Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 5/29/2016 4:46 AM
While working as a consultant at a company that uses svn, I needed to keep a branch in sync with the master branch. This turns out to be a lot of work. Problem was that it was not possible to just clone the repository using git svn. The clone failed after a while (I think due to the long connection time). First you might want to read up on it from this blog post. The command I used was something like: git svn clone -r 10327 --username=oskar.gewalli http://company.com/scm/svn/Project project --stdlayout[...]
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on 4/13/2016 1:45 AM
Microsoft buys Xamarin, as can be seen on Wired and on Microsoft blog. This has some rather exciting implications. This means that it will become easier to convince people (already familiar with Microsoft products) to use Xamarin. I’m a longtime fan of Miguel de Icaza and the mono team and I’m happy that this technology continues to live with company backing.
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on 4/12/2016 10:32 AM
After getting to know details about ng for the last months, I’ve come to appreciate some of the features of angular. You can write quite clean looking code if you know enough ng. From my personal point of preference, “scope” is a bit all over the place. I remember using angular for small project in 2012 not thinking much of it (angularjs shines for projects with a limited complexity). Before trying to write an angular app In order to get sort of a grasp of it there are things that you should read like ng[...]
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on 4/12/2016 10:32 AM
After getting to know details about ng for the last months, I’ve come to appreciate some of the features of angular. You can write quite clean looking code if you know enough ng. From my personal point of preference, “scope” is a bit all over the place. I remember using angular for small project in 2012 not thinking much of it (angularjs shines for projects with a limited complexity). Before trying to write an angular app In order to get sort of a grasp of it there are things that you should read like ng[...]
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on 1/23/2016 10:34 PM
When in the kitchen, how are you behaving to old dishes? Do you make space in order to have space to cook the food? After finished cooking the food, do you leave dirty dishes to the next day? I’ve worked in a couple school kitchen. When I worked, it would be in the form: make sure that there are nothing cluttering the kitchen that shouldn’t be there make sure that the kitchen is clean prepare food and put food and milk in place for the children do dishes clean up the kitchen I’ve worked a fe[...]
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