Yan Cui's blog articles

on 3/3/2019 4:43 PM
Presently sponsored by PureSec: 30-Day Free Trial. Secure Your Serverless Applications today with the leading Serverless Security solution. Serverless asset inventory, unparalleled real time threat visibility, risk management, security posture analysis and best-of-breed serverless runtime protection. CloudWatch Events let you easily create cron jobs with Lambda. However, it’s not designed for running lots of ad-hoc tasks, each to be executed once, at a specific time. The default limit on CloudWatch Events [...]
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on 2/28/2019 5:46 PM
Presently sponsored by PureSec: 30-Day Free Trial. Secure Your Serverless Applications today with the leading Serverless Security solution. Serverless asset inventory, unparalleled real time threat visibility, risk management, security posture analysis and best-of-breed serverless runtime protection. Hi, welcome to another weekly update. Production-Ready Serverless is live! It’s been a long time coming, my Manning video course Production-Ready Serverless is officially completed! All postscripts and other c[...]
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on 2/7/2019 2:39 PM
Presently sponsored by Thundra: Stop wasting time digging through logs to chase latencies, cold starts, and errors in AWS Lambda. Immediately pinpoint problems in your code and identify critical improvement areas. Free to use, Thundra provides a end-to-end, invocation-centric view into your serverless app. Hi, welcome to another weekly update. Welcome Thundra as our sponsor for Feburary! It is my pleasure to welcome Thundra as sponsor for this month. Here’s a message from Thundra to explain what they’re bu[...]
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on 2/2/2019 12:55 PM
Presently sponsored by Thundra: Stop wasting time digging through logs to chase latencies, cold starts, and errors in AWS Lambda. Immediately pinpoint problems in your code and identify critical improvement areas. Free to use, Thundra provides a end-to-end, invocation-centric view into your serverless app. I recently watched an excellent talk by Matt Levin on optimization tips for Lambda and saw a slide on making DynamoDB use HTTP keep-alive. It reminded me of a conversation I had with Sebastian Cohnen, so[...]
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on 1/25/2019 7:49 AM
Presently sponsored by Thundra: Stop wasting time digging through logs to chase latencies, cold starts, and errors in AWS Lambda. Immediately pinpoint problems in your code and identify critical improvement areas. Free to use, Thundra provides a end-to-end, invocation-centric view into your serverless app. Hi, welcome to another weekly update. New posts You are thinking about serverless costs all wrong. This is my response to the click-bait article published in The Register that clearly illustrated widespr[...]
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