Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 8/23/2015 11:44 AM
Turns out that there is a simpler way of dealing with optional values in C#. Include FSharpx.Extras to your C# project and then you can do the following: optionalValue.Match( ifSome: value => ProcessValue(value), ifNone: () => NoValueToProcess() ); Thanks to extension methods in this library. There are extension methods for other common discriminated unions as well.
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on 8/21/2015 8:17 AM
Since I’ve been without an assingment I’ve had the time to look into F# more. Where did I find material? fsharpforfunandprofit functional programming on slack stackoverflow Why did I start looking into F# again? I share the office with Fredrik Forssen. I find his love of F# inspiring. Things I’ve found that delighted me: Less ceremony to declare classes, records, methods and functions (when you get used to how you write it) Easier to compose things (for instance if you want to create a c[...]
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on 8/21/2015 8:17 AM
Since I’ve been without an assingment I’ve had the time to look into f# more. Where did I find material? fsharpforfunandprofit functional programming on slack stackoverflow Why did I start looking into f# again? I share the office with Fredrik Forssen. I find his love of f# inspiring. Things I’ve found that delighted me: Less ceremony to declare classes, records, methods and functions (when you get used to how you write it) Easier to compose things (for instance if you want to create a c[...]
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on 8/11/2015 8:49 AM
We can only speculate as to the future of delivering content for installation purposes in a .net setting. However, we have some new information from nuget.org. The deprecation of content files and powershell in project.json makes sense. If we speculate about the next version sharepoint version, then we might think about sharepoint projects using project.json and perhaps bower. Since bower as an ecosystem has tremendous growth, it might be the package manager of choice for this specialized task. We already[...]
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on 6/7/2015 1:42 PM
Excel html table hack I’ve used the classic web hack where you send an html file with excel mime type (and file ending) containing a table. I’ve had trouble with excel being more particular about allowing this hack nowadays. Another problematic aspect is if a user sends you such a file without re-saving it. Since we have open xml based formats for spreadsheets, there is no need for this hack. CSV I’ve used diffent csv-like formats. These have the con of being dependant on the language settings (one part[...]
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