Blog articles

on 9/27/2011 4:12 PM
I have  a love-hate relationship with WPF. I think it is several orders of magnitude better than Windows Forms and gives developers a tremendous expressive power to materialize their ideas into good user interfaces. I wouldn’t dream of doing many of t[...]
on 9/27/2011 6:15 AM
While writing the previous article on tokenized matching I realized I left out some important background information on Jaro-Winkler distance. First, there’s something important to know about the Jaro-Winkler distance: it’s not a metric distance and so do[...]
on 9/27/2011 3:00 AM
C# developers should be familiar with the yield keyword that was introduced in C# 2.0, and you’ll be pleased to know that F# also has the yield keyword which works in conjunction with F#’s equivalent of IEnumerable – sequences. You can create sequences in[...]
on 9/26/2011 5:06 PM
In F#, you can defined record types which differ from tuples and discriminated unions in that they allow you to organize values into a type and name those values through fields: Looks like a cut-down version of a standard .Net class with a couple of prope[...]
on 9/26/2011 4:00 PM
on 9/26/2011 2:47 PM
How deep do you think you can nest your closures in JavaScript? Yes, we know there is no tail-recursion, probably no inlining either, we know we should not do this, but sometimes we still do. Before today I expected something like 64-128 levels of nesting[...]
on 9/26/2011 12:49 PM
I’m taking a bit of time to brush up my knowledge of F# and see if I can write better F# code and one of the things I notice is that whilst I use pipe-forward operator (|>) often when working with collections I don’t nearly use the pipe-backward operator [...]
on 9/26/2011 11:58 AM
The question has an answer: knockout js vs backbone js But the obvious question has not been answered. Why are they comparing apples and oranges? It’s like comparing ext to jQuery.
on 9/25/2011 4:24 PM
My blog was running in SubText, but I’ve recently changed to BlogEngine.NET. The main reason for the change was that BlogEngine.NET supports storing the data in plain XML files, without having any dependency to a database. This makes it really easy to c[...]
on 9/25/2011 12:30 PM
Dispose In order to release unmanaged resources you need to use or implement the dispose method. Unmanaged resource So what is an unmanaged resource? It is simply resources that the CLR does not manage for you. For example: File streams, database conne[...]
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