Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 1/6/2019 1:32 AM
When you start out on F# your first thought might be: let square x = x * x let sumOfSquares n = [1..n] |> List.map square |> List.sum hey, that sort of looks like: public static class Utils { public static int SumOfSquares(int n) { return Enumerable.Range(1, n) .Select(i => i * i) .Sum(); } } Examples from F# for fun and profit: Sum of squares. At a first glance, F# looks sort like slightly different style of C#, where instead of using extension methods you[...]
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on 1/6/2019 1:32 AM
When you start out on f# your first thought might be: let square x = x * x let sumOfSquares n = [1..n] |> List.map square |> List.sum hey, that sort of looks like: public static class Utils { public static int SumOfSquares(int n) { return Enumerable.Range(1, n) .Select(i => i * i) .Sum(); } } Examples from F# for fun and profit: Sum of squares. At a first glance, f# looks sort like slightly different style of c#, where instead of using extension methods you us[...]
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on 10/26/2018 4:01 AM
Monoculture in agriculture has some definite downsides (lack of resilience, soil depletion, over reliance on fertilizer) Monoculture in buildings can cause people to feel lost. Once you move in, you want to change your house to fit your family and your interests. A suburb that started out with lots of very similar houses can end up with divergent colors, additions suited for different people, gardens with personal style. This should not be seen as a negative thing, it shows the history of the area a[...]
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on 10/26/2018 4:01 AM
Monoculture in agriculture has some definite downsides (lack of resilience, soil depletion, over reliance on fertilizer) Monoculture in buildings can cause people to feel lost. Once you move in, you want to change your house to fit your family and your interests. A suburb that started out with lots of very similar houses can end up with divergent colors, additions suited for different people, gardens with personal style. This should not be seen as a negative thing, it shows the history of the area a[...]
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on 9/9/2018 1:18 AM
React has a smaller scope than Angular. I’ve found that my coworkers have an easier time grokking React than Angular: React contains fewer concepts than Angular. Angular can sometimes make implementation of custom behaviors require a lot of deep knownledge (of Angular). For instance when implementing a custom dropdown or a checkbox. If you are cheeky, you could say: Angular is a somewhat over engineered platform, while React is sometimes used to create over engineered apps. My[...]
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