Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 10/15/2015 10:32 PM
After installing OS X El Capitan on my computer I noticed that fsharp interactive failed to start because it failed to locate mono: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/4.0.4/bin/fsharpi: line 24: exec: mono: not found Session termination detected. Press Enter to restart. If we look at the file at that position we find that it assumes that mono is in the path. I checked /etc/paths, and it looked correct (i.e. based on the paths file, mono should have been in the path): mathieu$ which mono /usr/[...]
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on 8/31/2015 8:52 AM
I tried implementing the same customer service xml api that I’ve implemented in sinatra, rails, c# webhandler, nancy etc. I was pleasently surprised how easy it is to get it up and running. There is a story for how you write tests: TestServer, that you install by referencing Microsoft.Owin.Testing. Previous times that I’ve tried using Owin on mono, there has been some problems getting it to run (I think it was something related to a missing dll). Now it works fine. :) You can find the code here: Customer[...]
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on 8/31/2015 8:52 AM
I tried implementing the same customer service xml api that I’ve implemented in sinatra, rails, C# webhandler, nancy etc. I was pleasently surprised how easy it is to get it up and running. There is a story for how you write tests: TestServer, that you install by referencing Microsoft.Owin.Testing. Previous times that I’ve tried using Owin on mono, there has been some problems getting it to run (I think it was something related to a missing dll). Now it works fine. :) You can find the code here: Customer[...]
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on 8/31/2015 5:17 AM
Instead of using: $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) to add a folder to the path, a better way inside your ruby code is to use: require_relative 'subfolder/file' in order to require files. You can also use a relative path in require (i.e. ‘./subfolder/file’).
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on 8/31/2015 5:17 AM
Instead of using: $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) to add a folder to the path, a better way inside your ruby code is to use: require_relative 'subfolder/file' in order to require files. You can also use a relative path in require (i.e. ‘./subfolder/file’).
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