Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 2/22/2015 3:30 PM
Dijkstra wrote the following. I agree with his reasoning. However, goto is useful in certain lower level domains. The difficulty of reading code with goto statements is that it’s hard to follow the program flow. The reasoning can also be applied to programming where you do not use goto. Consider the following code: someMethod(){ // some state label 1: doStuff(); goto end; label 2: if (condition){ goto 1; }else{ doOtherStuff(); goto end; } label 3: doSom[...]
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on 2/22/2015 3:20 AM
When I first started using entity framework (one of the earlier versions) it was not ready yet (some serious performance issues). A few years later I hear good things about it from other developers. In order to try to get a feel for how the state of entity persistance is today I’ve ported an old nhibernate test project to a test project for entity framework. I initially had some trouble due to my choice of sql express to test the mappings. Once I managed to get EF to use sqlite the testing got much easi[...]
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on 2/22/2015 3:20 AM
When I first started using entity framework (one of the earlier versions) it was not ready yet (some serious performance issues). A few years later I hear good things about it from other developers. In order to try to get a feel for how the state of entity persistance is today I’ve ported an old nhibernate test project to a test project for entity framework. I initially had some trouble due to my choice of sql express to test the mappings. Once I managed to get EF to use sqlite the testing got much easi[...]
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on 2/6/2015 11:35 PM
What do I mean when I say? System level package / Global package: Package installed so that it is available for every program on the system Local package: Package installed into sub folder of project and only available to that project Timeline dpkg 1994 cpan, uploaded packages from 1995 jar 1996 debian release with apt 1999 perl package manager goes back to 1999 rubygems 2004 ruby bundler 2010, git history from 2010, ruby gem from 2009 npm 2010 nuget 2010 This is just a sampli[...]
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on 2/6/2015 11:35 PM
What do I mean when I say? - System level package / Global package: Package installed so that it is available for every program on the system - Local package: Package installed into sub folder of project and only available to that project Timeline dpkg 1994 cpan, uploaded packages from 1995 jar 1996 debian release with apt 1999 perl package manager goes back to 1999 rubygems 2004 ruby bundler 2010, git history from 2010, ruby gem from 2009 npm 2010 nuget 2010 This is just a sampling [...]
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