Yan Cui's blog articles

on 3/23/2019 8:07 AM
Presently sponsored by Binaris: Binaris is a cloud platform that enables developers to build entire applications out of serverless functions. Binaris is designed from the ground up to be fast and responsive, so you can use serverless functions across multiple use cases. Sign-up now for free. If you’re not familiar with how cold start works within the context of AWS Lambda, then read this post first. update 24/03/2019: the tests include WebPack as well. When a Node.js Lambda function cold starts, a number o[...]
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on 3/22/2019 3:23 PM
Presently sponsored by Binaris: Binaris is a cloud platform that enables developers to build entire applications out of serverless functions. Binaris is designed from the ground up to be fast and responsive, so you can use serverless functions across multiple use cases. Sign-up now for free. Hi, welcome to another weekly update, I have quite a few new posts for you this week! New posts Making Terraform and Serverless framework work together. In this post I discussed some ways you can reference Terraform-ma[...]
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on 3/20/2019 3:58 PM
Presently sponsored by PureSec: 30-Day Free Trial. Secure Your Serverless Applications today with the leading Serverless Security solution. Serverless asset inventory, unparalleled real time threat visibility, risk management, security posture analysis and best-of-breed serverless runtime protection. The Serverless framework is the most popular deployment framework for serverless applications. It gives you a convenient abstraction over CloudFormation and some best practices out-of-the-box: Filters out dev [...]
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on 3/9/2019 6:03 PM
Presently sponsored by PureSec: 30-Day Free Trial. Secure Your Serverless Applications today with the leading Serverless Security solution. Serverless asset inventory, unparalleled real time threat visibility, risk management, security posture analysis and best-of-breed serverless runtime protection. Hi, welcome to another weekly update. Designing serverless applications with AWS Lambda I’m running a live online training session with O’Reilly on April 15th and 16th. The session would provide some hands-on [...]
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on 3/9/2019 9:31 AM
Presently sponsored by PureSec: 30-Day Free Trial. Secure Your Serverless Applications today with the leading Serverless Security solution. Serverless asset inventory, unparalleled real time threat visibility, risk management, security posture analysis and best-of-breed serverless runtime protection. Update 15/03/2019: Thanks to Zac Charles who pointed me to this new page in the DynamoDB docs. It explains how the OnDemand capacity mode works. Turns out you DON’T need to pre-warm a table. You just need to c[...]
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