Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 10/12/2016 11:30 AM
It’s not obvious at first thought that there are applications for generalized regular expression engines. During my career, the regular kind has been the most prevalent kind. For certain problems, there is a simple pattern matching, that regular expressions excel at. For instance, in the case when you have a matrix with relatively regular content, it can be thought of as a general type of expressions. I’ve created the library Zander to help with that type of problem.
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on 10/12/2016 11:30 AM
It’s not obvious at first thought that there are applications for generalized regular expression engines. During my career, the regular kind has been the most prevalent kind. For certain problems, there is a simple pattern matching, that regular expressions excel at. For instance, in the case when you have a matrix with relatively regular content, it can be thought of as a general type of expressions. I’ve created the library Zander to help with that type of problem.
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on 10/3/2016 10:02 PM
Possible thing to add to Albacore There is currently a way to detect discrepancies of the csproj view of what is supposed to be compiled. Stale or wrong library references Sometimes we find that there is a reference to an old version of a library in one of the projects of a solution (someone discovers this when they build from scratch without old versions in packages folder). Another way to discover this is when we get an assembly load exception due to an unexpected version of an assembly. Another way f[...]
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on 8/14/2016 10:49 PM
Why should a coder avoid old technologies? Large complicated systems are often written in older technologies Newer technologies can mean assignments with fewer lines of code and more greenfield development. Since the amount of code is proportional to the amount of time and people spent working on that code. Greenfield development is easier than working with millions of lines of code. It can however be an interesting challange to rewrite an older system. Market value. In order to sell consulting service[...]
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on 8/14/2016 10:49 PM
Why should a coder avoid old technologies? Large complicated systems are often written in older technologies Newer technologies can mean assignments with fewer lines of code and more greenfield development. Since the amount of code is proportional to the amount of time and people spent working on that code. Greenfield development is easier than working with millions of lines of code. It can however be an interesting challange to rewrite an older system. Market value. In order to sell consulting service[...]
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