Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 7/18/2009 11:17 AM
How do you debug code in Firefox? The answer is that you use one of two eminent plugins:<ul> Firebug Venkman </ul>
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on 7/18/2009 11:00 AM
Local procedure calls Given the scripting nature of the web non-obfuscated JavaScript code presents itself to the technical user almost as a public API. You can try it out yourself by writing: for (x in document){console.log(x);} in your browser JavaScript console. For more persistent changes to a sites behavior tools like Greasemonkey can be used. Last.fm and Spotify have done some integration by releasing a Greasemonkey script for last.fm. Remote procedure calls By using fiddler or Firefox Firebug [...]
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on 7/18/2009 11:00 AM
Local procedure calls Given the scripting nature of the web non-obfuscated javascript code presents itself to the technical user almost as a public API. You can try it out yourself by writing: for (x in document){console.log(x);} in your browser javascript console. For more persistent changes to a sites behavior tools like Greasemonkey can be used. Last.fm and Spotify have done some integration by releasing a Greasemonkey script for last.fm. Remote procedure calls By using fiddler or Firefox Firebug [...]
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on 7/18/2009 9:40 AM
In the first course in computer science we (students) received the following words of wisdom from the lecturer: Above anything avoid javascript. Pure javascript A few years later I started working as a programmer (late 2005) the need to do certain small things arose; impossible without the use of javascript. One of my coworkers showed me how to add some bits of extra functionality that the users needed (easier user interface). Later on there was a need for drag and drop in the browser. I implemented this[...]
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on 7/18/2009 9:40 AM
In the first course in computer science we (students) received the following words of wisdom from the lecturer: Above anything avoid JavaScript. Pure JavaScript A few years later I started working as a programmer (late 2005) the need to do certain small things arose; impossible without the use of JavaScript. One of my coworkers showed me how to add some bits of extra functionality that the users needed (easier user interface). Later on there was a need for drag and drop in the browser. I implemented [...]
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