Yan Cui (theburningmonk)

Based in London, Yan works as a server side developer for iwi, a software house focused on producing high quality social games that run on platforms such as Facebook and Hi5. Yan’s primary focus is of building highly distributed and scalable server-side solutions to support the rapid growth of iwi’s games - JackpotJoy Slots is now serving over 350k users each day handling over 100m requests and growing! Yan mainly specializes in .Net technologies such as C# and WCF, but he also holds strong interests in other areas such as AOP, functional programming and cloud computing.
Yan's upcoming trainings
Yan's past online trainings
Yan's blog posts
Developer tags
- f# × 45
- c# × 31
- haskell × 21
- javascript × 13
- java × 8
- c++ × 6
- ocaml × 6
- python × 6
- scala × 5
- wpf × 5
- clojure × 4
- websharper × 4
- asp.net mvc × 3
- concurrent × 3
- scripting × 3
- unix × 3
- .net × 2
- attribute grammar × 2
- c × 2
- cabal × 2
- denotational design × 2
- ffi × 2
- formal verification × 2
- functional × 2
- html × 2
- lisp × 2
- machine learning × 2
- packaging × 2
- php × 2
- seo × 2
- sql × 2
- teaching × 2
- translation × 2
- type systems × 2
- web × 2
- web development × 2
- . × 1
- akka × 1
- arrows × 1
- asp.net × 1
- avl (& lbs) × 1
- boo × 1
- business × 1
- c/c++ × 1
- categories × 1
- cloud × 1
- common lisp × 1
- copywrite × 1
- css × 1
- cto × 1
- darcs × 1
- dart × 1
- ddd × 1
- dependency injection × 1
- design × 1
- design patterns × 1
- devexpress × 1
- devops × 1
- dsl design × 1
- dsls × 1
- elm × 1
- erlang × 1
- functional reactive programming × 1
- generic × 1
- go × 1
- gpu × 1
- http × 1
- idris × 1
- ios development × 1
- joomla × 1
- jquery/html5/css3 × 1
- link building × 1
- linq × 1
- lua × 1
- metaprogramming × 1
- natural language processing × 1
- numerical computation × 1
- painter × 1
- parallel (& concurrent prog.) × 1
- parallelism × 1
- parser combinators × 1
- passion × 1
- performance × 1
- perl × 1
- photographer × 1
- rest × 1
- ruby × 1
- s/w testing × 1
- silverlight × 1
- social networker × 1
- sockets (tcp) × 1
- software design & architecture × 1
- software development × 1
- solution design × 1
- system programming × 1
- technology × 1
- therapy baths of colorado × 1
- travel × 1
- unit testing × 1
- vb.net × 1
- vps hosting × 1
- wcf × 1
- website creation × 1
- wordpress hosting × 1
- writing × 1
- xamarin × 1
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