Blog articles

on 12/5/2014 4:20 PM
The idea for doing this is not new. There is an excellent series of posts closely tracing an article on applications of functional programming to probability. A colleague of mine has recently called my attention to his own post of two years ago, where he [...]
on 12/5/2014 4:00 PM
Continuing the recent theme of awesome .NET development news, a blog post from Thursday by the .NET team provided more details on the platform’s future, “.NET Core.” The ensuing comment thread on Hacker News had some nice F# discussion.  One commenter, t[...]
on 12/4/2014 12:11 AM
Originally posted on The Cockney Coder:Note: This blog post is part of the 2014 F# Advent Calendar. Be sure to check out yesterday’s Intro to Data Science post by Jon Wood! Mailbox Processors 101 If you’ve been using F# for any reasonable length of time, [...]
on 12/3/2014 11:25 AM
We are super excited to announce that as of the very latest 3.0-alpha commit, WebSharper is now available under the Apache 2.0 license, free of charge to anyone, for both closed and open source applications!
on 12/2/2014 10:51 AM
To the Visual F# Tools development community – Over the past months, we have made an impressive amount of progress together on F# 4.0 and the next version of the Visual F# Tools.  There is still plenty of work remaining here. With the goal of shipping a[...]
on 12/2/2014 8:37 AM
Introducing proxies for Async cancellation, MailboxProcessor, Printf.
on 12/2/2014 2:51 AM
To the Visual F# Tools development community – Over the past months, we have made an impressive amount of progress together on F# 4.0 and the next version of the Visual F# Tools.  There is still plenty of work remaining here. With the goal of shipping a h[...]
on 12/1/2014 11:45 PM
Welcome to day 2 of the F# Advent Calendar in English, and don’t miss Scott Wlaschin’s introduction to property-based testing from yesterday. In A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens wrote of cold winters with snow as a matter of course. White Christmases we[...]
on 12/1/2014 3:14 PM
Here’s a few things you may not be aware of: C# identifiers can include Unicode escape sequences (\u1234 etc) C# identifiers can include Unicode characters in the category “Other, formatting” (Cf) but these are ignored when comparing identifiers for equal[...]
on 12/1/2014 1:30 AM
Here are the slides for my talks at CodeMesh, BuildStuff and Fby this year, enjoy! Modelling game economy with Neo4j from Yan Cui Learn you to tame complex APIs with F#-powered DSLs from Yan Cui
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