Tomas Petricek's blog articles

on 9/9/2015 9:14 AM
Most programming languages were designed before the age of web. This matters because the web changes many assumptions that typed functional language designers tak for granted. For example, programs do not run in a closed world, but must instead interact with (changing and likely unreliable) services and data sources, communication is often asynchronous or event-driven, and programs need to interoperate with untyped environments like JavaScript libraries. How can statically-typed programming languages adapt[...]
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on 7/27/2015 6:15 AM
If trials of three or four simple cases have been made, and are found to agree with the results given by the engine, it is scarcely possible that there can be any error (...). Charles Babbage, On the mathematical powers of the calculating engine (1837) Anybody who has something to do with modern computers will agree that the above statement made by Charles Babbage about the analytical engine is understatement, to say the least. Computer programs do not always work as expected. There is a complex taxonom[...]
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on 7/27/2015 6:15 AM
If trials of three or four simple cases have been made, and are found to agree with the results given by the engine, it is scarcely possible that there can be any error (...). Charles Babbage, On the mathematical powers of the calculating engine (1837) Anybody who has something to do with modern computers will agree that the above statement made by Charles Babbage about the analytical engine is understatement, to say the least. Computer programs do not always work as expected. There is a complex taxo[...]
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on 6/30/2015 8:07 AM
In case you missed my recent official FsLab announcement, FsLab is a data-science package for .NET built around F# that makes it easy to get data using type providers, analyze them interactively (with great R integration) and visualize the results. You can find more on on, which also has links to some videos and download page with templates and other instructions. Last time, I mentioned that we are working on integrating FsLab with the XPlot charting library. XPlot is a wonderful F# library built[...]
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on 6/30/2015 8:07 AM
In case you missed my recent official FsLab announcement, FsLab is a data-science package for .NET built around F# that makes it easy to get data using type providers, analyze them interactively (with great R integration) and visualize the results. You can find more on on, which also has links to some videos and download page with templates and other instructions. Last time, I mentioned that we are working on integrating FsLab with the XPlot charting library. XPlot is a wonderful F# library b[...]
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