Yan Cui's blog articles

on 1/23/2019 4:47 PM
Presently sponsored by Thundra: Stop wasting time digging through logs to chase latencies, cold starts, and errors in AWS Lambda. Immediately pinpoint problems in your code and identify critical improvement areas. Free to use, Thundra provides a end-to-end, invocation-centric view into your serverless app. A use case happened at work recently, where we need to subscribe a SQS queue to a SNS topic running in another AWS account. On the surface this seems like something many people would need to do, and inde[...]
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on 1/10/2019 4:47 PM
Presently sponsored by: Protego’s serverless security technology provides unmatched visibility, security, and control over serverless applications from development to runtime. Our SaaS platform lets you get a handle on your growing serverless environment in less than 20 minutes. The Register published an article right before Christmas 2018. It had a somewhat provocative title, and somehow it ended up in my inbox from a few different sources. I felt the whitepaper the article refers to provided some interes[...]
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on 1/6/2019 7:41 AM
Presently sponsored by: Protego’s serverless security technology provides unmatched visibility, security, and control over serverless applications from development to runtime. Our SaaS platform lets you get a handle on your growing serverless environment in less than 20 minutes. Hi, welcome to another weekly update. I’m going independent :-) Firstly, a big update on a personal front – I’ve transitioned into a part-time role at DAZN so I can start a career as an independent consultant. My goal here is to us[...]
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on 12/31/2018 6:19 AM
Presently sponsored by: Protego’s serverless security technology provides unmatched visibility, security, and control over serverless applications from development to runtime. Our SaaS platform lets you get a handle on your growing serverless environment in less than 20 minutes. As the curtain draws on 2018, let’s a look back at what I have been up to this year. On public speaking It’s been a crazy year for me in terms of public speaking. I had a whopping 64 public speaking engagements in 2018, that took m[...]
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on 12/21/2018 8:07 AM
Presently sponsored by: Protego’s serverless security technology provides unmatched visibility, security, and control over serverless applications from development to runtime. Our SaaS platform lets you get a handle on your growing serverless environment in less than 20 minutes. I have recently rediscovered the joy of listening to podcasts thanks to the AirPods I bought during the re:invent week. I like to take notes when I read books or listen to podcasts, and my friends find them useful as well. So, I’m [...]
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