Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 2/21/2014 12:21 PM
Explicit use of computed? What does a computed expression like this: this.isBusy = ko.computed(function() { return self._isBusy() || self._queryIsBusy(); }); have to do with <div data-bind="visible: _isBusy() || _queryIsBusy()" ></div> Internally knockout creates a computed out of an expression in a bindinghandler. Ko does not parse the expression in the html above to register the variables _isBusy or _queryIsBusy. Consequenses What does this mean for your code? If you have something below bu[...]
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on 2/21/2014 12:21 PM
Explicit use of computed? What does a computed expression like this: this.isBusy = ko.computed(function() { return self._isBusy() || self._queryIsBusy(); }); have to do with <div data-bind="visible: _isBusy() || _queryIsBusy()" ></div> Internally knockout creates a computed out of an expression in a bindinghandler. Ko does not parse the expression in the html above to register the variables _isBusy or _queryIsBusy. Consequenses What does this mean for your code? If you have something below [...]
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on 2/6/2014 9:59 AM
For many projects I’ve been using the pattern: ns.CtorFunction = function(){ var self = this; this.doStuff = function(){ // do stuff and use self in order to get the object variables } } Turns out that this pattern is good for small sites with jQuery (that makes use of this in other ways). For larger code bases where you have lots of code this construction sometimes makes it difficult for the garbage collector. If you have a large single page app, then this might be an issue. What [...]
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on 2/6/2014 9:59 AM
For many projects I’ve been using the pattern: ns.CtorFunction = function(){ var self = this; this.doStuff = function(){ // do stuff and use self in order to get the object variables } } Turns out that this pattern is good for small sites with jQuery (that makes use of this in other ways). For larger code bases where you have lots of code this construction sometimes makes it difficult for the garbage collector. If you have a large single page app, then this might be an issue. What o[...]
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on 12/9/2013 4:22 AM
There is a perfectly good solution for installing services:<blockquote class="tr_bq"> sc create</blockquote> No need to inherit from the install util specific classes in your .net code. The problem with installutil is that it’s not appropriate when automating install with a local service account. You also get a lot of extra code very tied to installutil.
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