Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 9/4/2013 1:07 PM
We have written a lot of ruby code in the project I’m currently working in. There is a lot of code to help manage, build and schedule the program. We started out simple enough. Just one folder with helper scripts. After 2 years we have built up support for a wide variety of tasks.<h3> Command line tools</h3> We have used and abused<blockquote class="tr_bq"> $:.unshift File.dirname(FILE) </blockquote>  and similar constructs far to much. This makes it hard to get a good overview of dependencies between file[...]
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on 7/6/2013 1:15 PM
We first heard of the Australian government gettings fallout from the US because of voiced concerns about using offshore cloud providers. Some technologists I have talked with thought it obvious that the US government would use available means to get accurate information given the obsolesce of  certain infrastructure. This might spell an increased demand for local alternatives for business software.  Another way is to start deploying software in a more security conscious manner. For instance encrypting the[...]
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on 7/6/2013 1:15 PM
We first heard of the Australian government gettings fallout from the US because of voiced concerns about using offshore cloud providers. Some technologists I have talked with thought it obvious that the US government would use available means to get accurate information given the obsolesce of  certain infrastructure. This might spell an increased demand for local alternatives for business software.  Another way is to start deploying software in a more security conscious manner. For instance encrypting the[...]
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on 7/5/2013 2:17 AM
There is a tool for that:https://github.com/adoxa/ansicon
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on 6/27/2013 2:38 AM
I’ve written a small appender for log4net. This appender saves the data to elasticsearch. Why is this sweet? Because elasticsearch has expiration date field. Since the format is log4net there are very few code changes in application. Why the name elmah? I’ve used elmah as a starting point for simple logging before. Since there is a properties dictionary on the log4net objects I can add all the data that elmah usually provides for a web developer. Give it a try or fork it.
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