Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 8/31/2015 5:17 AM
Instead of using: $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) to add a folder to the path, a better way inside your ruby code is to use: require_relative 'subfolder/file' in order to require files. You can also use a relative path in require (i.e. ‘./subfolder/file’).
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on 8/31/2015 1:52 AM
Before the vacation I was working with Karl Adriansson on a project as the front end programmer. I helped get a front end JavaScript parts back on track. While doing this, Karl and one of the testers supplied me with specifications from the requirements. Since the specifications where very detailed, It was very easy to transform them into sort of BDD style tests: test("PROJ-783", function (){ var ctx = given_a_customer_previously_bought(black_sweater()); and_I_currently_have_X_of_Y_in_stock(ctx, 3, bl[...]
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on 8/31/2015 1:52 AM
Before the vacation I was working with Karl Adriansson on a project as the front end programmer. I helped get a front end javascript parts back on track. While doing this, Karl and one of the testers supplied me with specifications from the requirements. Since the specifications where very detailed, It was very easy to transform them into sort of BDD style tests: test("PROJ-783", function (){ var ctx = given_a_customer_previously_bought(black_sweater()); and_I_currently_have_X_of_Y_in_stock(ctx, 3, bl[...]
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on 8/27/2015 3:49 AM
What criteria do I use I prefer for the build tool to work on both *nix and windows. I do some of the .net coding on os x. The build systems mentioned here are all related to working with .net (and all except psake work in *nix). If you are coding .net What package manager to use? Right now there is NuGet. There is no good reason why you should deviate from using that format. However, you can choose to use NuGet.exe, NuGet in visual studio with packages.config files or use paket with ‘paket’ files. Pa[...]
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on 8/27/2015 3:49 AM
What criteria do I use I prefer for the build tool to work on both *nix and windows. I do some of the .net coding on os x. The build systems mentioned here are all related to working with .net (and all except psake work in *nix). If you are coding .net What package manager to use? Right now there is NuGet. There is no good reason why you should deviate from using that format. However, you can choose to use NuGet.exe, NuGet in visual studio with packages.config files or use paket with ‘paket’ files. Pa[...]
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