Lunches: let’s code together!
- F#unctional Londoners 2014
- Response to "Little Performance Explorations: F#"
- Response to "Little Performance Explorations: F#"
- FsiBot: Assorted Tweets
- CloudSharper
- 2048 game with F# + WebSharper
- Introducing Ariadne: F# library for Gaussian processes
- F# Weekly #37, 2014
- fsibot: now with 100% more Enterprise!
- DDD East Anglia 2014
- Metricano – simplifying application monitoring
- CloudSharper released
- CloudSharper 0.9.19 released
- F# Weekly #36, 2014
- Lightweight websites with F#
- WebSharper released
- TypeScript Mario
- CloudSharper released
- F# Weekly #35, 2014
- F# – genetic algorithms to help you catch monsters
- FParsec Tutorial
- Trying numl on OSX with F# and Xamarin
- C# Records & Pattern Matching Proposal
- Bundling and Minification with Web Essentials
- F# Weekly #34, 2014
- Coding in the Age of Mobility: @fsibot 0.1 is out!
- Supercharging SQL Join with GTX Titan, CUDA C++, and Thrust: Part 2
- When is a constant not a constant? When it’s a decimal…
- Supercharging SQL Join with GTX Titan, CUDA C++, and Thrust: Part 1
- CloudSharper 0.9.17 released
- Announcing the release of Visual F# Tools 3.1.2
- Announcing the release of Visual F# Tools 3.1.2
- CloudSharper released
- WebSharper UI.Next Version
- F# Weekly #33, 2014
- Compiling CUDA Projects with Dynamic Parallelism (VS 2012/13)
- F# Web Stack Group
- CloudSharper 0.9.16 released
- Scala prons and cons from F# dev view
- WebSharper UI Improvements
- Running TAP
- STM revisited: add Scala
- F# on the Web
- F# Weekly #32, 2014
- Red-White Push – Continuous Delivery at Gamesys Social
- Ocean Revival
- JSON serializers benchmarks updated
- Duck typing in Scala
- Identification Scheme
- CloudSharper released
- The BobbyTables culture
- Getting started with Rebar on Windows
- Read & Write RPM Files from F#
- F# Weekly #31, 2014
- Tachyus
- Code Golf
- Object pooling and thread safety
- Your Flying Car is Ready: Amazing Programming Tools of the Future, Today!
- WebSharper UI.Next: Animating Single-Page Applications
- Picasquez vs Velasso: Classics Mashup with F#
- Make IIS Express works with
- Metaprogramming with IronPython - Part 2
- Metaprogramming with IronPython - Part 1
- RabbitMQ - Removing the MSSql queue antipattern
- New Blog
- F# Weekly #30, 2014
- Here Be Monsters – Message broker that links all things
- Review: Sony Digital Paper DPT-S1 at Lambda Jam 2014
- New blog hosting
- Review: Sony Digital Paper DPT-S1 at Lambda Jam 2014
- Cloud Security, For Real This Time: Homomorphic Encryption and the Future of Online Privacy
- UI.Next available
- F# Kung Fu #4: Avoid using relative paths in #r directives
- Complete Graph on Android
- The fatal attraction of FRP
- Structuring Web Applications with WebSharper.UI.Next
- WebSharper.UI.Next: Declarative Animation
- Type Providers, Record / Union Types and Constant Type unsupported
- My First Xamarin Mobile App
- F# Weekly #29, 2014
- Guess a project by logo
- Elm – functional reactive dreams + missile command
- Micro-optimization: the surprising inefficiency of readonly fields
- Stupid Doc Tricks In Elixir
- Micro-optimization: the surprising inefficiency of readonly fields
- WebSharper.UI.Next: An Introduction
- Improvements to the F# Web Templates
- F# Weekly #28, 2014
- Contrasting F# and Elm’s record types
- CloudSharper 0.9.14 released
- Debugging into F# Type Provider Source Code
- "Test-Only Development" with the Z3 Theorem Prover
- F# Weekly #27, 2014
- Size of Xamarin Store Apps on Android
- Where should the source code of Visual F# Tools be?
- Microsoft, Open Source development and Codeplex
- Introduce raven_dart, a Dart client for Sentry
- 2048 – Type Provider Edition
- Loan calculator
- CloudSharper
- Upcoming CloudSharper features in Q3
- Emerging Languages Camp Part 5: Axiomatic Language
- F# Weekly #26, 2014
- An elliptical pool
- JSON and Binary serializers benchmarks updated
- Announcing libraries for C# and F# to make it easier to integrate with Sentry
- Bundler uses man files
- Bundler uses man files
- Bundler.with_clean_env
- Bundler.with_clean_env
- Dart – Emulating enums using Constant Constructor
- F# Weekly #24-#25, 2014
- Dart – Emulating F#’s Discriminated Union (i.e. an algebraic data type)
- CloudSharper 0.9.13 with workspace cloud sharing!
- How to Contribute to the F# Compiler/Library Implementation
- How to Contribute to the F# Compiler/Library Implementation
- How F# cured my 2048 addiction
- FAKE 2.18 released – RoundhousE kick edition
- what is a functor
- CloudSharper 0.9.12
- Mpir.NET – NuGet package for high performance large integers
- Could not run the “GenerateResource” task because MSBuild could not create or connect to a task host with runtime “CLR2″ and architecture “x86″.
- NDC Oslo 2014 – Takeaways from “Career reboot for the developer mind”
- High performance large integers in .NET
- Some of my favourite tech books!
- Comparing F# and C# with dependency networks
- F# Weekly #23, 2014
- NDC Oslo 2014 – Takeaways from keynote “It’s a write/read web”
- Emerging Languages Camp Part 4: Nimrod and Dao
- CloudSharper
- WebSharper: What's New (June 2014)
- TypeScript AST from Node.js
- Getting Started
- CloudSharper
- Anti-pattern: parallel collections
- VL – a F# DSL for the Layout of IOS Controls
- VL – a F# DSL for the Layout of IOS Controls
- Anti-pattern: parallel collections
- A Naive Stack Implementation In Elixir
- CloudSharper 0.9.11
- F# Weekly #22, 2014
- Why I wish C# never got async/await
- Why I wish C# never got async/await
- Anything you can do ...
- Anything you can do ...
- Embedding Node.js in your .NET F# App
- IE8 Object doesn’t support property or method ‘map’
- Notes On SharePoint Business Connectivity Services
- Xamarin 3 F# Awesomeness
- Xamarin 3 F# Awesomeness
- New features and improvements in Deedle v1.0
- F# Summer of Code 2014
- F# Weekly #21, 2014
- F# Weekly #21, 2014
- Mapping JSON to objects with Fleece
- FSharp.Data.SqlClient: Seamlessly integrating T-SQL and F# in the same code [Guest Post]
- WebSharper Binding for Leaflet released
- Changes in the FAKE contribution workflow
- Conferences & Me
- Sencha Architect type provider for WebSharper updated
- Welcome fsharpWorks & F# events
- Regression in Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 string formatting
- F# Weekly #20, 2014
- F# Weekly #20, 2014
- CRUD Operations and Experimental ODBC support in the SQLProvider
- Diagnosing Portable Class Libraries
- CloudSharper Local alpha
- Diagnosing Portable Class Libraries
- Program F# with CloudSharper everywhere
- Dangers of react and VirtualDom
- How to use base.SendAsync in F# DelegatingHandler
- Mapping objects to JSON with Fleece
- Stateful computations in F# with update monads
- If you don't cover F#...
- What Is Immutability? And Why Should I Care?
- CloudSharper Local alpha released
- Weird floating point arithmetic in Dynamics NAV 2013 R2
- F# Weekly #19, 2014
- F# Weekly #19, 2014
- Who's the most central? F# network on Twitter
- A simple and straight forward Single File Windows Service template for F#
- Tomorrow night in Silicon Valley, Carnegie Mellon Campus - Four Companies Talk About F#
- First Portland F# Meetup, Sat May 17, 2:00pm - Hands-on intro to machine learning with F#
- On parametric polymorphism and JSON serialization
- F# Weekly #18, 2014
- F# Weekly #18, 2014
- AOP – A story of how we localized a MMORPG with minimal effort
- markdown plugins … oh my
- BASIC’s 50th Anniversary … and more crazy F# type providers!
- Modelling Game Economy using Neo4j
- How to fail while implementing agile
- F# Weekly #17, 2014
- F# Weekly #17, 2014
- Using F# and R Provider with Kaggle’s Facial Keypoints Detection
- Date Types
- Where to practice your F# with fun?
- Where to practice your F# with fun?
- Latest Developments in General Purpose GPU Programming with F#
- Latest Developments in General Purpose GPU Programming with F#
- FAKE 2.14.0 released – OpenCover edition
- F# Support for Web Projects
- F# Weekly #16, 2014
- F# Weekly #16, 2014
- Notes from .NET Meetup #4 & F# ad
- Does syntax matter? Or how I started progrmamming.
- F# meetup starting in Los Angeles area
- Emerging Languages Camp Part 3: Noether
- April 17, 2014 - at The F# Bay Area Meetup Group - Will Smith - A Journey to Functional Programming
- Solving Puzzle Quest with F# Part 1
- F# Weekly #15, 2014
- Creating maps using R, Deedle and F# type providers
- TypeScript in First-Class F# Web Projects
- What can programming language research learn from the philosophy of science?
- WebSharper available for testing on Xamarin & MonoDevelop
- Big news for .net
- Big news for .net
- Extension methods, explicitly implemented interfaces and collection initializers
- Extension methods, explicitly implemented interfaces and collection initializers
- Quick brainteaser
- New Version of Elixir Chocolatey Goodness
- Quick brainteaser
- F# Weekly #14, 2014
- Towards Publish-to-Web Project Support in the Visual F# Tools
- Case for VB.Net vNext
- C# 6: First reactions
- C# 6: First reactions
- CloudSharper
- Facilitating Open Contributions for the F# Compiler, Library and Visual F# Tools
- Orleans
- void is a bug
- Emerging Languages Camp Part 2: Daimio and Babel
- BREAKING: Open-source C# 6.0 released
- F# on Android - Experience Report
- At BUILD 2014? Join Miguel de Icaza for his C#+F# Mobile Session on Android and iOS
- At BUILD 2014? Head to Silicon Valley for Coding Dojo: a gentle introduction to Machine Learning with F#
- At BUILD 2014? Join the F# Bay Area Group for Drinks on Thursday
- C# Eye for the APL guy
- F# on Android – Experience Report
- Partial Function Application In Elixir
- FAKE 2.12.0 released – NancyFx edition
- F# Weekly #13, 2014
- Xamarin F# – Experience Report
- Xamarin F# – Experience Report
- Emerging Languages Camp Part 1: Introduction and Gershwin
- F#: Capture real time bars from InteractiveBrokers
- CloudSharper
- Solving fun puzzles with F#
- CloudSharper 0.9.9
- F# Weekly #12, 2014
- F# Type Providers
- UK Tech Meets
- FsCheck + XUnit = The Bomb
- Maintaining backwards compatibility when changing APIs in F#
- F# named union fields
- Foq 1.6
- Better dictionary types
- Microservices
- Calling A Database Stored Proc Via ODBC From Elixir
- 35 days later
- 35 days later
- F# Weekly #11, 2014
- Concurrent ML and HOPAC
- CloudSharper Local alpha 0.9.8
- Catch the mighty Murray cod by Murray cod lures
- Catch the barra with the barramundi lure!!
- Attract the fish with light – the LED fishing lures
- Using F# fold function to implement recursion
- FSharp.Data 2.0.0 released
- F# Weekly #10, 2014
- OpenXC based Android App
- OpenXC based Android App
- CloudSharper Local alpha 0.9.7
- It just works(™)!
- How to Fix MSBuild Error MSB4006
- F# Weekly #9, 2014
- NorDevCon 2014
- Using travis for mono
- Learning from mistakes: Winnow Algorithm in F#
- Source Indexing FSharp.Compiler.Service on AppVeyor
- Configuring Elixir For Development
- F# query expressions and composability
- F#: Capture market depth data from InteractiveBrokers
- F# Eye for the VB Guy
- D3 Fisheye Distortion for Bar Charts
- F# Weekly #8, 2014
- FAKE 2.10 released – more stuff for Dynamics NAV, Windows Azure, FTP, Nuget
- Memory management in knockout
- Memory management in knockout
- WebSharper 2.5.98
- Be the dog that wags the tail
- Book Review: F# for Quantitative Finance
- The Don Syme type provider
- CloudSharper Local alpha 0.9.6
- Cloud Security, For Real This Time
- Update: Server exited with code 0
- Update: Showing compiler errors
- CloudSharper Local alpha 0.9.5
- F# Weekly #7, 2014
- Time to Kill the Carriage Return
- Amoeba Optimization Method using F#
- Generating immutable instances in C# with FsCheck
- CloudSharper Updates - Friday, February 14, 2014
- PhD/Masters-level Internship Positions at Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- PhD/Masters-level Internship Positions at Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Insanely Useful Leiningen Plugins
- CloudSharper Local alpha available
- Recursion and Tail-recursion in F#
- Recursion and Tail-recursion in F#
- C# – extern alias, and ILMerge’d assemblies
- Recording for my F# in Social Gaming talk at CodeMesh is up
- Resharper – Using custom patterns to catch subtle bugs with OfType<T>
- Building a C# compiler in F#
- Danger unstable structure - No more!
- Danger unstable structure - No more!
- F# Weekly #6, 2014
- Learning F# with F# Succinctly by Robert Pickering
- Learning F# with F# Succinctly by Robert Pickering
- Self and the gc
- Self and the gc
- Deterministic parallelism with logging
- WebSharper 2.5.93 - improved numeric performance
- Running D3 in Node.js on Windows without Python
- Detweeted
- Detweeted
- Re-introducing Community for F#
- F# Weekly #5, 2014
- FAKE 2.8 released – DotCover and TestFlight support
- JSON serializers benchmarks updated
- The MineSweeper Type Provider
- ClojureBridge - Workshops Coming Soon!
- 0.3.3 released
- The amazing Squirrelify type provider
- Fun with a toy robotic arm!
- How many 32-bit types might we want?
- How many 32-bit types might we want?
- Source Link to CodePlex
- Introducing, DSLs to query against Amazon CloudWatch metrics
- Performance benchmarks updated
- F# Weekly #4, 2014
- Code your TFS builds in F# instead of XAML
- babysteps in using Persistent to interact with PostgreSQL
- Installing PostgreSQL on openSUSE
- Announcing Visual F# Tools 3.1.1, with support for Desktop and Web express
- Advent Art: Generating Hokusai paintings
- Parsing C#
- F#: Capture tick price data from InteractiveBrokers
- Diagnosing issues with reversible data transformations
- FAKE 2.6 released – support for TravisCI
- Diagnosing issues with reversible data transformations
- F# Weekly #3, 2014
- F# Kung Fu #3: Exceptions recap.
- Version 0.1 of Charon, a F# Random Forest
- Basic Tuples & Pattern Matching
- Visualizing LINQ with GraphViz
- SourceLink.Fake available
- FSharp.Configuration 0.1 released
- A tale of two puzzles
- FSharpx.Collections 1.9 released
- A tale of two puzzles
- A Project Template Wizard Via NuGet
- Create a super-duper-happy SPA web app using Durandal, Nancy, and Bootstrap
- Create a super-duper-happy SPA web app using Durandal, Nancy, and Bootstrap
- F# Weekly #2, 2014
- Filbert v0.2.0 – performance improvement on decoding
- F# Kung Fu #2: Custom Numeric Literals.
- LightTable comes of age!
- F# Weekly by Email
- Extending Small Basic with Function Procedures
- fold and accumulate
- When Does Lexing End and Parsing Begin?
