Tomas Petricek's blog articles

on 4/22/2015 8:55 AM
I was recently working on some code for handling date ranges in Deedle. Although Deedle is written in F#, I also wrote some internal integration code in C#. After doing that, I realized that the code I wrote is actually reusable and should be a part of Deedle itself and so I went through the process of rewriting a simple function from (fairly functional) C# to F#. This is a small (and by no means representative!) example, but I think it nicely shows some of the reasons why I like F#, so I thought I'd share[...]
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on 4/7/2015 5:41 AM
One of the attendees of my virtual F# in Finance course, Stuart recently asked me a pretty advanced question about writing custom queries with F#, because he was interested in writing a nicer querying library for Amazon DynamoDB (his project is here). I realized that I don't really know about any good resource about doing this, so I wrote a little sample that shows how you can do this. The idea is that we want to be able to write something like this: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: query { for p in DynamoDB.[...]
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on 4/7/2015 5:41 AM
One of the attendees of my virtual F# in Finance course, Stuart recently asked me a pretty advanced question about writing custom queries with F#, because he was interested in writing a nicer querying library for Amazon DynamoDB (his project is here). The DynamoDB could even be a type generated by a type provider (with all the tables available in Dynamo DB). Now, the above example uses the built-in query builder, which is extensible, but, as far as I know, you have to use LINQ expression trees to support i[...]
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on 4/1/2015 3:41 AM
On year ago, on this very day, I wrote about the open-sourcing of C# 6.0. Thanks to a very special information leak, I learned about this about a week before Microsoft officially announced it. However, my information were slightly incorrect - rather then releasing the much improved version of the language, Microsoft continued working on language version internally called "Small C#", which is now available as "C# 6" in the Visual Studio 2015 preview. It is my understanding that, with this release, Microsof[...]
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on 4/1/2015 3:41 AM
On year ago, on this very day, I wrote about the open-sourcing of C# 6.0. Thanks to a very special information leak, I learned about this about a week before Microsoft officially announced it. However, my information were slightly incorrect - rather then releasing the much improved version of the language, Microsoft continued working on language version internally called "Small C#", which is now available as "C# 6" in the Visual Studio 2015 preview. It is my understanding that, with this release, Micr[...]
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