Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 10/30/2015 4:41 AM
webforms and 3000 lines of codebehind I’ve noticed that the common failures while using asp.net webforms is related to people getting confused about the asp.net page and control life cycle. Since there are so many different events to keep in mind, it’s easy to place code in the wrong place and get something that sort of works (but does not work in all cases). If you are stressed, you might add a small if statement to fix this problem in the special case, increasing complexity in the code behind file. This[...]
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on 10/30/2015 4:41 AM
webforms and 3000 lines of codebehind I’ve noticed that the common failures while using asp.net webforms is related to people getting confused about the asp.net page and control life cycle. Since there are so many different events to keep in mind, it’s easy to place code in the wrong place and get something that sort of works (but does not work in all cases). If you are stressed, you might add a small if statement to fix this problem in the special case, increasing complexity in the code behind file. This[...]
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on 10/15/2015 10:57 PM
I’ve had some trouble installing gems on windows instances using bundle install. I had this problem first at ~2009. The problem is missing certificates. While this fix is correct, a quick and dirty approach is to make sure that your gem files have source http instead of https: # A sample Gemfile source "http://rubygems.org" gem 'albacore' gem 'nuget_helper' This means that the communication to download gems from rubygems is not private.
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on 10/15/2015 10:57 PM
I’ve had some trouble installing gems on windows instances using bundle install. I had this problem first at ~2009. The problem is missing certificates. While this fix is correct, a quick and dirty approach is to make sure that your gem files have source http instead of https: # A sample Gemfile source "http://rubygems.org" gem 'albacore' gem 'nuget_helper' This means that the communication to download gems from rubygems is not private.
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on 10/15/2015 10:32 PM
After installing OS X El Capitan on my computer I noticed that fsharp interactive failed to start because it failed to locate mono: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/4.0.4/bin/fsharpi: line 24: exec: mono: not found Session termination detected. Press Enter to restart. If we look at the file at that position we find that it assumes that mono is in the path. I checked /etc/paths, and it looked correct (i.e. based on the paths file, mono should have been in the path): mathieu$ which mono /usr[...]
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