- Coeffects: The next big programming challenge
- Seattle user group, Feb 13: F# on iOS with Xamarin Studio and Mac
- Introducing log4net.Kinesis, a log4net appender for Amazon Kinesis
- Small Basic Compiler
- F#: Connect to InteractiveBrokers via ActiveX
- F# Weekly #1, 2014
- year ++ 2013: my crazy year with F#
- Small Basic Parser
- Small Basic Interpreter
- Provisioning a VM with Scala and SBT
- NDepend for F# code or FSharp.Compiler.Service ‘code review’.
- Add Code Syntax Highlighting to your Ghost blogging site
- Add Code Syntax Highlighting to your Ghost blogging site
- Changing Ghost theme and add Disqus comment
- Echo websocket server using websocketd – as if by magic!
- Set up Ghost blogging site on Windows Azure Websites
- DynamoDB.SQL 2.0.0 is out!
- Accessing TFS and Visual Studio Online from F#
- Applications for Researcher and Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research
- Slides for "Succeeding with Functional-First Programming in Finance"
- OWIN and IAppBuilder
- Simple.Web and ServiceStack Templates
- Applications for Researcher and Postdoc positions at Microsoft Research
- Slides for "Succeeding with Functional-First Programming in Finance"
- My 2013 F# Year in Review
- 0.3.2 released
- 2013 Year in Review
- Twitter Pulse #fsharp 2013
- Create and Run ASP.NET MVC project with Durandal Starter Kit on Visual Studio 2013
- F# Weekly #52, 2013 – New Year Edition
- Software Gardening, or The Fallacy of Software Architecture
- My 3 Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2013
- Twitter Followers Map with RProvider
- Advent Art:北斎の絵を生成する
- SQL Provider - new stuff including PostgreSQL support and option types!
- F# Weekly #51, 2013
- F# Kung Fu #1: Mastering F# Script references.
- FAKE 2.4 released
- WebSharper 2.5 Release Notes
- Bug of the Day: Couldn't Mount File in Windows 8.1
- Windows 8.1 on Boot Camp 5 on MacBook Pro
- Introducing, a S3 type provider for F#
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV type provider
- Speaking at cf.Objective() and Scotch on the Rocks in 2014
- 0.3.0 Released!
- Getting Started with Azure, Node.js, and FogJS on Windows
- F# Weekly #50, 2013
- SqlProvider : SQLite support (experimental)
- 0.3.0 RC1
- Let’s Build a Compiler… In F#!
- New Visual F# Templates for ASP.NET, Web API, MSTest and Nancy Now Available
- Building Mono on a Raspberry Pi (Hard Float)
- Avoid installutil when creating .net services
- A Few Other Template Additions and Changes of Interest
- The Erasing SQL type provider (codename John)
- F# Weekly #49, 2013
- Slides for F# in Social Gaming talk at CodeMesh
- Slides for "Making Magic with F# Type Providers" at NDC London
- Slides for "Making Magic with F# Type Providers" at NDC London
- A New F# ASP.NET MVC 5 and Web API 2 Project Template
- New F# Web App Item Templates
- F# Weekly #48, 2013
- Slides for F# in Finance talk and CodeMesh next!
- Adding New Items to a Pure F# ASP.NET MVC/Web API Project
- "F# in Finance" - New York Edition - December 11
- Putting the F# in Finance with Xenomorph TimeScape: A World of Financial Data at your Fingertips, Strongly Tooled and Strongly Typed
- How to contribute to the F# support in Xamarin Studio, Emacs and more
- Putting the F# in Finance with Xenomorph TimeScape: A World of Financial Data at your Fingertips, Strongly Tooled and Strongly Typed
- How to contribute to the F# support in Xamarin Studio, Emacs and more
- Announcing the F# 3.1 Compiler/Library Code Drop (from the Visual F# Tools Team at Microsoft)
- Putting the F# in Finance with Xenomorph TimeScape: A World of Financial Data at your Fingertips, Strongly Tooled and Strongly Typed
- Microsoft's "F# in Finance" in London - Initial Report
- 0.3.0 beta2
- Node.js Tools with TypeScript Console App
- F# Weekly #47, 2013
- FsUnit and Visual Studio 2013 “Could not load file or assembly ‘FSharp.Core, Version=…”
- F# in Finance in London - Three Days and Counting!
- FAKE 2.2 released
- Clojure/conj 2013 - a quick recap
- Why F#?
- Announcing FogJS for Windows Azure with Node.js
- F# Neural Networks with RProvider & Deedle
- F# Weekly #46, 2013
- Performance Improvements From 2010 – 2013 (due to hardware and .Net improvements)
- Performance Improvements From 2010 – 2013 (due to hardware and .Net improvements)
- Tonight in San Francisco, 6pm: Domain Specific Languages in F# with Tomas Petricek
- I Am Tired Of Swimming Against The Current
- Announcing Deedle
- Announcing Deedle - Data Frame and Time Series Package for Exploratory Data Programming with F# and C#
- F# in Finance - London - 25 Nov 2013
- "F# in Finance" - London - Monday, 25 Nov 2013
- Seattle area event: A hands-on introduction to machine learning with F#
- A Few Changes to the F#/C# MVC 4 Project Template
- Higher order list operations across languages
- F# Weekly #45, 2013
- F# Interactive “branding”
- Øredev 2013
- The F# Computation Expression Zoo (PADL'14)
- MissingMethodException when migrating from F# 3.0 to F# 3.1
- A New Home for the F# Community Project Templates
- Progressive F# Tutorials London 2013
- F# Web Programming Session (slides and examples) at Progressive F# Tutorials 2013
- 0.3.0 beta 1
- F# Weekly #44, 2013
- cf.Objective() & Scotch on the Rocks 2014 - Yeah, I submitted a talk...
- Desktop class performance on a mobile phone?
- Building great open-source libraries
- Anniversary edition of F# Weekly #43, 2013 – One year together
- Writing rubyish c# or porting ruby code to c#
- Writing rubyish C# or porting ruby code to C#
- A Comment On RSVP’s On Meetings
- You know it’s Halloween..
- Stanford CoreNLP is available on NuGet for F#/C# devs
- Code Outlining for Visual F# in VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013
- Why I Am Not A Fan of Screen Sharing For User Group Meetings
- Upcoming speaking engagements
- Slick Use Case For Active Patterns
- A Platform game in F# and SpriteKit – Part 7 – DSLs baby!
- cf.Objective() 2014 - call for speakers!
- Towards a NuGet dependency monitor with OData and F#
- Progressive F# Tutorials 2013 in London
- F# Weekly #42, 2013
- The Promise of Polygot Programming on .Net
- Running a Process in F#
- Using values in expression
- Using values in expression
- Safe refactoring with Units of Measure
- A Platform game in F# and SpriteKit – Part 6 – Death
- Using readonly objects in c#
- Using readonly objects in C#
- lein-try rocks - instant HTTP server!
- A Platform game in F# and SpriteKit – Part 5.5 – Sound Effects
- Prerequisites For F# and Android Development
- Production vs. Consumption
- A Platform game in F# and SpriteKit – Part 5 – Animation and Sound
- “F# Minsk : Getting started” was held
- TFS with F# Make
- F# Templates for Nancy
- GLFPC 2013 Unconference
- Last word in .NET build systems
- I’m slowly working on new content…
- F# for Screen Scraping
- Software Developer in Test Role at Trayport
- Rake:ish make clone in c#
- A Platform game in F# and SpriteKit – Part 4 – Running and Scrolling
- F# Weekly #41, 2013
- DDD North 2013
- Writing build scripts in C#
- Writing build scripts in c#
- F# Tip Of The Week (14 October 2013)
- I finally finished manually migrating all my blog…
- NuGet 2.7 Package Restore with Team Foundation Service
- 5 lesser known F# testing tools & techniques
- Problem running NuGet on Ubuntu
- Problem running NuGet on Ubuntu
- F# Weekly #40, 2013
- Autumn F# Events 2013
- Mario
- WebSharper vs FunScript
- Functional Programming Makes Simple Easy
- coin-change kata
- F# Tip Of The Week (30 September 2013)
- F# Weekly #39, 2013
- Dropbox for .NET developers
- Adding Touch To SpriteKit
- Adding Touch To SpriteKit
- On Learning Programming and Math at Coursera
- Progressive F# Tutorials NYC 2013
- Computing Self-Organizing Maps in a Massively Parallel Way with CUDA. Part 2: Algorithms
- stream_ext – version 0.3.0 is out
- Strange Loop Crossword
- GameCraft NYC 2013
- Computing Self-Organizing Maps in a Massively Parallel Way with CUDA. Part 1: F#
- Pacman Kata at Progressive F# Tutorials NYC 2013
- F# Weekly #38, 2013
- STM: F# vs Haskell
- The Strange Loop 2013
- Skånetrafiken
- Skånetrafiken
- Here Be Monsters – updates and hello, Neo4j
- Career and skills advice
- Isop infers parameters
- Isop infers parameters
- Spritekit particle fun
- Spritekit particle fun
- Casting vs "as" - embracing exceptions
- stream_ext – version 0.2.0 is out
- How many tuple types are there in C#?
- A New F# Meetup - The Paris F# Group
- A new F# Meetup Group - Washington DC F# Meetup
- F# Weekly #37 2013
- Run Taotie Run – new Here Be Monsteres mini-game made with Dart and StageXL
- Visual Studio 2013 RC and Send to FSI
- k-means clustering
- Materialized view in postgres
- What's wrong with spreadsheets?
- What's wrong with spreadsheets?
- Installing GLPK and GLPK-hs on Windows
- Stanford Word Segmenter is available on NuGet
- stream_ext – bringing more Rx API to the Dart
- F# Weekly #36 2013
- Walkie Scorchie
- First steps with Accord.NET SVM in F#
- Refactoring in ruby
- Refactoring in ruby
- The Software Developer Identity Crisis
- Talking to you car – with OpenXC, Android, Xamarin & F#
- Talking to you car – with OpenXC, Android, Xamarin & F#
- Clojure – Multi-Arity and Variadic functions
- Starting an open-source rewrite of a validation microframework
- Field notes from the F# tour
- Binary and JSON serializer benchmarks updated
- F# Weekly #35 2013
- MSR-SPLAT Overview for F#
- Grouping consecutive integers in F# and Haskell
- Dart – implementing the Singleton pattern with factory constructors
- Try 10 Programming Languages in 10 minutes
- Building a game in a day
- Mostly Erlang episode 13
- Hello New York. Learn some F#!
- Hello New York. Learn some F#!
- Progressive F# Tutorials Teaser
- More on “Clarity of Intent”
- Objects and functional programming
- Update on the F# Deep Dives book
- Update on the F# Deep Dives book
- F# on Android
- Balls
- F# Tip of the Week (26 August 2013)
- First Detroit F# Meetup
- CSV Type Provider, now with more awesome
- F# Weekly #34 2013
- 5 Common C# Misconceptions
- Haskell: performance
- FW/1 0.2.1 (for Clojure) released
- Whack A Meng – new Here Be Monsters mini-game made with Dart and StageXL
- F# Tip Of The Week (Week of August 19, 2013)
- BangPatterns in Haskell
- A Brief Thought On Conference “Swag”
- F# Weekly #33 2013
- Beginning Haskell
- That moment when you..
- The Kids Are Alright
- Generative Art
- Adrian Cockcroft on Dystopia-as-a-Service
- FAKE Script for ClickOnce Packaging of F# Apps
- FAKE Script for ClickOnce Packaging of F# Apps
- Haskell and Snap … yet another cabal adventure
- All Machine Learning Platforms are Terrible (but some less so)
- All Machine Learning Platforms are Terrible (but some less so)
- F# Tip Of The Week (Week of August 12, 2013)
- F# Weekly #32 2013
- London GameCraft 2013 – Agents of P.R.I.S.M
- F# Type Providers: News from the battlefields
- F# Weekly #31 2013
- PowerShell Type Provider
- Developer Conferences
- Book review: Apache Solr for Indexing Data How-to
- Getting The Band Back Together
- GameCraft NYC
- F# Weekly #30 2013
- Tools
- Choose Your Own Adventure Type Provider
- Turing drawings
- The Promise of F# Language Type Providers
- FSharp.Data 1.1.9 released
- F# Weekly #29 2013
- FSharp.NLP.Stanford.Parser justification or StackOverflow questions understanding.
- let runFAKE = Download >> Unzip >> IKVMCompile >> Sign >> NuGet
- F# in the Enterprise
- Come join me at the SkillsMatter F# Tutorials NYC 2013
- F# Type Provider for MATLAB - Feedback requested, contributions welcome
- F# Deep Dives - Chapter 4 - Financial Programming
- F# Deep Dives - Early Access Program
- my OpenPGP/GnuPG public Key
- The Progressive F# Tutorials, New York City, September 18-19
- Combining F# and Excel using Excel DNA
- Source Linking
- Rattle for F# devs
- Lambda Jam 2013
- F# Weekly #28 2013
- “Summer of F#” Tour
- Seattle F# meetup, Wednesday 7/17/2013, 7:00 PM: Functional-style control flow in F#
- Machine Learning from Disaster
- In Retrospect: QCon NYC 2013 (and a conversation with Rich Hickey on languages)
- F#/C# jobs in Machine Learning + Data Tools, Microsoft Research, Redmond
- Tonight at F#unctional Londoners: More Machine Learning Hands-on with F#
- Viewing function return values in the Visual Studio 2013 debugger
- Adding binding options to Morozov’s WPF MVC framework
- F# Weekly #27 2013
- New Angular.js Option in the F#/C# MVC 4 SPA Project Template
- National clouds
- National clouds
- Project Euler – Problem 60 Solution
- Random Forest classification in F#: first cut
- Command line ansi colours on windows
- Amazon ELB – Some caveats around health check pings
- On Type Safety, Representable States and Erlang
- Last-Fi
- Field notes: Coursera Machine Learning class
- FSCL - Compiling F# to OpenCL for High-Performance over Multi-core and Many-core devices
- F# Weekly #26 2013
- XML computation expressions: Playing around with extending the F# compiler
- Announcing a pre-release of F# 3.1 and the Visual F# tools in Visual Studio 2013
- Declarative authorization in REST services in SharePoint with F# and ServiceStack
- ElasticElmah
- FSharp.NLP.Stanford.Parser available on NuGet
- We Jammin’
- Customizing document styles with FSharp.Markdown.Pdf
- Confluence/Jira communication from F# and C#
- Selective crawling in SharePoint 2010 (with F# & Selenium)
- S3 – Masterclass Webinar slides
- F# Weekly #25 2013
- Array covariance: not just ugly, but slow too
- Can I have some F# with that?
- Can I have some F# with that?
- But what does it all mean?
