Blog articles

on 5/13/2013 11:38 AM
A month ago I posted that java.jdbc 0.3.0 alpha 1 was available for testing and since then I've made a few more alpha releases as the API and code settles down so I figured it was time to blog about the recent changes. Release 0.3.0-alpha4 on 2013-05-11 [...]
on 5/13/2013 3:42 AM
Through Jack Pappas, the F# Software Foundation (the F# community group also known as has recently made F# more readily available on FreeBSD.  Some details below, taken from the discussion on the F# Open Source Google Group. Since my original [...]
on 5/12/2013 7:16 PM
Other than noting back in January that all three(!) of my talk proposals were accepted, I haven't blogged about them since, so the only information about them is on the cf.Objective() web site. The session overviews give a fair sense of what you should ge[...]
on 5/12/2013 4:17 PM
on 5/12/2013 2:00 PM
Welcome to F# Weekly, Tiny weekly this time, a short roundup of F# content from this past week: News Node.js + C# + F# + Python + PowerShell interop === #edgejs Enjoying interactive data visualization with Tsunami by Taha Hachana F#-based quantum algorith[...]
on 5/8/2013 3:35 AM
If you're in the Bay Area, don't miss F# for Machine Learning - a Gentle Introduction and Coding Dojo on Tuesday, May 14 at 6:00pm. The F# Software Foundation also have a collection of links about F# and Machine Learning, as well as related topics includi[...]
on 5/8/2013 3:27 AM
 If you're in Seattle, Redmond or the Puget Sound Area, don't miss the Seattle DotNet Startup Group session on F# for Startups. Joel Grus is Chief Scientist at VoloMetrix, where he develops and builds the algorithms for the core analytics platform (mostly[...]
on 5/7/2013 3:04 AM
Chocolatey looks very useful - it lets you install software into PATH on Windows by one-liner commands from PowerShell. A poor-man's package manager.
on 5/6/2013 2:16 PM
Scanning over Alvin Ashcraft’s excellent Morning Dew (a must read for .Net devs as is Chris Alcock’s Morning Brew), I came across a short article from Richard Carr on writing Fixed Width Data Files using C#. Richard creates a class that inherits from Str[...]
on 5/6/2013 6:35 AM
A couple of weeks earlier, Amazon announced support for Local Secondary Indexes (LSI) for DynamoDB. You can now perform fast, efficient queries against DynamoDB tables using attributes that are not part of the existing Hash and Range key model without res[...]
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