Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 7/26/2019 10:20 PM
There is a mature package management system in the Java world. Maven seems to be quite standard. I’ve made a sample project with Hibernate and Spring. One of the neat things I found out was that it’s quite easy to integrate OWASP checks. Following the guide to setup a simple way to be able to that your closed source system does not have any known vulnerabilities in dependencies.
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on 7/26/2019 12:02 PM
There are some tools out there to decompile Java binaries. I’ve found that the easiest one to process an entire jar is Fernflow. In order to build you notice that it’s built using Gradle. Either install gradle or use existing shell wrappers to build the jar file. Once you have built the decompiler you might want to wrap it up with a shell wrapper and put the executable in your path next to the fernflower.jar: #!/usr/bin/env bash java -jar `dirname "${0}"`/fernflower.jar $@
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on 7/26/2019 12:02 PM
There are some tools out there to decompile Java binaries. I’ve found that the easiest one to process an entire jar is Fernflow. In order to build you notice that it’s built using Gradle. Either install gradle or use existing shell wrappers to build the jar file. Once you have built the decompiler you might want to wrap it up with a shell wrapper and put the executable in your path next to the fernflower.jar: #!/usr/bin/env bash java -jar `dirname "${0}"`/fernflower.jar $@
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on 6/15/2019 10:37 AM
Java started out as a very object oriented language. One of the nice things with Java (as a language) has been that the syntax has been quite stable for a long time. C# competes with Java for mainstream developer mindshare. C# has pushed better tooling and more features but was primarily focused on Windows. For the last few years we have seen .net becoming a truer cross platform language with the .net core project and Microsofts acquisition of Xamarin. Due to the push towards micro services and Docker thi[...]
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on 6/15/2019 10:37 AM
Java started out as a very object oriented language. One of the nice things with Java (as a language) has been that the syntax has been quite stable for a long time. C# competes with Java for mainstream developer mindshare. C# has pushed better tooling and more features but was primarily focused on Windows. For the last few years we have seen .net becoming a truer cross platform language with the .net core project and Microsofts acquisition of Xamarin. Due to the push towards micro services and Docker thi[...]
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