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on 3/5/2015 8:55 PM
A few months ago, some coworkers sent around a Ruby challenge. It appears simple, but we can sometimes learn a lot from simple problems. Write a Ruby program that determines the smallest three digit number such that when said number is divided by the sum [...]
on 2/4/2013 12:03 PM
YAML’s security risks are in no way limited to Rails or Ruby. YAML documents should be treated as executable code and firewalled accordingly. Deserializing arbitrary types is user-controlled, arbitrary code execution. It’s Not Just Ruby A few weeks ago, I[...]
on 5/5/2011 2:25 AM
Let me quickly explain Ruby‘s dynamic object creation. When I talk about dynamic object creation, I’m referring to when you instantiate a new object instance from meta-data using a class (also referred to a as a Type in .NET) name, or class meta-data obje[...]

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