Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 3/22/2015 12:16 PM
I’ve used travis to test C# projects for a few years now. It has been a bit of a pain to get it working (read custom ppa or setting language to objective c and downloading and installing package intended for xamarin studio). I feel that good things happen because people have more confidence in mono. How do you test your projects on travis? Read the travis documentation or look at how I have done it in for example with. I’m using ruby to build C# since it’s cross-platform. You can substitute rake for grun[...]
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on 3/22/2015 12:16 PM
I’ve used travis to test c# projects for a few years now. It has been a bit of a pain to get it working (read custom ppa or setting language to objective c and downloading and installing package intended for xamarin studio). I feel that good things happen because people have more confidence in mono. How do you test your projects on travis? Read the travis documentation or look at how I have done it in for example with. I’m using ruby to build c# since it’s cross-platform. You can substitute rake for grun[...]
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on 3/13/2015 3:26 PM
I like lint-tools. These kind of tools help by catching things that do not work well with the language. When you write C you can really benefit from lint, since the language has some quirks. When writing javascript you can be aided by jshint. I talked to a coworker at tretton37 about StyleCop. I get the feeling that there could probably be some better way of solving what is essentially a presentation issue. Perhaps a StyleButler that presents the code according to your StyleCop settings in the editor? Thi[...]
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on 3/13/2015 3:05 PM
The nice thing about using Kibana for your logs is that you get nice custom filtering. Thus it’s very easy for others to only view errors they feel that are relevant to them. If you have a many systems (gui’s, services, etc) where you pipe a lot of log data into the same log database, then it can be benefitial to to filter out systems that you’re not coding anything in. The downside of having easy filters is that it’s really easy to ignore errors. A screen with the graph of all errors could perhaps miti[...]
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on 3/13/2015 3:05 PM
The nice thing about using Kibana for your logs is that you get nice custom filtering. Thus it’s very easy for others to only view errors they feel that are relevant to them. If you have a many systems (gui’s, services, etc) where you pipe a lot of log data into the same log database, then it can be benefitial to to filter out systems that you’re not coding anything in. The downside of having easy filters is that it’s really easy to ignore errors. A screen with the graph of all errors could perhaps miti[...]
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