Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 7/1/2016 11:20 PM
Technical debt is a concept that suggests that the cost of developing software has been postponed. For instance it can be the conscious act of delivering features while taking shortcuts (in order to get them delivered at a certain date). Cost in time related to technical debt When changing a component, the amount of bugs introduced is often related to technical debt of that components. Higher technical debt means greater likelihood of bugs. The time to resolve various issues is related to the technical [...]
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on 7/1/2016 11:20 PM
Technical debt is a concept that suggests that the cost of developing software has been postponed. For instance it can be the conscious act of delivering features while taking shortcuts (in order to get them delivered at a certain date). Cost in time related to technical debt When changing a component, the amount of bugs introduced is often related to technical debt of that components. Higher technical debt means greater likelihood of bugs. The time to resolve various issues is related to the technical [...]
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on 6/3/2016 11:24 AM
Some patterns I’ve usually encountered while working code bases written by .net developers. You can also read more on msdn. Domain driven design inspired Usually you find classes with postfix name like: Repository : List like interface for working with persisted data. Usually state of fetched objects is tracked, so you can do customerContext.Save() to persist changes to objects. Service : An object that contains domain logic, but does not have a life of it’s own (using instead entities). Related [...]
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on 6/3/2016 11:24 AM
Some patterns I’ve usually encountered while working code bases written by .net developers. You can also read more on msdn. Domain driven design inspired Usually you find classes with postfix name like: Repository : List like interface for working with persisted data. Usually state of fetched objects is tracked, so you can do customerContext.Save() to persist changes to objects. Service Related concepts People are often confused by “Unit of work” also mentioned in connection to these patterns. M[...]
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on 5/29/2016 4:46 AM
While working as a consultant at a company that uses svn, I needed to keep a branch in sync with the master branch. This turns out to be a lot of work. Problem was that it was not possible to just clone the repository using git svn. The clone failed after a while (I think due to the long connection time). First you might want to read up on it from this blog post. The command I used was something like: git svn clone -r 10327 --username=oskar.gewalli http://company.com/scm/svn/Project project --stdlayout[...]
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