- Optimizing with the help of FsCheck
- Google’s Research on Interviewing Technical Candidates
- FunScript - F# to Javascript leveraging TypeScript metadata
- Visualizing Crime with d3: Hooking up Data and Colors, Part 2
- Making the .NET Open Source More Open
- F# Weekly #24 2013
- The Either monad: we can finally get rid of exceptions
- New Twitter API or “F# Weekly” v1.1
- F# – PDF fun with Markdown and FSharp.Formatting
- F#/C# positions in Brighton
- Senior F# Job in User Interface/Finance in London
- Does the language you use make a difference? - Code metrics for "functional-first" v. "object-first" code
- TickSpec dependency graph
- Machine Learning Hands On Session
- Tremolo
- The Most Important Quality Of A Unit Test
- Next Generation Video Gaming
- F# London Meetup, Thursday: Machine Learning Hands On with F#
- jQuery UI Drag and Drop with FunScript
- F# Weekly #23 2013
- jQuery Mobile page reuse with Websharper
- Same Same
- Generic programming in F# - another take
- CouchBase webinar by Don Pinto
- Remote debugging of web pages
- Monster Zero - Revisited
- Monster Zero - Revisited
- Managing Enterprise Integration Portal Projects
- Using Riak MapReduce with F#
- Accessing Spotify Metadata API from TypeScript
- F# Weekly #22 2013
- Monokeys
- Some kind of monster
- Some kind of monster
- Pissed off owls
- Random Walker
- Cleveland F# Meetup, Wednesday Night - Data Mining with F#: Analyzing Network Packets, 5/29/2013 5:45 PM
- F# London Meetup this Thursday: F# on iPad and iPhone in Xamarin Studio with Neil Danson
- Zurich FSharp Meetup: Embrace the Cloud with F# (Wednesday, May 29, 2013)
- Arriving at Scalability – bandwidth management
- Using F# and Entity Framework with an Azure Database (Windows Azure Training in F#, Part Three)
- Building and Publishing Web Sites containing F# Code (Windows Azure Training in F#, Part One)
- Pushing F# Websites to Azure with Git (Windows Azure Training in F#, Part Two)
- Visualizing Crime with d3: How to Make Bubbles and Influence People, Part 1
- Event-Driven SOA – a misnomer
- Discretizing a continuous variable using Entropy
- F# Weekly #21 2013
- Crypto in a few lines of F#
- Crypto in a few lines of F#
- F# Coding Dojo in SF last week
- Book Review: Async in C# 5.0
- Modern Art
- Using the Android GridView as a DataGrid
- .Net Developer – Opportunities to work with F#
- Listening to traffic
- Listening to traffic
- Developing For Kindle Fire with Mono C#/Xamarin Studio
- F# Weekly #20 2013
- Building an MMORPG
- Three easy ways to create simple Web Server with F#
- Live tweets from Alea.cuBase F#-for-financial-GPU event in London.
- F# Deep Dives
- Learn You a What for Great Good - cf.Objective() 2013 - Slides and Code online
- AngelHack Paris 2013
- F# UK ton of Meetups
- Power of mathematics: Reasoning about functional types
- F# vs C#. Fold and Aggregate
- 0.3.0 alpha 4
- F# on FreeBSD
- My cf.Objective() 2013 Presentations
- Building Type Providers - Part 1
- F# Weekly #19, 2013
- F# for Machine Learning - a Gentle Introduction and Coding Dojo
- Seattle DotNet Startup Group: F# for Startups, Tuesday June 11 2013
- Chocolatey
- Fixed Width Data Files
- DynamoDB.SQL 1.2.1 – now supports Local Secondary Index
- Upcoming speaking engagement
- F# Weekly #18, 2013
- I node something (Bout You)
- I node something (Bout You)
- Sample Mobile Web App Presented at #mobidevday
- Sample Mobile Web App Presented at #mobidevday
- Sample Mobile Web App Presented at #mobidevday
- Sample Mobile Web App Presented at #mobidevday
- FSharpx: Validating with applicative functors
- IEEE Computer Society Webinar: Try F# for Big and Broad Data - Tuesday May 7
- Instrumenting Clojure for New Relic Monitoring
- Examples!
- Recommendation Engine using Math.NET, SVD and F#
- F# Weekly #17, 2013
- Mike Falanga speaks about Discriminated Unions at Cleveland F# SIG
- Fractal Zoom in Colour
- WPF MVVM with Xaml Type Provider
- Alt.Net Coding Breakfast – April 2013 Edition
- Neo4jClient new Cypher Start notation & F# Extra Top Level Operators
- Miguel de Icaza discusses Xamarin support for F# on Channel 9
- Foq It Easy
- Tonight at the F# New York City Meetup: F# MVC for WPF with Dmitry Morozov
- Aml - A Modular Language written in F# and available for .NET
- F# and QuantLib: An Introduction
- F# and QuantLib: An Introduction
- Data and Visualization.
- New selectors with Canopy 0.7.3
- F# Weekly #16, 2013
- New tool to play with: SemanticMerge
- Visualizing Crime with d3: Intro
- iOS async revisited
- iOS async revisited
- DNS collisions detection with F# Async Workflows
- F# + GPGPU - Financial Services Developer Forum (.NET in the City) - Thursday 16th May 2013
- Explore local network with F# Async Workflows
- Clojure in the Enterprise?
- On Today: Online Event: Rachel Reese - Getting Started with F#
- Don’t be that guy!
- A little bit of iOS async
- A little bit of iOS async
- Async in C# and F#: Asynchronous gotchas in C#
- Visualize WorldBank data with R and F# Type Providers
- F# Weekly #15, 2013
- Running F# Interactive from Windows context menu
- Visualizing a Schedule usign F# and the .Net Visualization Library
- Visualizing a Schedule usign F# and the .Net Visualization Library
- Windows Azure Dev Camps
- Windows Azure Dev Camps
- Presentation - Modern Software Architectures: Building Solutions for Web, Cloud, and Mobile
- An Update to the F# Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider Sample
- Learn F# in New York - Fast Track to F# with Tomas Petricek, 30 April - 1 May
- Learn F# - Hands On: This Thursday, London F# Meetup
- F# null trick
- F# Exception Formatter
- Stati-C/AL Prism – Static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV reloaded
- 0.3.0 alpha 1
- F# Weekly #14, 2013
- F# testimonials on
- "Stati-C/AL Supervision – static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV"
- The F# Weekly #13
- Be Lazy, but be ware of initialization exception
- New FW/1 - Framework One - Organization on Github
- Stati-C/AL Supervision – blazing-fast static analysis for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Introducing FAKE boot workflow
- A tale of nulls – part I
- Building with custom nugets
- Sorting Algorithms in F#
- Best Fit Bin Packing
- Best Fit Bin Packing
- Assembly to PDB to Source Files
- Prototype
- F# Weekly #13, 2013
- #fsharp Community Twitter Activity 2013 Q1
- FAKE with NuGet support
- My first disappointment on F# type system.
- Where does my domain logic go?
- Moq.FSharp.Extensions
- F# Data: New type provider library
- Generalizing records combinators a bit
- Using Neo4j Graph DB With F#
- Setting up F# Interactive for Machine Learning with Large Datasets
- Monads in F#
- FSharpx 1.8 removes support for Freebase, CSV, JSON and XML document type providers
- WebSharper, PhoneGap, and Ripple: easier native HTML5 apps
- TypeScript: initial impressions
- Simplify data with SVD and Math.NET in F#
- R Type Provider in Action
- Quote of the Week: "What can C# do that F# cannot?"
- Introduction to parser combinators
- F# Weekly #12, 2013
- Asynchronous Programming: From F# to Python
- “Why F#?” by F# Weekly
- Using Coq as a program optimization tool
- WebSharper: From F# power features to JavaScript interop
- Web API and Dynamic Data Access
- Web API and Dynamic Data Access
- New FPish feature: E-mail notification
- Automate, automate, automate..
- F# Weekly #11, 2013
- Transform a picture in the style of Mondrian with F#
- Bad Data is the Real Problem
- The Open-Closed Principle, in review
- congomongo 0.4.1 released
- clj-time 0.4.5 released
- Multi-targeting .NET projects with F# and FAKE
- Getting started with 3D XNA in F#
- Generating VSIX and VSTemplate packages in F#
- DDD – misunderstood
- InfoQ article on Design Pattern Automation
- F# Weekly #10, 2013
- CUFP 2013 - Call for Presentations
- WebSharper for Windows 8 Desktop
- New tasks for building Xamarin Components in FAKE – F# Make
- WebSharper 2.5.2-alpha on AppHarbor
- License all the things with Portable.Licensing 1.0
- Upcoming WebSharper Changes
- Here Be Monsters – New features, quests, items and more!
- Arriving at Scalability – part 3
- On F# code readability
- F# Weekly #9, 2013
- F# meets the Raspberry Pi
- ServiceStack: F# Client Application
- The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider Sample: Static Parameters
- F# IKVM Type Provider
- F# — XmlSerializer, Record types and [CLIMutable]
- ServiceStack: New API – F# Sample (Web Service out of a web server)
- Thursday at F# London Meetup: The F# 3.0 SQL Server Type Provider - Very Cool, and Very Useful, plus F# 3.0 Dynamics CRM Type Provider
- DynamoDB.SQL – version 1.1.0 released
- Free WebSharper MVP licenses
- F# Image Blurrer
- F# Weekly #8, 2013
- F#, Windows Phone 7 & Visual Studio 2012
- AOP – string interning with PostSharp attribute
- Does the language you choose make a difference?
- Connect All The Things – MVP Summit 2013
- Presentation: Building Better Web Apps with F#
- Easy in OOP–harder in FP: a list of animals
- F# Weekly #7, 2013
- Get Up and Running With SQL Server Express, Clojure, SQL Korma and Local Jars
- C# in Depth 3rd edition available for early access, plus a discount code…
- NLP: Stanford Named Entity Recognizer with F# (.NET)
- In defense of VB.NET
- Fun with Object and Collection Initializers
- The F# 3.0 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider Sample - Strongly-typed enterprise-scale customer data made simple
- Mocking with Foq
- K-Means clustering in F#
- F# Weekly #6, 2013
- NLP: Stanford POS Tagger with F# (.NET)
- Reasons to come to Functional Programming eXchange 2013
- F# WSDL Type Provider and HTTPS
- Upcoming F# talks and trainings (London, NYC & Boston)
- MonoTouch and F# part II
- MonoTouch and F# part II
- F# WSDL Type Provider and HTTPS
- Plot functions from F# to Excel
- F# + ServiceStack - F# Web Services on any platform in and out of a web server
- Are you working with QuantLib and F#?
- Using a Java Framework with F#: The Stanford Parser for NLP
- NLP: Stanford Parser with F# (.NET)
- F# Community Code Sprint this Saturday in London
- Learn How to Create an Internet Game Using F#, C#, and ASP.NET
- YAML and Remote Code Execution
- Tonight at The SF Bay Area F# Meetup: "Functional Data Structures: Practical F# Applications"
- F# Weekly #5, 2013
- MonoTouch and F# part I
- MonoTouch and F# part I
- FSharp.ML – industry needs. (Machine Learning for .NET)
- Disposable Objects with Computation Expressions
- Crafting Code in F#
- Unraveling the Mystery of Monads
- Unraveling the Mystery of Monads
- Twelve F# type providers in action
- F# London Meetup Thursday Night: Zach Bray "F# to Javascript, the FunScript way"
- Faking a placeholder Attribute for an Editable div, and Some CSS Tricks
- F# Weekly #4, 2013
- Released new AssemblyVersion tasks for FAKE
- Testing and mocking your C# code with F#
- Moq with F# 3
- Running FAKE targets from the command line
- F#: contributing a chapter to an upcoming book, "F# Deep Dives"
- Joe Armstrong about learning
- LINQ OrderBy – using Comparer<T>.Create and F#’s Object Expressions
- Try F# - Learn, Create and Share F#, from your browser
- Try F# 3.0 Launched Today!
- Or, As We Called It Back in 1999, "Tuesday"
- Announcing: Literate programming tools for F#
- Still obsessing on FSI and Excel
- F# Weekly #3, 2013
- F# Emacs Integration
- Here Be Monsters — New Trophy system, automatic Fences and more items!
- Release of the WMI type provider on nuget
- This Wednesday: F# London Meetup: Systems Information Programming Made Simple with the F# WMI Provider Sample
- GitStack – a simple Git server for Windows
- F# Weekly #2, 2013
- CodeMash CoffeeScript Session - Slides and Examples
- Using nuget package restore with “FAKE – F# Make” – Get rid of the binaries in your source code repository
- How to Become a Software Architect
- F# and FAST Search for SharePoint 2010
- F# Weekly #1, 2013
- Bug in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 OData services?!
- Optimized Fibonacci in F#
- Trying out TypeScript
- F# and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 OData Services
- MonoGame subdivision and platonics
- MonoGame subdivision and platonics
- F# and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Web Services
- Top Ten Blog Entries of 2012
- Hiring! Hiring! Hiring!
- My Top 5 Blog Posts from 2012
- Replacing a dead RAID5 drive on an HP Microserver running Ubuntu
- F# Weekly #52, 2012 – New Year Edition
- Running the jQuery Mobile WebSharper sample
- AdaBoost in F#
- F# Manifest
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider preview
- Rhythm of the F# Сommunity heartbeat
- Support Vector Machine in F#: getting there
- F#/.NET function minimization (optimization)
- F# Weekly #51, 2012
- Buiilding Web, Cloud, and Mobile Solutions with F#
- Manning: F# Deep Dives deal of the day
- F# PowerPack NuGet Packages for F# 3.0, .NET 4.x, and Silverlight 5
- Here Be Monsters – Xmas special is here!
- F# Weekly #50, 2012
- Rich / Mobile Web Development – Without Losing Your Sanity
- Rich / Mobile Web Development – Without Losing Your Sanity
- Test your update scripts
- Test your update scripts
- F# Londoners Meetup Tomorrow - Don Syme does Informal Deep Dive into the Freebase Type Provider
- Testing, proving, checking – How to verify code properties
- Protected: Using Footloose from F# – part I – Setting up the infrastructure
- F# Weekly #49, 2012
- Using the New ASP.NET MVC 4 Template in MonoDevelop
- QuickLinq Helpers
- F# Community Update
- Writers and readers
- Writers and readers
- Contract Position in F# Information Rich Programming with Microsoft Research, Cambridge
- Last day to register to Tech Mesh 2012
- My Education in Machine Learning via Cousera, A Review So Far
- F# Weekly #48, 2012
- Using FSI to execute F# code from a .NET app
- Monads to help with COM cleanup
- Science and Software Development
- This Monday at the SF Bay Area F# Meetup: Building a customizable business rules engine with F#
- Late reminder: New York City F# Meetup Tonight - F# in the Cloud with George Stavroulakis of the {m}brace team
- Math.NET Numerics v2.3.0 released, with improved F# support
- Review: Coursera Social Network Analysis class
- Building UIs for WebSharper with ExtJS Architect
- Support Vector Machine: work in progress
- F# Weekly #47, 2012
- Projekte für meine DDC Talk auf Github
- MonoGame 3D basics
- MonoGame 3D basics
- Try F# 3.0 - Get Your Feedback In Now!
- Stack Overflow question checklist
- DynamoDB.SQL – version 1.0.7 released
- AOP – using PostSharp attributes with async Task/Task<T> methods
- Type matching in c#
- Type matching in C#
- F# as a Unit Testing Language
- 1st build of an F# Type Provider for .proto files
- F#, ASP.NET MVC, and MonoDevelop
- DynamoDB.SQL – minor updates
- JSON serializers benchmark updated – including MongoDB Driver
- F# Community Group of the Week: the San Francisco Bay Area F# Meetup Group
- Clojure/conj 2012
- Generating C# code for .proto files using Roslyn and F#
- F# Weekly #46, 2012
- Accessing Local Variable Information in FSI
- IEnumerator love
- DynamoDb.SQL – a SQL-like external DSL for Amazon DynamoDB
- My wish list for FSI
- Maybe monad in F#
- Functional Programming eXchange 2013
- Expert F# 3.0
- MSR Silicon Valley, Tuesday 3pm - Reconsidering Strongly Typed Programming Languages for the Information-Rich World
- F# Weekly #45, 2012
- F# and MonoGame on the Mac
- F# and MonoGame on the Mac
- Kaggle/StackOverflow contest field notes, part 1
- Debugging fuzzy coding
- Debugging fuzzy coding
- Recording for Building Better Web Apps with F#
- Sorting Out What .NET 4.5 Bits Come With VS2012
- Presentation - CoffeeScript: Good, Bold, and with Sugar
- Noda Time v1.0 released
- The Brave New World of Software Development on the Microsoft Platforms
- The code I wrote is a mess
- The code I wrote is a mess
- The code I wrote is a mess
- F# Community Group of the Week: The Zurich F# Meetup Group
- Search of news with Twitterizer2 and F# or “F# Weekly” under the hood
- ->, ->> and thread-it
- Community for F# Online Meetup - "The F# Foundation" with Tomas Petricek and Phil Trelford - Thursday Nov 8 2012
- 10 things I hate about Git
- Presentation: Building Better Web Apps with F#
- Progressive F# Tutorials London 2012
- F# Weekly #44, 2012
- F# 3.0 In The Mac And Mono World
- F# 3.0 In The Mac And Mono World
- Parsing a Protocol Buffers .proto File in F#
- Clojure: Multimethods vs Protocols
- How dense is the product of Sparse Matrices?
