Kimserey Lam's blog articles

on 11/3/2017 7:08 PM
Swagger for ASP NET Core API development Building a web API is not an easy task. In order to build one easy to use, we need to consider the routes, the HTTP methods, the return results from the endpoints, the parameter used for the body of the requests, etc… Swagger is a tool which compiles all our API endpoints into a friendly GUI and allows us to directly test them. It brings a lot of benefits
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on 10/27/2017 6:41 PM
Silo configuration and Cluster management in Microsoft Orleans Few weeks ago we saw how to create a Silo and how to implement grains. We also saw how we could create an ASP NET Core web app to talk to the Silo. We discovered the benefits of the single threaded model in grains. Today we will see one of the other major feature of Orleans, cluster management. This post will be composed by 3 parts: 1
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on 10/19/2017 8:51 AM
Microsoft Orleans Grains Concurrency Handling Few weeks ago I explained the benefits of using Microsoft Orleans. One of them was the implementation of the actor pattern. Today I will dig deeper into it by revisiting a common scenario present in today systems and how it can be solved with Orleans grains. This post will be composed by 3 parts: 1 - Traditional system 2 - The problems 3 - Grain
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on 10/13/2017 6:52 AM
Create a simple Microsoft Orleans application Last week I presented an overview of Microsoft Orleans. Gave an explanation on the concepts and keywords which can be found in the framework. Today I will explain how we can implement a simple Orleans application with a cluster composed by a localhost Silo and with a client within an ASP Net Core Mvc application. This post will be composed by 3 parts:
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on 10/7/2017 6:17 AM
A first look at Microsoft Orleans Microsoft Orleans is a framework used to build scalable distributed systems. It reduces the complexity of distributed system by abstracting away concurrency issues together with state management. Processes can then be run on multiple instances and form a cluster, they can be hosted on different environment and be scaled up and down on demand. Today I will give a
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