Kimserey Lam's blog articles

on 12/23/2016 10:30 AM
Output logs in Console, File and Live stream for your WebSharper sitelet Logs are an important part of development. Extracting and analysing debug output and errors is very important especially when the web server goes live. In this post I will show how we can setup a Console target, a File target and a Live stream on a static HTML page using NLog. NLog is a log framework which can be configured
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on 12/14/2016 12:27 PM
GIMP - Alpha channel, what is it? Few months ago I made a first introduction to GIMP - - the post was oriented toward the toolbox and what features were available. Today I would like to share an explanation on what the alpha channel is and show you how you can outline text using the alpha channel. 1. What is the alpha channel
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on 12/9/2016 2:06 PM
Transform an operation from a Xamarin.Android activity to an awaitable task Today I want to share a neat trick which I have been using a lot - transform an asynchronous operation (triggered with StartActivityFromResult) from an Android Activity to an awaitable task - which then can be used with async await keywords in a Xamarin.Forms PCL project. Problem CustomPickActivity TaskCompletionSource
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on 11/26/2016 6:19 AM
Differences between Internal and External Folders in Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.Forms When using Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android, chances are that you had at one point of time to access a local file. Whether it is an image or a text file or even a local sqlite database, accessing a file from a Xamarin.Android project can be confusing. Today I will show you how you can get the absolute path of
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on 11/24/2016 12:08 AM
Why I created Baskee? Few days ago, I released my first Android app Baskee built with Xamarin and F#. In this post, I would like to share with you the most common questions my friends asked me and I hope it will help you understand better why Baskee is useful for you! This post answers the following questions: 1. Where did the idea come from? 2. What are the
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