Yan Cui (theburningmonk)


Based in London, Yan works as a server side developer for iwi, a software house focused on producing high quality social games that run on platforms such as Facebook and Hi5. Yan’s primary focus is of building highly distributed and scalable server-side solutions to support the rapid growth of iwi’s games - JackpotJoy Slots is now serving over 350k users each day handling over 100m requests and growing! Yan mainly specializes in .Net technologies such as C# and WCF, but he also holds strong interests in other areas such as AOP, functional programming and cloud computing.

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Yan's blog posts

on 11/5/2023 5:04 PM
A month ago, I shared how I built an affiliate tracking system in a weekend [1]. Since then, I’ve enhanced the system by integrating analytics reporting, enabling affiliates to gauge the performance of their URLs. In this post, I will describe how the sys[...]
on 11/1/2023 4:08 PM
Hi, here’s a quick round-up of everything I have done in October 2023. Podcast We aired three episodes on the Real-World Serverless podcast: #84 – Charity Majors on Observability, OTEL, AI ops, DevOps and Friday deploys #85 – AWS CDK dos and don’ts with M[...]
on 10/28/2023 4:18 PM
The Serverless Framework remains a top choice for serverless development, as evidenced by the recent State of Serverless report [1]. Yet, its appeal has waned over time due to the lack of innovation in recent years, prompting users to explore other option[...]
on 10/20/2023 5:08 PM
Sharing code efficiently across different parts of an application can be challenging with AWS Lambda, especially when using Amplify. Today, I’ll walk you through a solution to this common problem, without relying on Lambda Layers or private NPM repositori[...]
on 10/12/2023 7:56 AM
Having taught thousands of students to build serverless applications via my online courses and workshops, I felt it was time to kick-start an affiliate program to boost sales. Affiliates would receive 50% of the revenue and get a 15% discount code for the[...]
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