Reid Evans's blog articles

on 9/9/2015 12:25 PM
Recording of a talk I gave at the Knoxville Coding Dojo recorded by @KnoxDevs
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on 8/28/2015 8:52 AM
In the process of creating a web service backend for a large web application for Diamler I've come across a few patterns that allow me to provide functionality without bloating my codebase. As the application is largely data driven one of my favorite patterns involves using the SqlProgrammabilityProvider and optional stored procedure parameters. The problem to solve Imagine we have an automobile resource that we want to be able to get by id or do some sort of querying to retrieve a list of them. GET ap[...]
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on 8/17/2015 3:04 PM
Successive arguments should be separated by spaces or tupled, and arguments involving function or method applications should be parenthesized If you're new to F# you may have seen this exception on your code and started adding parenthesis and commas all over the place to get it to go away. Or perhaps you simply had no idea why the compiler wasn't happy. In this short article I'll show some code that causes the compiler error and an easy way to resolve it. let upcoming = getUpcoming DateTime.UtcNow.[...]
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on 8/14/2015 8:47 AM
In part one of this series we walked through modeling the domain of our card game. In this post we'll use that domain as a guide to help us create a deck, shuffle the deck, and deal cards from the deck. Creating the deck There may be more elegant ways to do this, but for now we'll simply define a value and populate it with the cards. let newDeck = [(Two, Spades); (Three, Spades); (Four, Spades); (Five, Spades); (Six, Spades); (Seven, Spades); (Eight, Spades); (Nine, Spades); (Ten, Spa[...]
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on 8/5/2015 3:11 PM
This is the first post in a series where we'll walk through creating the card game Crazy Eights in F#. Playing cards are a fairly well known domain and, despite the name, Crazy Eights is quite easy to understand. In this post we'll walk through modeling the domain. Modeling our Domain Crazy Eights is played with a standard 52 card deck which means we have Deuce through Ace and the four suits but no Jokers. To model these cases we'll use two Discriminated Unions, one for Suit and one for Rank. type Su[...]
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