Anton Tayanovskyy's blog articles

on 3/13/2013 1:23 PM
Announcing a small utility library for generating VisualStudio VSTemplate and VSIX packages.
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on 3/6/2013 11:38 AM
Pre-release NuGet WebSharper 2.5.2-alpha NuGet package is available and can already be used to build AppHarbor-ready sites. Clone the sample application websharper-bootstrap-site to build your own cloud-based WebSharper site.
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on 3/5/2013 11:46 AM
Soon-to-be released WebSharper includes Direct API that will greatly simplifies building tools that compile F# code to JavaScript via WebSharper. It has can work in FSI. We are also finishing some testing on a TypeScript definition file cross-compiler that emits WebSharper FFI definitions based on TypeScript ".d.ts" files, allowing to reuse some work the TypeScript community has done in defining types for JavaScript libraries.
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on 10/10/2012 2:43 PM
In the previous post, I discussed designing combinator libraries that compose some property over unions. It is only fitting to throw records in the mix. type U = | A of int | B of float | C of string let UFormat = ( UnionCase A IntFormat << UnionCase B FloatFormat << UnionCase C StringFormat ) |> Union (fun a b c x -> match x with | A x -> a x | B x -> b x | C x -> c x) type R = { A : int B : float [...]
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on 10/8/2012 8:04 AM
Discriminated unions or sum types are a natural way to model logical OR. Often you have a property that distributes over OR. Say, in F# (used throughout the article, though the ideas should apply equally well to any ML), you can write a combinator of the type: P<'T1> → P<'T2> → P<Choice<'T1,'T2>> How to go from here to a nice set of combinators that would handle an arbitrary union? This question has been on my mind for a while, and finally I have an acceptable solution. As a disclaimer, at the level of [...]
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