- Porter Stemmer in F#
- Porter Stemmer in F#
- awesome Haskell: Hoogle FTW
- F# weekly #43, 2012
- Using F# Records with ASP.NET Web API
- Server-side JavaScript Razor style in 2012
- C# – beware of async void in your code
- F# Job in Facebook Social Gaming, London
- Updated F# Language Specification for F# 3.0 Now Available
- Clojure & CFML Sitting In A Tree presentation recording
- Learn F# at TechMesh and SkillsMetter
- F# – helper functions to convert between Async<unit> and Task
- F# – Starting an Agent with supervision
- “B-Movie Madness” Sample Now Available
- Rough Cut of Building Web, Cloud, and Mobile Solutions with F#
- What do you do with a drunken coder?
- Knockout.js Added to the F#/C# MVC 4 Single Page Application Template
- (Semi) first look at Clojure
- Next F#unctional Londoners Meetup - F# on the GPU with Alea.CUDA, Thursday, October 18, 2012
- Combinators over Records and Unions
- F# samples and community resources
- Learn F# from Real-World F# Users at FP Days, Cambridge UK, October 25-26
- Progressive F# Tutorials 2012, November 1-2, London
- Extended Submission Deadline for DDFP 2013: Now October 15
- Why should you make your new developers use ruby?
- Why should you make your new developers use ruby?
- Why should you make your new developers use ruby?
- Combinators over Discrimated Unions in ML
- Reminder: Submission Deadline for "Data Driven Functional Programming 2013"
- A Single Page App with Knockout.js, ASP.NET Web API, and F#
- Typescript
- Getting started with using SublimeHaskell and Cabal
- Rethinking findstr with F# and Powershell
- Git Clone of F# 3.0 Open Source Code Drop
- Takeaways from Theo Schlossnagle‘s talk on Scalable Internet Architecture
- Dark-room development
- Dark-room development
- TypeScript
- Typescript
- Single Page Application Template Now Available
- How can I enumerate thee? Let me count the ways...
- NavTechDays 2012 Notizen Teil 2
- A Single Page App with Backbone.js, ASP.NET Web API, and F#
- Notizen von den NavTechDays 2012 Teil 1
- F# Talk at NVIDIA Global Technology Conference 2012 - "New Generation GPU Accelerated Financial Quant Libraries"
- FSharpx type providers are available as separate nuget packages
- Strangeloop 2012
- Funky xml log
- Funky xml log
- Online project templates, NuGet, and unit testing with F# in Visual Studio 2012
- Takeaways from Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski’s talk on the Actor model
- Whats right with windows 8?
- Whats right with windows 8?
- Announcing the F# 3.0 Open Source Code Drop
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample: Some Info on Queries
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample: Queries for Presidents, Books and Stars
- Always attaching debugger when starting a program in windows
- Always attaching debugger when starting a program in windows
- Upgrading my Android to Stream Audio to my Car
- The Freebase Type Provider Sample: Static Parameters
- Tip for the day: If you get the error "Type provider assembly ... is not trusted..."
- Shlomo Swidler’s Many Cloud Design Patterns slides
- Bear Cubs are unleashed on Jackpotjoy Slots!
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample – Integrating Internet-Scale Data Sources into a Strongly Typed Language
- The F# 3.0 Freebase Type Provider Sample – Integrating Internet-Scale Data Sources into a Strongly Typed Language
- New Tech Report from Microsoft Research: Strongly-Typed Language Support for Internet-Scale Information Sources
- Adding NuGet Support to F# Interactive in VS2012
- enjoying Racket
- Horizontal
- Lambda Calculus: What about “if”
- F# eye for the C++ guy
- Dev Open Space 2012 – 19.-21.10.2012 in Leipzig
- F# – Make extension methods visible to C#
- Faster Printf Released on NuGet
- Skillsmatter “Progressive F# Tutorials 2012” session in London
- Graph type providers in FSharpx
- F# Templates and F# Tools for VS2012 Express for Web
- OData Type Provider with SharePoint 2010
- Announcing F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web!
- Announcing F# Tools for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web!
- Simple F# producer-consumer pattern
- iPad
- Here Be Monsters – Beta is now open!
- Bejeweled Blitz Cascades is launched
- Automated Browser-based Testing with Clojure
- F#: K-S test on final prices of GBM paths
- A non-empty list type for .NET
- RadioHead
- Levenshtein Distance and the Triangle Inequality
- Nested Controllers in the latest Web API Source
- Sneak preview
- Microsoft Codename “Cloud Numerics” Lab Refresh
- Microsoft Codename “Cloud Numerics” Lab Refresh
- Exploring the Online Templates: Creating a Web API with F# and ASP.NET
- Exploring the Online Templates: Creating a Web API with F# and ASP.NET
- Scrap your Boilerplate
- F#: Simulate entire GBM path
- The Origin of RESTful URLs
- Announcing "Data Driven Functional Programming 2013" Workshop at POPL, Submission Date: Oct 8 2012
- What is good API design?
- Lambda Calculus: Subtraction is hard
- Blog 101
- Introduction to Lambda Calculus
- now using DISQUS
- A ‘Bucket Elimination’ Constraint Solver in F#
- A ‘Bucket Elimination’ Constraint Solver in F#
- DDD10!
- Whats in your toolbox?
- Whats in your toolbox?
- Silverlight 5 Native Popup Windows
- How do I create an F# Type Provider that can be used from C#?
- C# 5 CallerMemberName from Silverlight & WPF 4.0
- Spellbound Forest and New Slots Tournament features!
- F#: Running Monte Carlo Simulation on GPU
- Utility Git Bash Shortcuts
- Testing MathJax
- Filbert – added BERT-RPC client + NuGet
- Stack Overflow and personal emails
- Simple Speed Tester – moved to Github!
- F#: Infinity and Infinitesimal-ness
- Silverlight 5 Modal Windows
- F#: How could the Monte Calro pricer return option_price = infinity?
- Visual studio 2012 all caps
- Visual studio 2012 all caps
- upcoming series: Lambda Calculus
- F#: Monte Carlo Simulation using Tail Recursion
- Why type-first development matters
- F# – converting a C# dictionary to a Map
- F#: speed up Monte Carlo Simulation by reducing creation of a new list
- Filbert – a BERT serializer for .Net
- Uncle Bob about software architecture
- How to Add WebSharper JavaScript to an ASP.NET MVC Web App
- F#: use "Find and Replace" to speed up Monte Carlo Simulation
- A single line stack trace
- The Functional Web, Part 1
- .NET Web App in the Clouds
- Work at World Singles? CFML / Clojure Developer wanted!
- Git for Windows Apps
- F# – defining explicit operator in F#
- Knockoutjs and RxJS
- New Names for Old Things
- Reporting Bugs to Microsoft
- F#: a Monte Carlo Pricer for European Calls and Puts
- F# – specifying a discriminated union clause generic unit of measure
- F# – defining a type extension for generic array
- 64bit fsi (FSharp Interactive) already available !!!
- F# Courses and Talks for Autumn 2012
- Windows Live Writer 2012
- Optional parameters interop: C# - F#
- F# Profiling: How to measure CPU time and absolute time?
- Performance Test – Json Serializers Part III
- The future of "C# in Depth"
- Clojure & CFML Sitting In A Tree Down Under
- Access Thousands of R Statistics Packages from F# 3.0
- Functions and Methods
- Silverlight 5 Native Windows P/Invoke
- Spending hours on trying to figure out why it does not check
- Spending hours on trying to figure out why it does not check
- Real World Clojure at Clojure/West
- A tale of equational reasoning in F#
- A simple finite state machine in Erlang and F#
- CFP: First Workshop on Programming the Semantic Web - PSW
- Why should we do code katas
- Is philosophy relevant for programmers?
- Is philosophy relevant for programmers?
- Pacman Tiles
- LinkedIn OAuth in F#
- Plants vs Zombies Summer Brainz is live!
- More About F# 3.0 Language Features
- Functional Programming is Dead, Long Live Expression-Oriented Programming
- Speeding up F# Printf.*
- Developer Democracy
- The Fresh Prince of Bell Labs
- Process within a company
- The Lurking Horror
- The Lurking Horror
- Is agile a developer-centric scam?
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 4 of N
- Web versus native app login
- Web versus native app login
- PezHack–Abstracting flow control with monads
- F# Generic Inlining With Member Constraints
- F# Generic Inlining With Member Constraints
- ICFP Programming Contest starts tomorrow
- Samurai vs Ninja is live!
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 3 of N
- How to reference F# in a research paper?
- Clojure & CFML Sitting In A Tree
- A Few New NoSQL Helper Libraries
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 2 of N
- Install Erlang on a Mac
- A Simple Technique for Creating 3D Graphs from 2D Ones
- A Simple Technique for Creating 3D Graphs from 2D Ones
- What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 1 of N
- Getting Started with Math.NET and F# Programming
- 99.9999999% up time!
- More C#/.NET Generics Research Project History - The MSR white paper from mid-1999
- CoffeeScript Presentation Now Available on InfoQ
- How to run a London Clojure Dojo in 20ish easy steps
- F# - Einstieg und praktische Anwendung, Oliver Sturm
- Red Hot Rockets is live!
- Slides and recording for my talk with F#unctional Londonders
- World’s Smallest HTMLParser in Less than 140 Lines of F#
- World’s Smallest HTMLParser in Less than 140 Lines of F#
- Some more .NET/C# Generics Research Project History
- 0.2.3
- Functional JavaScript with LiveScript, Mocha, and ExpectThat
- Heatmap Color Function for Visualizing Weighted Graphs
- Heatmap Color Function for Visualizing Weighted Graphs
- Program Configuration Space Complexity
- The F# Survival Guide (archived edition)
- CodeStock 2012
- Some History: 2001 "GC#" research project draft, from the MSR Cambridge team
- Tonight: F# User Group in Boston: Mathias Brandewinder on Bumblebee
- F# and .NET in Social Gaming, June 28, SkillsMatter, London
- Fuzz Balls and Amazing Adventures are live!
- CodeStock 2012 F# and CoffeeScript Presentations
- F#unctional Londoners Jun 28th
- AppHarbor: Free Cloud Hosting of WebSharper Apps
- Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 NYC – Day 2
- Fuchu: a functional test library for .NET
- NYC Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 in Retrospect
- Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 NYC – Day 1
- 0.2.2
- F# – Combining predicates
- Iconoclasts
- Refusing to work with a technology or a tool
- Refusing to work with a technology or a tool
- FsJson – a Reasonably Complete JSON Parser in F#
- FsJson – a Reasonably Complete JSON Parser in F#
- F# Push Notification; 33K Concurrent Clients; 1 Relaxed Server
- F# Push Notification; 33K Concurrent Clients; 1 Relaxed Server
- The Mythical Enlightened Employer
- Takeaways from Gael Fraiteur’s multithreading talk
- F#/C# ASP.NET MVC 4 Template for Visual Studio 2012 RC
- F# – Speed test iter and map operations with array vs list
- Technology and music
- Technology and music
- Wealthy Whale is live!
- CUFP 2012 - Call for Presentations
- Web API RC Released
- Porting Clojure’s persistent data structures to .NET part 2 of n – TransientVector
- Porting Clojure’s persistent data structures to .NET part 1 of n – PersistentVector
- EuroClojure 2012 – Part 2
- DDD SouthWest 4.0 and VBUG Bristol
- EuroClojure 2012 – Part 1
- GOTO Copenhagen 2012 Conference
- NuGet BuildMagic: No Binaries in your DVCS
- Looking for technical reviewers for Expert F# 3.0
- Github for windows
- Github for windows
- Fog Released
- Two Books in the Making
- BATTLESHIP Jackpot Command and Celestial Simians are live!
- Come to the F# Workshop and Tutorial in Pisa, Italy, 27/28 June 2012 - "F# for Education and Innovation"
- SkillsMatter Progressive F# Tutorials, New York City, 05 June 2012
- Introducing Fog: A Library for Interacting with Azure from F#
- Performance Test – String.Contains vs String.IndexOf vs Regex.IsMatch
- Clojure at cf.Objective()?
- An F# DSL for MbUnit
- Git It Anywhere
- First-class tests in MbUnit
- Remote Debugging
- Performance-Driven Development
- Bailing on Social Networks
- The perils of conditional mutability
- R. I. P. Cousin Tony
- More fun with DateTime
- A Prettier Printer in ML
- Einstein’s Riddle and Closed Questions
- WebSharper 2.4.63
- WebSharper 2.4 Q2 available
- Cross Posted: Online Training Course for F#
- PezHack–A Functional Roguelike
- Pluralsight Online Training in F#
- F# XNA Game Ported to Windows Phone
- F# XNA Game Ported to Windows Phone
- Getting at non-public property setters in a nice way :)
- F# solutions to Google CodeJam 2012 Qualification Round Questions
- Latest FPish enhancements
- F#, MSTest, and FsUnit
- You Might As Well Use Globals
- Back to the Primitive II
- Back to the Primitive II
- Monopoly House Party is live!
- git under cygwin dies trying to remap dll
- Updated version of "TrueSkill Through Time" Bayesian Inference Code
- FW/1 (for Clojure) Updated
- More Hadoop+F# Goodness
- Force-Directed Graph Layout in HTML5 with F# and WebSharper
- 0.1.4
- WebSharper 2.4 Q2 Beta out
- Clojure 1.4.0, clj-time, congomongo
- What Microsoft MVP means to me
- Next F# New York City Meetup: Tomas Petricek on F# applications - From Domain Model to User Interface
- Back to the Primitive
- Back to the Primitive
- TouchDevelop, from Microsoft Research
- Is Javascript code always so full of bugs?
- Exploring Monadic Landscape: Sql Command Computation Expression
- F# Event Madness, Spring 2012 Edition
- World Singles is Hiring!
- Thank you
- Type initializer circular dependencies
- Regarding JavaScript namespaces
- Regarding javascript namespaces
- Realtime Programming
- 3D XNA Game in F#
- 3D XNA Game in F#
- The Homomorphic Encryption Patent Land Rush
- infinite lazy-lists and folding them in f#
- F# IntelliSense Improvements in Visual Studio 11 Beta
- a simple fractal using Paper.js
- How-to: Setup your XAML-Project using multiple resource dictionaries
- WebSharper with Type Providers
- WebSharper with Type Providers
- F# solutions to Google CodeJam 2010 Qualification Round Problems
- An example of applicative validation in FSharpx
- Why The Defaults Matter
- Clojure/West 2012 Presentations
- Bug of the Day: "TH".StartsWith "Þ" = true
- Recording for my webinar with PostSharp
- A Nice Addition to the Empty WPF F# Template
- F# – How many messages can you post to a F# agent in one second?
