Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 9/9/2018 1:18 AM
React has a smaller scope than Angular. I’ve found that my coworkers have an easier time grokking React than Angular: React contains fewer concepts than Angular. Angular can sometimes make implementation of custom behaviors require a lot of deep knownledge (of Angular). For instance when implementing a custom dropdown or a checkbox. If you are cheeky, you could say: Angular is a somewhat over engineered platform, while React is sometimes used to create over engineered apps. My[...]
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on 9/8/2018 12:30 PM
What’s the lure of f#? The main lure of f# is that it’s a surprisingly competent ML style language that transcends some of the limitations of CIL. From my point of view, the main distinguishing feature for f# is Statically Resolved Type Parameters. It’s a feature you don’t want to see in business code (same as reflection in c#), but something that enables libraries to take f# to the next level. Compare this to type classes in Haskell and what is called functors in OCaml. What has delighted me? The e[...]
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on 9/8/2018 12:30 PM
What’s the lure of F#? The main lure of F# is that it’s a surprisingly competent ML style language that transcends some of the limitations of CIL. From my point of view, the main distinguishing feature for F# is Statically Resolved Type Parameters. It’s a feature you don’t want to see in business code (same as reflection in C#), but something that enables libraries to take F# to the next level. Compare this to type classes in Haskell and what is called functors in OCaml. What has delighted me? The e[...]
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on 9/5/2018 10:52 PM
So what has been my experience using Identity Server? I’ve (and others in my team) have worked on a project using Identity Server 4 since early 2017. What lead us there? The main reason why we started to consider it was due to the main business goals: To have a JWT provider that enables a single page application to communicate with a plethora of micro services To use an existing solutions. The reasoning being that if the company used existing software, that would create a dependency on that softwa[...]
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on 9/5/2018 10:52 PM
So what has been my experience using Identity Server? I’ve (and others in my team) have worked on a project using Identity Server 4 since early 2017. What lead us there? The main reason why we started to consider it was due to the main business goals: To have a JWT provider that enables a single page application to communicate with a plethora of micro services To use an existing solutions. The reasoning being that if the company used existing software, that would create a dependency on that softwa[...]
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