F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 10/21/2013 2:22 PM
So far our (1) level is fairly painful code to look at – admittedly SpriteKit and F# take something that could have been horrific and simply make it tedious. Today we change that. DSL According to Wikipedia a DSL is … Continue reading →
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on 10/19/2013 4:33 PM
A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure to attend Progressive F# Tutorials in NYC. The conference was fantastic – two days of hands-on workshops, great organization by the good folks at SkillsMatter, Rickasaurus and Paul Blasucci, and a great opportunity to exchange with like-minded people, catch up with old friends and make new ones. As an aside, if you missed NYC, fear not – you can still get tickets for Progressive F# Tutorials in London, coming up October 31 and November 1 in London. After some discu[...]
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on 10/18/2013 3:09 PM
If there’s one thing we can all be certain of in life, it’s death. And so the same rule must apply to our dude. It’s been good knowing you little guy. F# shines again The last few posts have been … Continue reading →
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on 10/17/2013 2:54 PM
Micro-post: Playing sound effects in SpriteKit: //Load the sound use jumpSound = SKAction.PlaySoundFileNamed("Jump.wav", true) //Play the sound scene.RunAction jumpSound Note that the File extension is important here – unlike the graphics formats loaded into SpriteKit. Winning! Next Time So far our level plays for … Continue reading →
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on 10/16/2013 2:09 PM
Last time we added some scrolling to out game, but our main character looks rather static. Let’s let him move like Jagger (well maybe  Cliff Richard) Animation! SpriteKit is clever. It’s possible to give SpriteKit a bunch of textures and … Continue reading →
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