- Statically typed access to JSON and XML by using schema inference
- Functional Fizz Buzz
- F# – Extending Discriminated Unions using marker interfaces
- Slides and Source Code for my webinar with PostSharp
- (summary :Clojure/West 2012)
- HTML5 DOM Control with WebSharper
- WPF Designer for F#
- I'm Speaking at the Big Picture Seminar at NICTA, Canberra, Tomorrow
- HTML5 Video of a Bear with WebSharper
- Next F# Seattle Meetup this Monday, March 26
- Learning HTML5 - Getting Started with WebSharper
- F# on Channel 9: Donna Malayeri - F# 3.0 - Information Rich Programming
- F# as a Platform for Quantitative Finance: Thursday, March 22, SkillsMatter, London
- F# – Serializing F# Record and Discriminated Union types
- Domain analysis of an application database
- Domain analysis of an application database
- Presentation - CoffeeScript: Good, Bold, and with Sugar
- Project Roslyn
- Project Roslyn
- Life in a tweet
- Diagnosing weird problems - a Stack Overflow case study
- Slides for my introductory NoSQL talk with The Developers Group
- Turning resharper code analysis on and off
- Asynchronous client/server in F# (QCon 2012)
- Black-Scholes Taste Test
- Black-Scholes Taste Test
- vs2010 express
- The Tech Support Effect
- Language
- Language
- Silverlight 5: Floating Windows (WIP)
- Eduasync 20: Changes between the VS11 Preview and the Visual Studio 11 Beta
- The Functional Nature of Web API
- get test support for XUnit and NUnit in VS11 beta
- F# and ASP.NET Web API
- PostSharp webinar
- Wrapping visitors with active patterns in F#
- 0.1.3
- Algebraic data type interop: F# - C#
- Visual F# 3.0 Beta now available in Visual Studio 11!
- Subtleties in API design - member placement
- Introducing Visual F# 3.0 Beta!
- Why I Don’t Care If You Think Functional Programming Matters
- Chocolatey
- Chocolatey
- a correct ‘modulus’ for F#
- Razor Added to the F#/C# ASP.NET MVC 3 Internet Project Template
- Performance Test – Binary serializers Part III
- Incomplete removed downloads
- Dublin Gamecraft
- Spruce Media
- Static upcast in C#
- File upload
- File upload
- Functional Programming eXchange 2012
- Upcoming speaking engagement
- mvc 4
- ExpectThat with CoffeeScript, Zombie, Mocha, and Node
- FSharp Dataflow agents III
- FSharp Dataflow agents III
- Reasons to Come to Functional Programming eXchange 2012
- F# – Simple QuickSort implementation
- javascript diff algorithm
- Continuous code coverage
- Continuous code coverage
- You Might As Well Make All Your Class Members Public
- Avoid batch files
- Avoid batch files
- WebSharper 2.4.35
- Next Seattle F# Meetup, Tuesday Feb 21, 2012
- Emulating digital logic circuits in F#
- Functional Programming eXchange 2012, March 16, 2012, London
- Silverlight Context Menu Scrolling
- A basic guide to F# functional techniques part 1
- Another option for FW/1
- Getting Started with ClojureScript and jQuery (and FW/1)
- an interesting combinatorial algorithm straight from elementary-school
- todays non-BUG
- Another Way To Kick-start F# WPF Apps
- Getting Started with ClojureScript (and FW/1)
- Silverlight 5: Multiple Windows
- Encoding algebraic data types in C#
- Why do we need partial application? – Part 2 of n – Simulating type classes in C# and F#
- Currying vs partial function application
- F#/C# Contract Position for Silverlight/HTML 5 User Interface Development at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
- Currying and uncurrying in C# and F#
- Testing a jQuery Plugin with ExpectThat and Mocha
- F# Dataflow Agents Part II
- F# Dataflow Agents Part II
- From Iteratees to Conduits
- Silverlight 5’s ChildWindow in Multiple Windows
- My slides at recent AOP talks
- Metro style revolution
- Metro style revolution
- Why do we need partial application? – Part 1 of n – Fluent interfaces and piping
- Silverlight 5 Toolkit’s ContextMenu in Multiple Windows
- Partial application in F# and C#
- Undertone – Programmable music in F#
- Pseudo RealTime performance monitoring with AOP and AWS CloudWatch
- Configuring Sublime Text 2 To Work With FSharp
- Use Google Chrome to View .pdf Files
- World Singles at Clojure/West
- Error Updating Windows Live Writer 2011
- a new blog theme/design
- First F# Seattle Meetup This Saturday, Redmond
- The Chinese remainder theorem
- WebSharper Goes Green: Staph Genome Viz
- London F# Meetup Group this Thursday: Pacman Kata
- Kinect’ing with F# and XNA
- Kinect’ing with F# and XNA
- "Super-Strong" Typing, Dynamic Typing, and Type Inference in F#
- "Super-Strong" Typing, Dynamic Typing, and Type Inference in F#
- Making F# Windows Phone Development a Little Easier
- Pong
- F# 3.0 at TechDays France, Feb 7, Paris!
- F#, WebSharper, JavaScript, HTML5, Mobile etc.
- F# Dataflow Agents Part I
- F# Dataflow Agents Part I
- F# Legacy: Test implants
- F# Training in London in January and February: Functional Programming in .NET and Real World F# Programming
- Microsoft Releases Local, Distributed and Cloud Numerics Library, with F# Samples
- Musicians, Mechanics, and Mathematicians
- Using the New Cloud Numerics Library in F#
- Eduasync part 19: ordering by completion, ahead of time...
- Campfire Mono: F# and F# on Mono
- developerFusion Article: An Introduction to FSharpx
- Building FAKE scripts with Jenkins
- Checked context in C# and F#
- Coding in the style of Glee
- CodeMash 2012 report
- Come and work with the F# group at Microsoft Research in Cambridge!
- Some F# Programming Jobs in London
- Why do most programmers work so hard at pretending that they’re not doing math?
- F# courses and talks (Winter 2012 and beyond...)
- Speaking about "Boring Stuff" at Clojure/West
- Eduasync part 18: Changes between the Async CTP and the Visual Studio 11 Preview
- PacMan Kata
- F# equivalent of C#’s Object Initialization syntax
- WebSharper Goes Open-Source
- Moved To Octopress...
- HTTP and Functional Programming
- F# – Converting to and from Units of Measure
- Introducing ExpectThat: A CoffeeScript Assertion Library
- Wrapping Build Tasks With FSharp
- How to integrate F# and Notepad++
- Web Architecture Done Right
- back in action
- Regions and navigation bar for F# in Visual Studio
- F# – Retry workflow
- Awaiting CodeMash 2012
- A look back at 2011
- Solving F# Async.StartChild Leak: Futures
- A New Web for .NET: FubuMVC and Chad's response to AR Considered Harmful
- Symbol Interning in WebSharper 2.4
- TIL quickly open a file in visual studio
- Programming Rules Of Thumb
- F# – Define empty class, struct or interface types
- F# Frustration: More Async Memory Leaks
- Hidden Markov Models and a ‘Reactive’ Viterbi Algorithm Implementation
- Hidden Markov Models and a ‘Reactive’ Viterbi Algorithm Implementation
- Visual F#团队很高兴地宣布中国的CSDN博客正式成立
- F# – From string to byte array and back
- Announcing FsUnit 1.0
- Hacking Type Classes in F#
- F# – inline functions and member constraints
- A Simple F# DSL to Mimic XQuery and XPath
- A Simple F# DSL to Mimic XQuery and XPath
- Testing your project against multiple versions of Clojure
- Making Async 5x Faster
- toying with lazy sequences and the fixed-point combinator in F#
- a generic polynomial type in F#
- Using backbone routes together with knockout
- Using backbone routes together with knockout
- 2011 In Retrospect: A Year of Writing F# Professionally
- Fixing a hole...
- Fixing a hole…
- Fixing a hole...
- Performance Test – Binary serializers Part II
- Porting Bryan's Erlang Function to F#
- FunTracer: Textures and Fog
- Announcing an F# Meetup Group in Seattle
- 6 Month Contract Position at MSR Cambridge: Cross-Platform and Web-Delivered Data-Rich Programming with F# 3.0
- FunTracer: adding planes to the picture
- Coq Trivia: Dependent Pattern-Matching and Inversion
- FunTracer: reflection
- Vector Fun: projection of a vector on another
- FunTracer: specular lightning
- FunTracer: adding shadow
- Stack-Allocated Lists
- FunTracer: the first simple tracer
- Book Review: Fluent C# (Rebecca Riordan, Sams)
- FunTracer: hitting a sphere
- FunTracer: Defining the ray and viewport
- The 5 minute fix
- The 5 minute fix
- Text-based Macro System for F#
- FunTracer: Intro and let there be light
- Enhancements to FsUnit (version
- Building an ASP.NET MVC 4 Solution with F# and C#
- MVVM Plus Conductor with Knockout js
- MVVM Plus Conductor with Knockout js
- Raytracing side note: “almost zero”
- Want to learn Clojure, online?
- Performance Test — SortedDictionary vs Dictionary vs Map vs Array
- Vector Fun: dot-product
- a simple vector-type in F#
- Next: Raytracing in F#
- Getting Setup for JavaScript Testing with Pavlov
- New York City F# Meetup Group: High Performance F#, in .NET and on the GPU with Jack Pappas, Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 6:30 PM
- A few FSharpx examples
- F# Math (IV.) - Writing generic numeric code
- Eduasync part 17: unit testing
- Connect4 – designing a Silverlight ViewModel
- Building F# Solutions in Visual Studio 11
- FW/1 User Manager example on Heroku
- F# Math (III.) - Defining custom numeric types
- Connect4 – implementing the representation and core mechanics in F#
- Serializable dynamic Proxies
- Eduasync part 16: Example of composition: majority voting
- Slides and Source Code for my talk with UKDG and NxtGenUG
- F# agents with timeouts
- Updates to the August 2011 F# 2.0 Compiler Code Drop
- StatFactory: FCore maths & statistics library, designed for use with F#
- Tonight at F#unctional Londoners: Byron Cook: Proving program termination with F#
- Lenses in F#
- A Pinch of CoffeeScript Sugar - Part 1
- Updates to the August 2011 F# 2.0 Compiler Code Drop
- Detecting the CPU architecture in F#
- Project Euler — Problem 65 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 71 Solution
- F# Silverlight Library Template in Visual Studio 11
- Optimizing the Heck Out of F#: HTTP Request Parsing
- Eduasync part 15: implementing COMEFROM with a horrible hack
- Performance Test – JSON serializers Part II
- Getting Started with FW/1 in Clojure
- New F# Windows Phone Library Project Template
- using underscore filter in IE 7 & 8
- using underscore filter in IE 7 & 8
- Mostly Lazy - a Clojure podcast
- F# Math (II.) - Using matrices for graph algorithms
- FW/1 comes to Clojure
- F# – Adding custom indexer and slicer to your type
- An F# Web Server From Sockets and Up
- An F# Web Server From Sockets and Up
- MonoDevelop User Voice: Vote for Full F# Support
- A Coder Interview with Dan Mohl
- Isop library
- I'm thinking about not doing any windows hobby projects anymore
- The Combinator Approach to Programming Domain Specific Languages with F#
- 0.1.1
- Job at MSR Cambridge: Infer.NET
- Real World Clojure - email status tracking
- F# Math (I.) - Numeric types in PowerPack
- F# Math - Numerical computing and F# PowerPack
- Progressive F# Tutorials at SkillsMatter, London, Thu-Fri This Week
- Real World Clojure - logging
- Type Systems are Asserts
- Type Systems are Asserts
- Real World Clojure - i18n resources
- Calling F# Libraries from Metro Style Apps
- Real World Clojure - SQL and noSQL
- Real World Clojure - Tooling
- Poor man's option type in C#
- Real World Clojure - HTML email generation
- F# as a Octave/Matlab replacement for Machine Learning
- Real World Clojure - XML generation
- F# as a Octave/Matlab replacement for Machine Learning
- Real World Clojure - environment control
- Real World Clojure - PowerMTA log files
- FPish now hosts blogs!
- TDD in the browser using knockout js
- Use F# to meet your scripting needs
- Potential Post-PhD and Internship Positions in Web-Delivered, Data-Rich Cloud Programming
- 10 reasons to use the F# runtime in your C# app
- How to let other teams at Microsoft know how they can support F# better
- Press play on tape
- Press play on tape
- Two New F# 3.0 Type Provider Related NuGet Packages
- AOP with F# — Memorization using higher-order functions
- Compatibility between 32-bit, 64-bit and “Any CPU” .NET assemblies
- Please submit, vote on and discuss F# and Visual Studio features
- New Updates to FSharpChart!
- Some thoughts about Google’s new Dart programming language
- OOP to me means only messaging local retention...
- OOP to me means only messaging local retention…
- Iteratee in F# - Part 1
- Iteratee in F# – Part 1
- F# Performance Test — Structs vs Records
- F# — Enums vs Discriminated Unions
- dotnet-console is now Isop
- dotnet-console is now Isop
- F# Article Featured on Soma’s Blog!
- Planning for 2012
- Authoring Type Providers with the TypeProviderDSL from FSharpx
- Using msysgit in cygwin
- Using msysgit in cygwin
- Command line option parsing
- Command line option parsing
- Turning a continuous Twitter stream into a sequence using Seq.unfold
- Today's the day to say it.... I'm an Apple II kid
- F# 2-Year Contract Position for Biological Modelling Language Development
- The MSR Cambridge Research Games Team invite you to play Blotto
- F# presentation - F# Eye for the C# Guy
- Advice for Getting Started with F#
- MSDN Magazine Article: Authoring an F#/C# VSIX Project Template
- Having at least 2 monitors?
- Having at least 2 monitors?
- Simple noise on the arduino
- Simple noise on the arduino
- Introducing PreSharp
- New F#/C# ASP.NET MVC 3 Template
- Introducing PreSharp
- F# — Referential equality for tuples, discriminated unions and records
- A Simple AppSettings Type Provider
- For whom the proteins fold
- F# — Exception handling the pattern matching way!
- Transforming Large Unions in F#
- F# solution to Ayande’s tax calculation challenge
- F# — Use Discriminated Unions instead of class hierarchies
- A Faster and Leaner WebSharper 2.4 is Coming
- Microsoft: please eat some more of your WPF-flavored dog food
- Record Linkage Algorithms in F# – Extensions to Jaro-Winkler Distance (Part 3)
- F# — yield vs yield!
- F# — Record types vs classes
- Microsoft: please eat some more of your WPF-flavored dog food
- Firefox fails on nested closures at 16 layers
- F# — Pipe Forward and Pipe Backward
- Knockout versus Backbone
- Migrating from SubText to BlogEngine.NET
- Implementing Dispose method in .net
- Implementing Dispose method in .net
- Migrating from SubText to BlogEngine.NET
- Writing F# Type Providers with the F# 3.0 Developer Preview - An Introductory Guide and Samples
- WebSharper 2.3 Q3 released
- datejs or not?
- Presentation: Dialing Up with F# and Windows Phone 7
- Imperative Pseudocode to Pure Functional Algorithm with Gale-Shapely and F#
- Windows 8
- Windows 8
- WinRT replaces win32
- WinRT replaces win32
- First example of a very simple type provider
- Laptop review: Kobalt G150
- F# Type Providers - Querying StackOverflow
- My New Chomma, Clojure
- WebSharper at CUFP 2011
- F# 3.0 Developer Preview Now Available!
