Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 1/23/2016 10:34 PM
When in the kitchen, how are you behaving to old dishes? Do you make space in order to have space to cook the food? After finished cooking the food, do you leave dirty dishes to the next day? I’ve worked in a couple school kitchen. When I worked, it would be in the form: make sure that there are nothing cluttering the kitchen that shouldn’t be there make sure that the kitchen is clean prepare food and put food and milk in place for the children do dishes clean up the kitchen I’ve worked a fe[...]
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on 1/16/2016 4:06 AM
This approach to programming is not only useful for algorithms, it’s also a recurring architectural theme. The current versin is called microservices. In unix you have the small command line tools that does one thing well. On a smaller scale it’s about splitting your code inte several files and then folders. When you have identified a need for a library you might create a nuget, gem, maven or npm package (see modulecount).
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on 1/16/2016 4:06 AM
This approach to programming is not only useful for algorithms, it’s also a recurring architectural theme. The current version is called microservices. In unix you have the small command line tools that does one thing well. On a smaller scale it’s about splitting your code inte several files and then folders. When you have identified a need for a library you might create a nuget, gem, maven or npm package (see modulecount).
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on 12/11/2015 8:06 AM
How do you inherit from a “class” in javascript Especially if you have a class that is a mix of constructor function and prototype methods and properties. "use strict"; function getSeq(start){ return function next(){ return start++; }; } var getId = getSeq(1); function Mammal(name){ var self = this; var id = getId(); // private variable this.getId = function(){ return id; }; Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { // we want name to be mutable get:function (){ r[...]
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on 12/11/2015 8:06 AM
How do you inherit from a “class” in JavaScript Especially if you have a class that is a mix of constructor function and prototype methods and properties. "use strict"; function getSeq(start){ return function next(){ return start++; }; } var getId = getSeq(1); function Mammal(name){ var self = this; var id = getId(); // private variable this.getId = function(){ return id; }; Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { // we want name to be mutable get:function (){ retu[...]
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