Kimserey Lam's blog articles

on 8/24/2017 8:49 PM
Implement a breadcrumb bar in Angular with PrimeNg A breadcrumb bar is a very important piece of any website. It gives an idea where the user is currently in, from where the user landed on this page and finally allow the user to navigate back to any steps wanted. I like to call it an “enhanced version of the URL path”. The URL path in itself has the information but it might, at time, not be human
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on 8/18/2017 9:23 AM
Difference between CanActivate and CanActivateChild in Angular Router Few weeks ago I spoke about the functionality of the Angular Router It was a brief overview of all the router features but one of the feature was not totally explain, the CanActivate feature. From there a question emerged, what is the difference
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on 8/8/2017 7:34 AM
Inline form Angular and PrimeNg Inline form are used to edit portion of long forms. This makes the process of editing a long form less tedious and less error prone as the focus is on a small portion. The process of allowing the fields to be editable can be hard as the state of the field currently selected for editing needs to be tracked and the right input fields must be shown. Angular offers
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on 8/3/2017 8:05 AM
Easily ensure that data are loaded with Ngrx store and router guards in Angular Last month, I describe a way to manage global state with ngrx/store. With the store, we manage the overal state of the Angular application in a single global object. Loading and retrieving data affects a single main state object. This simplication gives opportunities to other simplications. Like for example, if we
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on 7/28/2017 8:22 PM
Tree structure in Angular with PrimeNg PrimeNg is a Angular component library. Compared to other component libraries like ngbootstrap or material, PrimeNg comes with more advance components which can’t be found elsewhere, one of them being the tree structure. Having the component is one thing but having to build the tree data which can be used by the component is another hard part. Therefore
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