Yan Cui's blog articles

on 6/2/2018 12:37 AM
Presently sponsored by: Epsagon, which provides visibility and visualization for serverless applications. Using distributed tracing and AI technologies, you can troubleshoot issues with speed, understand performance bottlenecks, and optimize your latency and costs. Hello, just a quick note to tell you that recording of my keynote at ServerlessDays TLV is now live! In this talk, I looked at a number of important lessons we learnt from the Microservices world and how they are still relevant to us as move to [...]
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on 5/26/2018 8:16 PM
Hi, welcome to another weekly update, which is sadly turning into more of a monthly update  MEAP update for Production-Ready Serverless A new unit on X-Ray integration has been added to the MEAP (Manning Early Access Program) of my video course Production-Ready Serverless. After a brief hiatus, I’m back working on the next unit on correlation … Weekly update 03Read More » The post Weekly update 03 appeared first on theburningmonk.com.
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on 5/13/2018 10:57 AM
In a previous post we discussed how to auto-subscribe a CloudWatch Log Group to a Lambda function using CloudWatch Events. So that we don’t need a manual process to ensure all Lambda logs would go to our log aggregation service. Whilst this is useful in its own right, it only scratches the surface of what … auto-create CloudWatch Alarms for APIs with LambdaRead More » The post auto-create CloudWatch Alarms for APIs with Lambda appeared first on theburningmonk.com.
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on 4/28/2018 3:42 PM
Hi, welcome to the second edition of my weekly updates. Come join me at DAZN It’s been a hectic first few weeks at DAZN for me. If you haven’t heard about us, we’re the Netflix of Sports — an affordable platform for streaming live sports. We are launched in 5 countries, with many more to … Weekly update 02Read More » The post Weekly update 02 appeared first on theburningmonk.com.
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on 4/28/2018 5:41 AM
It’s common practice to set log level to WARNING for production due to traffic volume. This is because we have to consider various cost factors: cost of logging : CloudWatch Logs charges $0.50 per GB ingested. In my experience, this is often much higher than the Lambda invocation costs cost of storage : CloudWatch Logs charges $0.03 … You need to sample debug logs in productionRead More » The post You need to sample debug logs in production appeared first on theburningmonk.com.
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