Blog articles

on 3/2/2013 5:58 AM
I got a Pi for my birthday! A great excuse to get back into electronics. After unsuccessfully struggling to get the F# compiler to build under the stable version of mono for Debian Wheezy, I realised that F# programs work just fine if you build normally f[...]
on 3/1/2013 1:59 PM
In the previous post “ServiceStack: New API – F# Sample (Web Service out of a web server)” we implemented a self-hosted service with ServiceStack. That service has multiple out-of-the-box endpoints, including a REST one. The next interesting question is “[...]
on 3/1/2013 8:01 AM
[ Update: the CRM type provider is now available as the FSharpx.TypeProviders.Xrm NuGet package. The namespace has changed from "Samples" to "FSharpx" ] Part 1 - The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider SamplePart 2 - The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provi[...]
on 2/28/2013 1:30 AM
Reblogged from FourEightThree: After reading Sergey Tihon's post about IKVM and the stanford parser. I thought I'd try and create a IKVM type provider. The first version can be found on my GitHub account here. The following code shows a simple sample on h[...]
on 2/27/2013 4:50 PM
I talked about the XML and JSON serialization of F# types in a previous post, and since then F# 3.0 has been released and a new [CLIMutable] was quietly added amidst the hype surrounding the awesome type providers!   CLIMutable Attribute When applied to a[...]
on 2/27/2013 3:13 PM
Two weeks ago in F# Weekle #6 2013 I mentioned Don Syme’s “F# + ServiceStack – F# Web Services on any platform in and out of a web server” post. There were two samples of  using ServiceStack from F#. One of these examples is given on ServiceStack wiki pag[...]
on 2/27/2013 6:45 AM
There's a double act at the F#unctional Londoners Meetup on Thursday night. Thursday, February 28, 2013, 6:30 PM, The Skills Matter eXchange, 116-120 Goswell Road, EC1V 7DP, London(map) Title: The F# 3.0 SQL Server Type Provider - Very Cool, and Very Usef[...]
on 2/26/2013 3:24 PM
Just a quick note to say that another minor update to DynamoDB.SQL has been release, you can view the release notes here.   The latest update adds support for a TSQL style WITH keyword for specifying optional parameters for tweaking the query/scan operati[...]
on 2/26/2013 1:51 AM
We are happy to announce that we offering free WebSharper developer licenses to all language and web MVPs... [more]
on 2/25/2013 2:05 PM
Image blurring is a king of popular task during presentation preparation. For example, if you want show something but hide sensitive information. Of course you can buy Photoshop but it is too expensive for such a simple task. Also you can download Paint.N[...]
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