Blog articles

on 9/2/2015 2:01 PM
Go is a programming language developed at Google, loosely based on C, adding garbage collection and built-in concurrency primitives (goroutines). I’ve looked at Go briefly in the past, at a Strangeloop workshop in 2012 and later reading An Introduction to[...]
on 9/2/2015 6:29 AM
This release introduces features such as lenses to UI.Next and prepares the terrain for UI.Next versions of Formlets and Piglets.
on 9/1/2015 5:26 AM
Try WebSharper reached an important milestone today: we just released the first bits of on-the-fly typechecking and code completion, and you can now develop F# web snippets, without any installation, online more easily than ever.
on 8/31/2015 8:52 AM
I tried implementing the same customer service xml api that I’ve implemented in sinatra, rails, c# webhandler, nancy etc. I was pleasently surprised how easy it is to get it up and running. There is a story for how you write tests: TestServer, that you in[...]
on 8/31/2015 8:52 AM
I tried implementing the same customer service xml api that I’ve implemented in sinatra, rails, C# webhandler, nancy etc. I was pleasently surprised how easy it is to get it up and running. There is a story for how you write tests: TestServer, that you in[...]
on 8/31/2015 5:17 AM
Instead of using: $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) to add a folder to the path, a better way inside your ruby code is to use: require_relative 'subfolder/file' in order to require files. You can also use a relative path in require (i.e. ‘./subfolde[...]
on 8/31/2015 5:17 AM
Instead of using: $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) to add a folder to the path, a better way inside your ruby code is to use: require_relative 'subfolder/file' in order to require files. You can also use a relative path in require (i.e. ‘./subfol[...]
on 8/31/2015 1:52 AM
Before the vacation I was working with Karl Adriansson on a project as the front end programmer. I helped get a front end JavaScript parts back on track. While doing this, Karl and one of the testers supplied me with specifications from the requirements. [...]
on 8/31/2015 1:52 AM
Before the vacation I was working with Karl Adriansson on a project as the front end programmer. I helped get a front end javascript parts back on track. While doing this, Karl and one of the testers supplied me with specifications from the requirements. [...]
on 8/28/2015 12:47 PM
It often surprises me that people who spend their whole day focusing on details, software developers, so often ask question in broad and generic terms.  Here’s some that I’ve heard over the years: Why should I learn Object Oriented Programming?  (I have b[...]
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