- Advantages of CoffeeScript When Working with jQuery Templates
- Build 2011 – A quick look
- Build 2011 - A quick look
- A few thoughts on build and Windows 8
- Record Linkage in F# – Token Matching, Stable Marriages and the Gale-Shapley algorithm
- WP7 AccelerometerProxy in F#
- Functional Programming eXchange 2012: Call for abstracts
- Project Euler — Problem 59 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 79 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 145 Solution
- Announcing Formlets for jQuery Mobile
- Project Euler — Problem 74 Solution
- F#, RavenDB and PicoMvc – Creating an Autocomplete – The ETL
- See My Stack Overflow Dev Days Talk
- Project Euler — Problem 205 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 85
- Project Euler — Problem 81 Solution
- Project Euler — Problem 99 Solution
- Getting Started with the F# PowerPack - Part 4
- F#, RavenDB and PicoMvc – Creating an Autocomplete – Scenario and Project Setup
- Interested in presenting at a conference on functional…
- Organizing Code Files
- Calculating when the 1000th XKCD will appear
- The iteratee is continuing to hang me up…
- Upcoming speaking engagements
- Running Rake under cygwin
- Running Rake under cygwin
- Unit Testing a jQuery Plugin with CoffeeScript and Pavlov
- Upcoming September 2011 course has been moved to 1 November 2011
- F# courses and talks (Autumn 2011)
- Adding NuGet Support to F# Interactive
- Getting Started with the F# PowerPack - Part 3
- Optimization and generics, part 2: lambda expressions and reference types
- F# and Design principles – SOLID
- F# and Design principles - SOLID
- F# and Design principles - SOLID
- Optimization and generics, part 1: the new() constraint (updated: now with CLR v2 results)
- DevLink: Getting Started with F# Web Development
- Understanding Monads Sample: F# Async Monad
- Getting Started with the F# PowerPack - Part 2
- Macports trouble
- Chinese Chess: An Exercise in Upgrading
- Another CoffeeScript and jQuery UI Example
- Small Revamp to and Free Chapter of Beginning F#
- Real-World F# Programming Articles now available on MSDN
- Programming with F# asynchronous sequences
- Real-World F# Articles on MSDN
- The Lazync Computation Expressions
- cfmljure updated
- WebSharper Extensions for Bing Maps 7.0 Updated
- Speaking at Stack Overflow Dev Days and Progressive F# in autumn 2011
- Understanding Monads
- Zippy Tips Working With ServiceStack, Backbone.js, jQuery & Mono-Develop on Mac
- TinyMCE Extension for WebSharper Released
- I'm working on a few seemingly unrelated posts...
- 0.0.5
- I’m working on a few seemingly unrelated posts…
- 0.0.4
- The Last Programming Language
- List-like expressions in F# 2.0
- List-like expressions in F# 2.0
- From C# to F#: A Developer's Perspective
- From C# to F#: A Developer’s Perspective
- From C# to F#: A Developer's Perspective
- WebSharper 2.3 - targeting enterprise applications
- WebSharper 2.3
- Re: unREST
- Google’s Multi-Language Benchmark in F#
- Color the Wind - a 2D Canvas demo with WebSharper
- Agent based scheduling
- Agent based scheduling
- Agent based scheduling
- Parsing PowerMTA Accounting Files
- NHTSA Ninja: Slicing and Dicing Auto Data with F#
- DIY: Exhaustiveness checking on Scala Enums
- The Frank application signature is curre…
- Announcing Four New F# Projects For Creating Web Apps
- I’ve been working on the Frank syntax lately…
- Polyglot projects?
- FAST Search for SharePoint
- WebSharper / O3D sample: Snooker game
- Safer asynchronous workflows for GUI programming
- CongoMongo & Clojure 1.3.0
- Writing non-blocking user-interfaces in F#
- O3D Extension for WebSharper available
- Agents and ObjectPools
- Agents and ObjectPools
- Agents and ObjectPools
- Rayak – looks like someone beat me to it…
- Solving Sudoku with F# and Solver Foundation
- x86 / 64
- Command line option parsing
- Command line option parsing
- Announcing
- Replacing Visual Studio 2010 with SharpDevelop 4.1
- Replacing Visual Studio 2010 with SharpDevelop 4.1
- Testing SQL database
- Testing SQL database
- To UUID or not to UUID?
- Build/test time
- Build/test time
- Hey NHibernate, Don’t Mess With My Enums!
- When to use mocks?
- When to use mocks?
- Migrations
- Migrations
- studiostyles
- DHTMLX Touch for WebSharper available
- I haven’t had a lot of time recently to…
- Simple database
- Pipeline processing 3
- Pipeline processing 3
- Pipeline processing 3
- WebSharper RC2 Extension updates
- OData from JavaScript - Netflix Genres
- HOWTO write something FAST that works!
- HOWTO write something FAST that works!
- Copy to clipboard in windows
- Copy to clipboard in windows
- Taking Computation Expressions one step further
- MsTest mature enough?
- WebGL and glMatrix Extensions for WebSharper Released
- Why automated tests?
- Why automated tests?
- Role Playing games
- Role Playing games
- Enterprise library logging
- Having fun with HTML5 – Simple painting app using Canvas
- Number of tests
- WebSharper 2.1 Professional RC2 released
- Parsing system diagnostics xml format
- Bing Maps 7.0 Extension for WebSharper
- log4net
- log4net
- .net dll inspection
- REST Web Services with ServiceStack
- Covariance and Contravariance in C# 4.0
- Covariance and Contravariance in C# 4.0
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Observable vs ConnectableObservable
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Causing side effects with Do
- .NET RSAParameters endianness
- Formlets for jQuery UI available
- Beyond the Monad fashion (I.): Writing idioms in LINQ
- MonoDevelop & Teaching F# & QCon tutorial
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Wikipedia lookup demo
- Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Multiple observers for multiple observables
- Drag and Drop using Reactive Extensions for Javascript
- Implementing PostStart in #Akka
- WebSharper 2 Professional RC1
- Test your maths skills at the MathDOJO!
- This is exactly what I want Akka to solve
- Which do you prefer for Frank routing gist...
- State Machines...
- HTTP Parsing...
- Asynchronous I/O...
- State Machines…
- Jon Skeet's LINQ to Objects...
- Separate team quoted one man year. Took ...
- More WebSharper talks in February
- Come and see me and other F# guru’s in Seattle!
- Creating a count down meter with CSS3 and JQuery
- Sencha Touch for WebSharper available
- How to Enable Typing in Spanish
- Pipeline processing 2
- Pipeline processing 2
- Pipeline processing 2
- Building a conversation engine with WebSharper
- The Sad State of fshtmldoc – Can We Do Better?
- Windows Phone 7 Accelerometer and F#
- Home-made Regular Expressions in F#
- Logging for Commerce Server 2009
- Logging for Commerce Server 2009
- New WebSharper extensions available
- WebSharper 2.1 Beta 5 available
- Pipeline processing 1
- Pipeline processing 1
- Pipeline processing 1
- Creating a sticky note app with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript
- Commerce Server in the future
- Sockets and Bockets 4
- Sockets and Bockets 4
- Sockets and Bockets 4
- WebSharper Sitelets Continued: Developing a Blog Service
- WebSharper sitelets: building a two-page website
- Over-cautious locking interferes with work
- Whats wrong with Commerce Server 2009
- Whats wrong with Commerce Server 2009
- WebSharper proposal for MIX 2011
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 5
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 4
- Sockets and Bockets 3
- Sockets and Bockets 3
- Sockets and Bockets 3
- Sharepoint
- A Simple Web Server in F#
- Closure in Javascript vs C#
- Currying and Partial Applications in F#, Javascript and C#
- Currying vs Partial Application
- Sockets and Bockets 2
- Sockets and Bockets 2
- Sockets and Bockets 2
- Sockets and Bockets 1
- Sockets and Bockets 1
- Sockets and Bockets 1
- JSON Processing in F#
- Creating a link swipe effect with Javascript
- Introduction
- Introduction
- New Site, new blog
- WebSharper Beta 4 released
- FSharpJump – a Visual Studio 2010 Extension for F# Outlining and Navigation
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 3
- Javascript — Dynamically generating Accessor and Mutation methods
- Javascript — Immutable types
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 2
- Having fun with HTML5 — Canvas, part 1
- Having fun with HTML5 — contenteditable attribute
- Having fun with HTML5 — Local Storage and Session Storage
- All #Actors in #Scala - compared
- √iktor needs your help!
- Talk: Introducing WebSharper Sitelets
- Visual Studio book with F# chapter
- Interfaces
- Agile Platform 5.1.1
- Refactoring multiplicity, synchronous versus asynchonous
- Refactoring multiplicity, synchronous versus asynchonous
- Agile Platform 5.1.1
- WebSharper 2.0 Beta Bundle
- WebSharper 2.0 Beta2 released
- Functional Programming eXchange 2011: Programming the Web and Programming at High Speed
- Solving Sudoku Puzzles using F# and Microsoft Solver Foundation
- Public/protected/private fail?
- Why git or mercurial?
- Why git or mercurial?
- Hardcore Pom
- Framework versus library
- Asynchronous Serial Port Communication with F#
- F# in Education & Concurrency with Agents
- SBT-fu: Publish privately
- Dispatchers in Akka 1.0-RC1
- The Future is dead?
- Dependency Hell
- When you don't handle it
- WebSharper: integration with ASP.NET MVC
- The self matters
- What's wrong with SharePoint
- What's wrong with SharePoint
- What's wrong with SharePoint
- Introducing WebSharper 2.0 at LWSUG
- WebSharper 2.0 Beta available
- Fluent NHibernate on PostgreSQL
- Asynchronous C# and F# (III.): How does it work?
- XML build files are obsolete
- XML build files are obsolete
- Command prompt here
- Develop Like Water Making Its Way Through Cracks (Part 1)
- Complete Graph in Silverlight
- WebSharper talk at Sinergija 2010
- Calculating a range of arbitrarily large prime numbers in F# 2.0
- Calculating a range of arbitrarily large prime numbers in F# 2.0
- Create F# Silverlight Apps from Visual Studio 2010 Shell
- Ryoushin’s 2D Area F# Silverlight Demo Updated
- Visual F# 100 Examples: Example Number 1 in Silverlight
- Performance Test — Prime numbers with LINQ vs PLINQ vs F#
- Announcing the London WebSharper User Group
- No IntelliSense for Visual Studio 2010 C++/CLI
- WebScheme
- F# Parallel Extras (II.): Agent-based blocking queue
- F# Parallel Extras (I.): Image pipeline using agents
- FAQ: How much do I need to know before I come to the dojo?
- Implementing Haskell classes in F#
- Akka 1.0-M1 is out!!
- Declaring class constructors in F# 2.0, also considering singletons
- Declaring class constructors in F# 2.0, also considering singletons
- Cheaper ThreadBasedDispatchers in Akka 1.0
- Being responsible when using tail recursion and exceptions
- The IO Monad for F#
- F# and WPF/XAML
- F# MVP Award - 2010
- Tutorial: Implementing a shopping cart with WebSharper
- Unit testing using Moq and Unity Container
- How to change Word 2007 citation style to use square brackets
- How to change Word 2007 citation style to use square brackets
- Making DSLs in F#
- CUFP 2010 - Call for Participation
- less css
- Testing it in ie6?
- ciscratch notes
- Ruby versus Python
- iTunes via F# Interactive
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #7
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #7
- Dispatcher configuration for Akka 0.10
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #6
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #5
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #5
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #6
- Dining hakkers
- Query Zune Music Collection with F#
- WebSharper available in Visual Studio Gallery
- Expert F# 2.0 - what's new?
- F# values, functions and a little bit of both
- Find Authenticode Signed Assemblies
- Simple object oriented javascript
- Simple object oriented JavaScript
- Exploring the GAC with F# and Mono.Cecil
- Sexy Transactions In Spring.NET
- Debugging the unmentionable
- Different breed of programmers
- Different breed of programmers
- .net 4 security model
- A new era
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #4
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #4
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #3
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #3
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #2
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #2
- F# Development and Sales Jobs in London, California, and Budapest
- Call for Presentations - CUFP 2010
- Call for Presentations - ML 2010
- WebSharper 0.4.62 is available - with dependent formlets-flowlets-third-party extensions-and more!
- Locate Me
- Hello World for Bing Maps + Silverlight + F#
- Functional Silverlight on App Engine
- Foldr or FoldBack on Infinite F# Sequences
- Generic Workflow Builders (Monads) in F#
- WGET in F#
- Trouble starting the debugger with IE8 installed
- The Execution Speed of Early vs Late Binding in .NET
- WebSharper - Write F# and Run JavaScript
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #1
- Agile Platform Tips & Tricks #1
- .NET Composite Formatting with Keyword Expansion
- Debugging javascript in IE8
- Debugging JavaScript in IE8
- Debugging JavaScript in Firefox
- Debugging javascript in Firefox
- web api's
- web api's
- Programming JavaScript
- Programming javascript
- svg canvas 2
- Intellisense or autocompletion of javascript (with jquery) in visual studio
- Should the Membership provider be made obsolete?
