Kimserey Lam's blog articles

on 9/29/2017 7:53 AM
Implement a breadcrumb in Angular part 2 Last month I showed how we could build a breadcrumb with PrimeNG in Angular (you can read it as appetizer if you are interested in implementing a breadcrumb bar). In my previous post, I suggested to have a service BreadcrumbService which would hold the crumbs and get updated in ngOnInit of the component used on the route. Since then, I always was
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on 9/21/2017 6:51 AM
Model-driven form with Angular FormBuilder Few weeks ago I explained how we could build reactive forms with Angular. In the previous post, I emphasized on how the reactiveness was enabling us to susbscribe to the state and “react” to any state changes. Since then I have been playing quite a bit with the reactive form and more precisely with the FormBuilder. I ended up being more impressed by the
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on 9/15/2017 4:01 AM
Implicit flow with Identity Server and ASP NET Core Few months ago I talked about Resource owner password flow with Identity Server and ASP NET Core. But as mentioned in multi places, ROP is an anti pattern when it comes down to a correct implementation of Open ID Connect. A more appropriate flow for API SPA authentication is the Implicit flow. Today we will see how we can implement it in 5
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on 9/8/2017 8:43 PM
Manage assets and static files with Angular CLI One of the easiest way to build Angular applicationns is through Angular CLI. Using the ng serve command will build and serve the whole application or we can use ng build to output the app into the outputDir folder, but there might be occasions where we need to serve files which aren’t part of the Angular process, like static files or images. Those
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on 9/1/2017 7:36 PM
Create type extensions in Typescript Typescript is a superset of JavaScript. It provides type safety on top of the JS libraries. Type safety is an important part of the development experience as it allows us to detect problems early thanks to the compiler preventing us from writing broken code. JS being dynamic it is very easy to extend since anything is assumed to exist. In the context of
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