Kimserey Lam's blog articles

on 9/21/2016 2:43 PM
Absolute layout and relative layout Xamarin forms In Xamarin Forms, layouts are used to position elements in the page. There are multiple layouts available like stack layout, grid layout, table layout, absolute layout and relative layout. Stack layout is straight to grasp the concept, we stack elements one by one horizontally or vertically. Grid layout is also straight forward, we define rows and
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on 9/18/2016 2:43 AM
Fix signing identity error after update of Xamarin Studio This post will explain how to fix the errors appearing in Xamarin Studio after recent update: The version of Xamarin.iOS requires the iOS 10.0SDK when the managed linker is disabled. Error executing task Codesign: Required property 'Sigingkey' not set. I recently started to play with Xamarin.iOS and am still at the beginner level - I
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on 9/13/2016 2:52 AM
Publish your Android app to Google Play Store Have you ever wondered what needs to be done to push an app on google play store? How many steps are involved? How much does it cost? What information is required? Few weeks ago I asked myself these questions and to answer it, I decided to publish an app on Google play store. Last week I completed a simple application and pushed it under alpha release
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on 9/7/2016 2:29 PM
Untrack a file previously pushed with Git Last week I had to untrack a file previously pushed on a git repository and I wasn’t sure on how to do it. Took me a while to wrap my head around the process so today I would like to share that in order to have it documented here. This post will be composed by two parts: Scenario git rm --cached git update-index --assume-unchanged 1. Scenario I have a
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on 8/29/2016 11:05 AM
Bring internationalization (i18n) to your WebSharper webapps in FSharp When working on webapps which need to be used by international clients, it is important to provide internationalization (i18n). I18n is the process of developing web/desktop/mobile applications which provide an easy way to change language and culture to be localized to different markets. For example, English and French markets
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