- Rapid prototyping of DSLs in F# - Part III
- Listing handlers
Blog article tags
- f# × 1762
- f# weekly × 467
- news:f# weekly × 455
- programming × 351
- c# × 308
- websharper × 305
- .net × 213
- aws × 131
- functional × 131
- javascript × 127
- uncategorized × 127
- clojure × 114
- serverless × 107
- me × 102
- fsharp × 95
- lambda × 82
- f# 3.0 × 73
- web × 70
- fsharp programming × 67
- mono × 60
- sockets × 55
- asynchronous × 51
- performance × 51
- complexity × 48
- cloudsharper × 47
- pipeline × 46
- machine learning × 45
- pipelets × 45
- saea × 45
- distributed systems × 44
- flack × 43
- frack × 43
- typescript × 43
- haskell × 41
- core × 38
- type providers × 38
- silverlight × 34
- xamarin × 34
- f# user groups × 33
- http × 33
- games × 32
- general × 32
- scala × 31
- software engineering × 30
- weekly update × 30
- weekly × 29
- azure × 27
- erlang × 26
- node.js × 26
- angular × 25
- functional programming × 25
- thoughts × 24
- html5 × 23
- nuget × 23
- tools × 23
- wpf × 23
- cuda × 22
- diverses × 22
- evil code × 22
- fake × 22
- here be monsters × 22
- api gateway × 21
- async × 21
- iwi × 21
- software × 21
- coldfusion × 20
- engineering × 20
- ios × 20
- noda time × 20
- visual studio × 20
- architecture × 19
- csharp × 19
- elm × 19
- math coding × 19
- oldstuff × 19
- android × 18
- aspect oriented programming × 18
- coffeescript × 18
- math × 18
- project templates × 18
- adventofcode × 17
- × 17
- dotnet × 17
- dynamodb × 17
- elixir × 17
- exercises in prog style × 17
- general software development × 17
- linux × 17
- monodevelop × 16
- project euler × 16
- python × 16
- .net core × 15
- angularjs × 15
- f# type providers × 15
- learning f# × 15
- project euler solutions × 15
- rest × 15
- sourcelink × 15
- algorithms × 14
- announcement × 14
- appsync × 14
- bolero × 14
- fsharpx × 14
- postsharp × 14
- takeaways × 14
- f# weekly news × 13
- neo4j × 13
- × 13
- web api × 13
- xamarin.forms × 13
- akka × 12
- allgemein × 12
- mvc 4 × 12
- web api × 12
- cloudwatch × 12
- computer vision × 12
- diagnostics × 12
- f# 4.0 × 12
- fsadvent × 12
- powershell × 12
- reactive × 12
- simplespeedtester × 12
- twitter × 12
- visual f# tools × 12
- × 12
- async workflows × 11
- bootstrap × 11
- f# meetups × 11
- fw1 × 11
- git × 11
- java × 11
- pointofview × 11
- spa × 11
- sql × 11
- stack overflow × 11
- testing × 11
- ubuntu × 11
- basic × 10
- dart × 10
- domain specific language × 10
- domain specific languages × 10
- f# in finance × 10
- f# jobs × 10
- fake - f# make × 10
- × 10
- kinesis × 10
- nosql × 10
- raytracing × 10
- security × 10
- webassembly × 10
- agile platform × 9
- bioinformatics × 9
- build × 9
- conference × 9
- design × 9
- fun coding × 9
- jquery × 9
- linq × 9
- monads × 9
- monogame × 9
- monte carlo simulation × 9
- msbuild × 9
- navision × 9
- nginx × 9
- nvidia × 9
- ocaml × 9
- open source × 9
- option pricing × 9
- presentation × 9
- quantitative modeling × 9
- rx × 9
- step functions × 9
- ui × 9
- web-development × 9
- 未分類 × 9
- actors × 8
- agents × 8
- alea.cuda × 8
- c# 5 × 8
- docker × 8
- dynamodb.sql × 8
- events × 8
- f# 3.1 × 8
- fsi × 8
- github × 8
- howto × 8
- informatik × 8
- management × 8
- microservices × 8
- mongodb × 8
- monotouch × 8
- news × 8
- record linkage × 8
- software development × 8
- tips and tricks × 8
- visual studio 2015 × 8
- cloud × 7
- conference papers × 7
- craftconf × 7
- d3 × 7
- data science × 7
- design patterns × 7
- digimixer × 7
- dynamics nav 2009 × 7
- f# finance × 7
- f# progamming × 7
- f# programming × 7
- https × 7
- installation × 7
- microsoft orleans × 7
- open engineering × 7
- primeng × 7
- r × 7
- scalability × 7
- servicestack × 7
- spartakiade × 7
- spritekit × 7
- ssl × 7
- technology × 7
- tips × 7
- try websharper × 7
- types × 7
- wacky ideas × 7
- wcf × 7
- year in review × 7
- .net standard × 6
- appveyor × 6
- mvc × 6
- aws lambda × 6
- bdd × 6
- books × 6
- cloudformation × 6
- conferences × 6
- css.js × 6
- data visualization × 6
- deedle × 6
- deep learning × 6
- dynamics nav 2013 × 6
- eduasync × 6
- emacs × 6
- enhancement × 6
- fable × 6
- go × 6
- graphs × 6
- identityserver4 × 6
- l-system × 6
- matlab × 6
- mobile × 6
- nlp × 6
- oauth × 6
- optimization × 6
- owin × 6
- paket × 6
- puzzle × 6
- react × 6
- rust × 6
- speaking engagements × 6
- stanford nlp × 6
- try f# × 6
- visual studio 2013 × 6
- workshop × 6
- xaml × 6
- .net community × 5
- .net framework × 5
- apl × 5
- automation × 5
- backbone × 5
- benchmarking × 5
- blogging × 5
- book × 5
- c++ × 5
- cfobjective × 5
- ci × 5
- codeplex × 5
- concurrency × 5
- d3js × 5
- database × 5
- development × 5
- dsl × 5
- excel × 5
- expectthat × 5
- f# education × 5
- f# math × 5
- f# meetup × 5
- f# talks × 5
- f-sharp make × 5
- fold × 5
- freebase sample × 5
- functional-programming × 5
- funscript × 5
- ghost × 5
- gpu × 5
- html × 5
- knockout × 5
- lua × 5
- × 5
- ml × 5
- nancy × 5
- odata × 5
- patterns × 5
- prime × 5
- release × 5
- sharepoint × 5
- sharepoint 2010 × 5
- skillsmatter × 5
- sns × 5
- software craftsmanship × 5
- svm × 5
- tfs × 5
- tpl × 5
- ts2fable × 5
- typeprovider × 5
- user groups × 5
- v-drums × 5
- visualization × 5
- windows azure × 5
- xamarin studio × 5
- activex × 4
- agile × 4
- × 4
- algo × 4
- mvc 3 × 4
- aspnet core × 4
- authentication × 4
- blazor × 4
- brian mcnamara × 4
- ci/cd × 4
- clr × 4
- compilers × 4
- computation expressions × 4
- css3 × 4
- cufp × 4
- currying × 4
- distributed system × 4
- emerging languages camp × 4
- entity resolution × 4
- extensions × 4
- f# books × 4
- f# community × 4
- f# events × 4
- f# information rich programming × 4
- f# open source × 4
- f# tutorials × 4
- fpish × 4
- freebase × 4
- fsunit × 4
- gc × 4
- gitlab × 4
- google × 4
- gpgpu × 4
- higher order functions × 4
- iis × 4
- infotech × 4
- interactivebrokers × 4
- jobs × 4
- jquery mobile × 4
- lambdacalculus × 4
- memory fragmentation × 4
- metaprogramming × 4
- microsoft dynamics crm × 4
- microsoft dynamics nav × 4
- microsoft research × 4
- misc × 4
- mocha × 4
- monad × 4
- × 4
- mstest × 4
- mvc × 4
- nathan marz × 4
- opencv × 4
- parsing × 4
- partial application × 4
- primefaces × 4
- random number generation × 4
- real-world serverless × 4
- recursion × 4
- rustlang × 4
- s3 × 4
- semagle × 4
- single page application × 4
- sqs × 4
- stack × 4
- stream_ext × 4
- tdd × 4
- templates × 4
- templating × 4
- threading × 4
- topologies × 4
- topology × 4
- vault × 4
- vector × 4
- veranstaltungen × 4
- versioning × 4
- video × 4
- visual studio express × 4
- windows phone 7 × 4
- 6 × 3
- ajax × 3
- alea.cubase × 3
- amplify × 3
- api × 3
- applicative × 3
- mvc 5 × 3
- aws cloudwatch × 3
- barra lures × 3
- barramundi lures × 3
- bert × 3
- best barramundi lures × 3
- book review × 3
- book reviews × 3
- c# 6 × 3
- c# 8 × 3
- c# generics × 3
- c-sharp × 3
- cd × 3
- chaos engineering × 3
- chocolatey × 3
- cloud computing × 3
- cloud numerics × 3
- cloud programming × 3
- cod lures × 3
- cod lures australia × 3
- coldbox × 3
- community × 3
- compiler × 3
- computer science × 3
- coq × 3
- coursera × 3
- cpp × 3
- css × 3
- ddfp × 3
- deployment × 3
- developer open space × 3
- devspace × 3
- digital logic × 3
- discriminated union × 3
- dotnet core × 3
- durandal × 3
- dynamic × 3
- electronics × 3
- emgucv × 3
- enterprise search × 3
- entity framework × 3
- entity framework core × 3
- error × 3
- eventsourcing × 3
- f# interactive × 3
- f# numerics × 3
- f# on android × 3
- f# samples × 3
- f# statistics × 3
- f# training × 3
- fast × 3
- fetch × 3
- filbert × 3
- fog × 3
- frontend × 3
- fscl × 3
- fun × 3
- gamecraft × 3
- general principles × 3
- gimp × 3
- gitlab pipeline × 3
- google cloud × 3
- graphql × 3
- groovy × 3
- homomorphic encryption × 3
- identity × 3
- idris × 3
- ikvm × 3
- inference × 3
- information rich programming × 3
- information-rich programming × 3
- ironpython × 3
- jquery ui × 3
- json × 3
- kestrel × 3
- led lures × 3
- led lures australia × 3
- list × 3
- logging × 3
- mac × 3
- mathematics × 3
- matlab type provider × 3
- murray cod lures × 3
- mvp × 3
- natural language processing × 3
- nhibernate × 3
- notes × 3
- nunit × 3
- object detection × 3
- online × 3
- openid connect × 3
- overflow × 3
- parallel × 3
- pavlov × 3
- pipelines × 3
- post × 3
- postgresql × 3
- powerpack × 3
- proxy × 3
- quantlib × 3
- qunit × 3
- r type provider × 3
- rant × 3
- raspberry pi × 3
- razor × 3
- recursive × 3
- review × 3
- roslyn × 3
- ruby × 3
- sass × 3
- scss × 3
- seekwell × 3
- serilog × 3
- serilog sink × 3
- slot × 3
- small things that could help × 3
- social network analysis × 3
- softwaredevelopment × 3
- sql server × 3
- sqlite × 3
- squirrels × 3
- storm × 3
- swagger × 3
- systemd × 3
- tensorflow × 3
- tick data × 3
- tpl dataflow × 3
- tutorials × 3
- unit testing × 3
- visual studio 2012 × 3
- vs2012 × 3
- vscode × 3
- vso × 3
- webgl × 3
- webserver × 3
- × 3
- winrt × 3
- xna × 3
- xrm × 3
- .net generics × 2
- 2013 × 2
- Windows Phone × 2
- abstraction × 2
- academic papers × 2
- accumulator × 2
- ai × 2
- algorithm × 2
- angular cli × 2
- animation × 2
- anti-patterns × 2
- applicative functors × 2
- appsync masterclass × 2
- core identity × 2
- aspnetcore × 2
- auto layout × 2
- await × 2
- b2b × 2
- backbone.js × 2
- bay area × 2
- big data × 2
- brief tip × 2
- bugs × 2
- c# 7 × 2
- c# history × 2
- canopy × 2
- card game × 2
- cdk × 2
- chakracore × 2
- cloudfront × 2
- codemash × 2
- cognito × 2
- compilation × 2
- computation expression × 2
- computervision × 2
- configurations × 2
- connect4 × 2
- continuations × 2
- couchdb × 2
- cross-platform × 2
- cudalab × 2
- cyclic suborders × 2
- data hiding × 2
- dataflow × 2
- ddd × 2
- debugging × 2
- dependency × 2
- dog food conference × 2
- dojo × 2
- dpt-s1 × 2
- dynamic programming × 2
- dynamics-nav × 2
- editing × 2
- editors × 2
- engagements × 2
- enterpriseportal × 2
- enum × 2
- expert f# 3.0 × 2
- f# advent × 2
- f# case studies × 2
- f# charting × 2
- f# cloud × 2
- f# deep dives × 2
- f# gpgpu × 2
- f# open engineering group × 2
- f# powerpack × 2
- f# presentation × 2
- f# software foundation × 2
- f# team × 2
- f# tools × 2
- finance × 2
- financial engineering × 2
- fluent nhibernate × 2
- fp × 2
- fractureio × 2
- froto × 2
- frp × 2
- × 2
- fsharp.markdown.pdf × 2
- futures × 2
- gale-shapely × 2
- game × 2
- game programming × 2
- golang × 2
- google knowledge graph × 2
- hacks × 2
- hadoop × 2
- hashicorp × 2
- hoogle × 2
- httpclient × 2
- ide × 2
- il × 2
- interactive google × 2
- item templates × 2
- jenkins × 2
- job × 2
- justbecause × 2
- jwt × 2
- kaggle × 2
- kata × 2
- kung fu × 2
- lambda jam × 2
- lambda jam 2014 × 2
- leaks × 2
- learning × 2
- lenses × 2
- lincoln atkinson × 2
- linear algebra × 2
- link × 2
- logs × 2
- m-brace × 2
- mathematica × 2
- maven × 2
- melpa × 2
- memory profiling × 2
- microsoft × 2
- mitmproxy × 2
- monoids × 2
- monthly roundup × 2
- msr cambridge × 2
- msr internships × 2
- myo × 2
- naturalspec × 2
- ndcoslo2014 × 2
- new york × 2
- noda × 2
- nodejs × 2
- nulls × 2
- numerics × 2
- o3d × 2
- object-oriented programming × 2
- orm × 2
- oss × 2
- other × 2
- parallel algorithm × 2
- parallelism × 2
- paris × 2
- pdb × 2
- permutations × 2
- persistent data structures × 2
- personal × 2
- photography × 2
- platform × 2
- pluralsight × 2
- popl × 2
- portable.licensing × 2
- probability × 2
- product × 2
- programming languages × 2
- programming tales × 2
- projects × 2
- puzzles × 2
- qconlondon2015 × 2
- random numbers × 2
- raspberrypi × 2
- reactive dom × 2
- reflection × 2
- regular expressions × 2
- requirejs × 2
- research jobs × 2
- riak × 2
- roguelike × 2
- routing × 2
- rprovider × 2
- rxjs × 2
- safe banking systems × 2
- sbt × 2
- scripting × 2
- scrum × 2
- seattle × 2
- secrets × 2
- semantic versioning × 2
- sencha touch × 2
- sentry × 2
- sidewaffle × 2
- signalr × 2
- simpleworkflow.extensions × 2
- sitelets × 2
- soa × 2
- social gaming × 2
- softwareconfiguration × 2
- solid × 2
- sony digital paper × 2
- sotr × 2
- source control × 2
- speaking × 2
- spim × 2
- sqlclr × 2
- sqlprovider × 2
- ssh × 2
- stagexl × 2
- statfactory × 2
- statistics × 2
- status × 2
- strong naming × 2
- suave × 2
- swashbuckle × 2
- tail-recursive × 2
- talks × 2
- tech × 2
- time × 2
- tla+ × 2
- tomas petricek × 2
- tutorial × 2
- type classes × 2
- typeproviders × 2
- types for the win × 2
- unity × 2
- vagrant × 2
- validation × 2
- vb × 2
- version × 2
- visual studio 11 beta × 2
- visual studio 11 developer preview × 2
- visualstudio × 2
- vs2011 × 2
- warp × 2
- web development × 2
- web programming × 2
- webapi × 2
- websharper.ui × 2
- websharper.warp × 2
- website × 2
- websockets × 2
- windows 8 × 2
- windows server × 2
- windows service × 2
- wmi × 2
- wordpress × 2
- world bank × 2
- worldsingles × 2
- wp7 × 2
- x-ray × 2
- xamarin.ios × 2
- xenomorph timescape × 2
- xml × 2
- z3 × 2
- #fsharp × 1
- #thesimpsons × 1
- .net 4 × 1
- .net 4.5 × 1
- .net history × 1
- 1.0-m1 × 1
- × 1
- 2012 × 1
- 502 × 1
- 64-bit × 1
- 68000 × 1
- a5s × 1
- a7 × 1
- accelerator api × 1
- accelerometer × 1
- accumulate × 1
- acme × 1
- active patterns × 1
- actor model × 1
- × 1
- advice × 1
- affectiva × 1
- agda × 1
- aggregate × 1
- akka 1.0 × 1
- akkling × 1
- alm × 1
- × 1
- amazonwebservices × 1
- aml × 1
- analysis patterns × 1
- andreas rumpf × 1
- angular 2 × 1
- angular router × 1
- angular.js × 1
- announce × 1
- anti-money laundering × 1
- apache × 1
- api design × 1
- apiary × 1
- apicontroller × 1
- × 1
- appharbor × 1
- apple ii × 1
- application lifecycle management × 1
- architect × 1
- array × 1
- artifactory × 1
- artifical intelligence × 1
- asmjs × 1
- web api 2 × 1
- aspnet core 2.1 × 1
- asserts × 1
- ast × 1
- astronomy × 1
- atlassian × 1
- atom × 1
- augmented reality × 1
- authorization × 1
- automated verification × 1
- awesome × 1
- axiomatic language × 1
