Yan Cui's blog articles

on 11/15/2018 11:29 AM
Presently sponsored by: CloudZero enables cost as a real time operational metric for FinDevOps teams, exposing the financial ramifications of Serverless and Cloud-Native engineering decisions. Key benefits include cost-focused DevOps and real-time mapping of cost, behavior and resource relationships. Hi, welcome to another weekly update! MEAP update for Production-Ready Serverless We have released 3 new videos on my video course Production-Ready Serverless! You don’t need VPC’s to secure your functions Fun[...]
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on 11/1/2018 7:16 PM
Presently sponsored by: CloudZero enables cost as a real time operational metric for FinDevOps teams, exposing the financial ramifications of Serverless and Cloud-Native engineering decisions. Key benefits include cost-focused DevOps and real-time mapping of cost, behavior and resource relationships. Hi, welcome to the first weekly update of November! MEAP update for Production-Ready Serverless There has been delays in publishing the rest of the VPC unit the last two weeks as my editor has been away. But w[...]
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on 10/26/2018 9:01 AM
Presently sponsored by: Binaris. Binaris is a serverless platform that enables developers to build entire applications out of functions. Binaris utilizes supercomputing technologies to redesign the stack for functions. This makes Binaris functions run faster than any other cloud platform today and opens the door for new use-cases for functions as well as dramatic improvements in efficiency and reduction in runtime costs. Hey, just a quick note to say that I will be speaking at CodeMotion Berlin in November[...]
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on 10/22/2018 2:43 AM
Presently sponsored by: Binaris. Binaris is a serverless platform that enables developers to build entire applications out of functions. Binaris utilizes supercomputing technologies to redesign the stack for functions. This makes Binaris functions run faster than any other cloud platform today and opens the door for new use-cases for functions as well as dramatic improvements in efficiency and reduction in runtime costs. Hi, welcome to another weekly update! MEAP update for Production-Ready Serverless We h[...]
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on 10/5/2018 6:15 PM
Presently sponsored by: Binaris. Binaris is a serverless platform that enables developers to build entire applications out of functions. Binaris utilizes supercomputing technologies to redesign the stack for functions. This makes Binaris functions run faster than any other cloud platform today and opens the door for new use-cases for functions as well as dramatic improvements in efficiency and reduction in runtime costs. Hi, welcome to another weekly update! It’s been a quiet week, I have been busy finishi[...]
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