- azure data market × 1
- azure notebook × 1
- babel × 1
- bad data × 1
- bar chart × 1
- barb × 1
- bash × 1
- basic authentication × 1
- basics × 1
- baskee × 1
- batch × 1
- bayesian inference × 1
- become × 1
- bedrock × 1
- beeraider × 1
- beginner × 1
- bell labs × 1
- binary tree × 1
- bind × 1
- bing × 1
- bing maps × 1
- bio × 1
- bitbucket × 1
- bitlore × 1
- blackduck × 1
- blog × 1
- blog administration × 1
- bluemountain × 1
- bluemountain capital × 1
- branching × 1
- bridging the gap × 1
- browser hosted programming × 1
- bubble chart × 1
- bug × 1
- build 2011 × 1
- build 2014 × 1
- build error × 1
- builds × 1
- buildstuff × 1
- bumblebee × 1
- bundling × 1
- business × 1
- business connectivity services × 1
- business data model × 1
- business registration × 1
- business rules × 1
- byron cook × 1
- c# async × 1
- c# code drops × 1
- c#. core × 1
- cabal × 1
- cache × 1
- campfire mono × 1
- campfiredev × 1
- cape town × 1
- career × 1
- cascalog × 1
- catapult systems × 1
- category theory × 1
- certbot × 1
- cfinnc × 1
- cfmljure × 1
- channel 9 × 1
- checkmarx × 1
- chocolateynuget × 1
- class × 1
- classes × 1
- clayton bauman × 1
- cli × 1
- clipboard × 1
- clj-time × 1
- clojurebridge × 1
- clojurescript × 1
- cloud ai × 1
- cloud gcp f# jupyter × 1
- clouddevelop 2014 × 1
- clouddevelop 2015 × 1
- cml × 1
- code × 1
- code reviews × 1
- codec × 1
- codemotion × 1
- codestock × 1
- coding dojo × 1
- coin-change × 1
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- coldspring × 1
- collabnet × 1
- collective intelligence × 1
- columbus × 1
- combinators × 1
- commercial × 1
- comming next × 1
- community hero × 1
- company registration × 1
- component × 1
- composability × 1
- compose × 1
- composition × 1
- computation expresion × 1
- comutation expression × 1
- congomongo × 1
- const_get × 1
- contextify × 1
- continuous integration × 1
- contracts × 1
- × 1
- cordova × 1
- coreclr × 1
- corporate × 1
- cors × 1
- courses × 1
- cqrs × 1
- crdt × 1
- create-react-app × 1
- credentials × 1
- cross origin resource sharing × 1
- crosswords × 1
- crowd sourcing × 1
- csv × 1
- cvs × 1
- cyclic data × 1
- d × 1
- d3 extension × 1
- dafny × 1
- daimio × 1
- daira hopwood × 1
- damerau-levenshtein distance × 1
- dan gregoire × 1
- dan mohl × 1
- dann toliver × 1
- dao × 1
- dapper × 1
- dashboard × 1
- data access × 1
- data frame × 1
- data mining × 1
- datastructures × 1
- dcfsharp × 1
- debug × 1
- deep reinforcement learning × 1
- deeplearning × 1
- default × 1
- delivery × 1
- delos × 1
- demoscene × 1
- dependencies × 1
- dependent types × 1
- design principles × 1
- deterministic × 1
- dev camp × 1
- devlink × 1
- devops × 1
- dhtmlx × 1
- di1 × 1
- dining philosophers × 1
- discounted payoff × 1
- dispatcher × 1
- disqus × 1
- div × 1
- diversity × 1
- dlq × 1
- dna sequencing × 1
- docker-compose × 1
- dojos × 1
- dol × 1
- dom × 1
- domain name × 1
- donna malayeri × 1
- dot-product × 1
- drive × 1
- driver × 1
- dropbox × 1
- due dilligence × 1
- dynamic object creation × 1
- dynamics nav 2009 r2 × 1
- dynamics nav 2013 r2 × 1
- easynetq × 1
- edge × 1
- edge-fs × 1
- edit distance × 1
- editor × 1
- edsl × 1
- elmlang × 1
- emotion detection × 1
- employment × 1
- emulators × 1
- encapsulation × 1
- encryption × 1
- enterprise × 1
- enterprise portals × 1
- enterprise services × 1
- es5 × 1
- es6 × 1
- × 1
- euelerian path × 1
- euroclojure × 1
- eventbridge × 1
- evilcode × 1
- exhaustive × 1
- explorative × 1
- expression-oriented × 1
- expressions × 1
- ext js × 1
- extension methods × 1
- extjs × 1
- f# .net × 1
- f# c# powershell .net × 1
- f# agents × 1
- f# android × 1
- f# applications × 1
- f# async × 1
- f# cross platform × 1
- f# debugging × 1
- f# design patterns × 1
- f# express × 1
- f# for games × 1
- f# forums × 1
- f# foundation × 1
- f# games × 1
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- f# meeups × 1
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- f# templates × 1
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- f# user feedback × 1
- f# visualization × 1
- f# workshops × 1
- f#; combinatorics × 1
- f#weekly × 1
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- f4sp × 1
- facebook × 1
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- fcs × 1
- featured × 1
- ffmpeg × 1
- file × 1
- firefox × 1
- first class functions × 1
- fisheye × 1
- fisheye distortion × 1
- fix × 1
- flatpak × 1
- float × 1
- flyway × 1
- fogjs × 1
- foldr × 1
- footloose × 1
- formlets × 1
- forms × 1
- fp101x × 1
- fpdays × 1
- fractals × 1
- france × 1
- frank × 1
- free × 1
- free f# tools × 1
- freebsd × 1
- front-end × 1
- fscheck × 1
- fsf × 1
- fshake × 1
- fsharp.charting × 1
- × 1
- × 1
- fsharpbinding × 1
- fsharpchart × 1
- fsharptest × 1
- fsintegrator × 1
- fslexyacc × 1
- fsxaml × 1
- functional data structures × 1
- functional-first × 1
- × 1
- functions × 1
- functor × 1
- functors × 1
- fundamentals × 1
- future × 1
- gamification × 1
- gcallowverylargeobjects × 1
- gcloud × 1
- geb × 1
- generative art × 1
- generic × 1
- generics × 1
- gershwin × 1
- gibbs sampling × 1
- gist × 1
- gitversion × 1
- give me a break from f# × 1
- glpk × 1
- google container engine × 1
- google play store × 1
- googleplus × 1
- gosper's hack × 1
- gosper's hack × 1
- gpu computing × 1
- gradle × 1
- grails × 1
- graphviz × 1
- grapviz × 1
- group × 1
- groups × 1
- growth × 1
- gtk × 1
- gtx × 1
- gulp × 1
- h2 × 1
- hashset × 1
- hbase × 1
- healthcheck × 1
- hell × 1
- hiding × 1
- hierholzer × 1
- high performance × 1
- hololens × 1
- holotoolkit × 1
- hopac × 1
- hotswap × 1
- htpasswd × 1
- http2 × 1
- humor × 1
- husserl × 1
- hyperv × 1
- icfp programming competition × 1
- identification scheme × 1
- ie8 × 1
- ieee computer society × 1
- iis express × 1
- ikvm type provider × 1
- ilmerge × 1
- image processing × 1
- imageprocessing × 1
- immutable × 1
- immutable data structures × 1
- immutibility × 1
- incanter × 1
- industry × 1
- × 1
- infoq × 1
- information quality × 1
- infosec × 1
- infrastructure × 1
- inject × 1
- input × 1
- intel mkl × 1
- io × 1
- ioc × 1
- ioptron × 1
- iosl android × 1
- ip access control × 1
- ipad × 1
- iphone × 1
- ipython × 1
- iteratee × 1
- jack crenshaw × 1
- jack fox × 1
- jack hu × 1
- jack pappas × 1
- jar × 1
- jaro × 1
- jaro-winkler × 1
- jasmine × 1
- jdbc × 1
- jenkins pipeline × 1
- jni × 1
- joel grus × 1
- john liao × 1
- joinads × 1
- jointjs × 1
- joyofcoding × 1
- jquery plugin × 1
- jquery templates × 1
- jsdom × 1
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- jvm × 1
- keyboard × 1
- keys × 1
- kids × 1
- kinect × 1
- knockoutjs × 1
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- kudu × 1
- lambda calulus × 1
- layout × 1
- lazy × 1
- lazync × 1
- ldncljdojo × 1
- leader × 1
- leadership × 1
- leaflet × 1
- learn f# × 1
- leiningen × 1
- let's encrypt × 1
- letsencrypt × 1
- levenshtein distance × 1
- lexing × 1
- libman × 1
- library × 1
- license × 1
- life × 1
- lift × 1
- likeaboss × 1
- limin fu × 1
- linear programming × 1
- linkedin × 1
- lisp × 1
- listen × 1
- listener × 1
- livedata × 1
- lively kernel × 1
- livescript × 1
- load testing × 1
- loadtest × 1
- localhost × 1
- logic × 1
- london × 1
- looping × 1
- los angeles × 1
- lp × 1
- lpb × 1
- machine × 1
- macro × 1
- macros × 1
- mail × 1
- mailboxprocessor × 1
- many core × 1
- map × 1
- map reduce × 1
- mapreduce × 1
- maps × 1
- numerics × 1
- mathematik × 1
- mathias brandewinder × 1
- mathjax × 1
- maybe × 1
- mbrace × 1
- mbunit × 1
- mcpom × 1
- meetup × 1
- memory leak × 1
- message passing × 1
- meta blog × 1
- metro × 1
- microsoft community nights × 1
- microsoft mvp × 1
- middleware × 1
- migration × 1
- minicsvtypeprovider × 1
- minification × 1
- minio × 1
- × 1
- mlocjs × 1
- mobile programming × 1
- mobx × 1
- mod_mono × 1
- modeling × 1
- module × 1
- moduleconfiguration × 1
- modulus × 1
- monaco × 1
- monitor × 1
- monitorama × 1
- monitoring × 1
- monospace 2011 × 1
- monte carlo × 1
- moocs × 1
- mount × 1
- msbuild 15.0 × 1
- msdn magazine × 1
- msr × 1
- muli core × 1
- multithreading × 1
- music × 1
- mutability × 1
- mvu × 1
- mvvm × 1
- my software × 1
- naming things × 1
- nancyfx × 1
- nav × 1
- navbar × 1
- ndclondon2016 × 1
- ndepend × 1
- neat × 1
- netcore × 1
- network × 1
- network analysis × 1
- neural networks × 1
- ng × 1
- ngrx × 1
- ngrx effects × 1
- ngrx store × 1
- nicta × 1
- nimrod × 1
- ninja × 1
- node × 1
- noether × 1
- non-maximum suppression × 1
- note × 1
- notebooks × 1
- notebooks ai × 1
- notebooks dotnet × 1
- notebooks fsharp × 1
- notebooks jupyter × 1
- npm × 1
- npm-check-updates × 1
- nuclio × 1
- null × 1
- nullreferenceexception × 1
- number theory × 1
- numl × 1
- nyc × 1
- o'reilly × 1
- oauth 2.0 × 1
- objc × 1
- object × 1
- object relational mapper × 1
- object-oriented × 1
- octahedron × 1
- octave × 1
- octopress × 1
- oliver sturm × 1
- oncomplete × 1
- opencl × 1
- opennlp × 1
- openspace × 1
- openssl × 1
- openstreetmap × 1
- openxml × 1
- opinion × 1
- option × 1
- organization × 1
- organization culture × 1
- orgmode × 1
- orleans × 1
- osx × 1
- outlining × 1
- overtone × 1
- owasp × 1
- package.json × 1
- packaging × 1
- pacman × 1
- parallax scrolling × 1
- parallels × 1
- pascals-triangle × 1
- paste × 1
- patents × 1
- pattern matching × 1
- payoff functions × 1
- persistent × 1
- pgmclass × 1
- pgp × 1
- phenomenology × 1
- phonegap × 1
- piglets × 1
- pipe operator × 1
- pit × 1
- pizzas × 1
- placeholder × 1
- planet finding × 1
- platonic × 1
- play × 1
- plinq × 1
- plt × 1
- poco × 1
- podcasts × 1
- pointfree × 1
- polly × 1
- polyglot × 1
- polynomials × 1
- pom × 1
- portland × 1
- postgres × 1
- poststart × 1
- pretty-printing × 1
- primer × 1
- primes × 1
- private company registration × 1
- probabilistic graphical models × 1
- process × 1
- product type × 1
- production × 1
- productivity × 1
- professional f# 2.0 × 1
- profiling × 1
- progfsharp × 1
- program transformation × 1
- progress bar × 1
- project management × 1
- projectmanagement × 1
- promise × 1
- protein folding × 1
- protobuf × 1
- proxy_pass × 1
- psw × 1
- public key × 1
- publish × 1
- q.js × 1
- qcon × 1
- qcon nyc × 1
- qcon nyc 2013 × 1
- quake × 1
- query expressions × 1
- quotations × 1
- quote × 1
- rabbitmq × 1
- racket × 1
- raid × 1
- raid5 × 1
- railo × 1
- rails × 1
- randomartsbot × 1
- rappid × 1
- rds × 1
- reacr-native × 1
- react-native × 1
- reactive forms × 1
- reactive programming × 1
- reactive-programming × 1
- reading × 1
- rebar × 1
- recommendations × 1
- record type × 1
- recruiting × 1
- redmond × 1
- refractor × 1
- regextypeprovider × 1
- remoting × 1
- repl × 1
- replacing × 1
- reproduciblebuilds × 1
- resource owner password × 1
- resources × 1
- restricted edit distance × 1
- restsharp × 1
- reviewer × 1
- rich hickey × 1
- rosalind × 1
- rotations × 1
- route53 × 1
- ryan riley × 1
- sam × 1
- samples × 1
- san francisco × 1
- scalaz × 1
- scheme × 1
- scikit × 1
- scikit-learn × 1
- scriptcs × 1
- sdk project × 1
- sdlc × 1
- search × 1
- secure × 1
- self signed certificate × 1
- self-improvement × 1
- self-organizing maps × 1
- sementic versioning × 1
- semver × 1
- sencha architect × 1
- serialization × 1
- serilog enricher × 1
- serverless cloudfront × 1
- shadow × 1
- sharepoint 2013 × 1
- shell × 1
- shellscripting × 1
- signature × 1
- silicon valley × 1
- simple.web × 1
- single-page applications × 1
- slides × 1
- sml × 1
- snap × 1
- snippet × 1
- snippets × 1
- soc2 × 1
- social × 1
- software process × 1
- sorryaboutthe49ers × 1
- sortable × 1
- sorting × 1
- specification × 1
- × 1
- spruce media × 1
- spyder × 1
- sql korma × 1
- sql labs × 1
- sql server express × 1
- sql server express 2008 × 1
- sqlcommand × 1
- sse4 × 1
- stanford parser × 1
- startup registration × 1
- state × 1
- static analysis × 1
- steve jobs × 1
- store × 1
- stored procedures × 1
- strange loop × 1
- subdivision × 1
- sublimetext × 1
- subversion × 1
- supervision × 1
- svn × 1
- swf × 1
- swig × 1
- system.identitymodel × 1
- system.transactions × 1
- systemadmin × 1
- systems biology × 1
- tail recursion × 1
- takahash × 1
- talburt × 1
- tasks × 1
- tdf × 1
- team × 1
- teams × 1
- tech writers × 1
- technologyconferences × 1
- telescope × 1
- televue × 1
- tensorrt × 1
- termination proofs × 1
- terminator × 1
- terraform × 1
- test driven design × 1
- test implants × 1
- tftw × 1
- theorem provers × 1
- theorems i love × 1
- thought × 1
- threadbaseddispatcher × 1
- tidepowerd × 1
- til × 1
- timesheet × 1
- timestream × 1
- titan × 1
- token alignment × 1
- toolongtotweet × 1
- touchdevelop × 1
- toys × 1
- training × 1
- transaction management × 1
- tree × 1
- triplet × 1
- trueskill × 1
- try f# 3.0 × 1
- tryfsharp × 1
- tsunami × 1
- turnpike × 1
- type provider × 1
- type safety × 1
- typescirpt × 1
- uil × 1
- umbraco × 1
- unhandled × 1
- unit test × 1
- unittest × 1
- update × 1
- upstream response time × 1
- user × 1
- ux × 1
- vdom × 1
- vegeta × 1
- veracode × 1
- video editing × 1
- virtual dom × 1
- virtual reality × 1
- visual f# × 1
- visual f# templates × 1
- visual f#团队很高兴地宣布中国的csdn博客正式成立 × 1
- visual studio 11 × 1
- visual studio 2017 × 1
- vnc × 1
- voldemort × 1
- volometrix × 1
- volta × 1
- vs11 beta × 1
- vs2008 × 1
- vs2010 template × 1
- vsix × 1
- vstemplate × 1
- vulnerabilities × 1
- waf × 1
- walter wilson × 1
- washington dc × 1
- wasm × 1
- waterfall × 1
- web essentials × 1
- web server × 1
- web services × 1
- web worker × 1
- webpack × 1
- websharper mobile × 1
- × 1
- websharper.forms × 1
- websocket × 1
- websocketd × 1
- windows 10 × 1
- winjs × 1
- winrm × 1
- work × 1
- workflows × 1
- writing × 1
- ws × 1
- wsdl × 1
- wsl × 1
- wss × 1
- x509 × 1
- xaml; resources × 1
- xenomporph × 1
- xpra × 1
- xsp × 1
- xunit × 1
- × 1
- yaml × 1
- yourkit × 1
- yves rocher × 1
- zach bray × 1
- zeromq × 1
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