F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 1/12/2014 3:00 PM
I start looking at Durandal after attending Jason Clark’s DurandalJS and Twitter Bootstrap at Nashville .NET User Group. Durandal is a SPA framework that incorporated several popular JavaScript libraries like JQuery, Knockout, and RequireJs. It’s also created by Rob Eisenberg who is also behind Caliburn.Micro. For Nancy, I have heard about it in .NET Rocks … Continue reading →
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on 1/8/2014 9:48 AM
I had an interesting bug in my compiler: The parser would fail on blank lines. To a certain degree, this makes sense; the formal grammar of the language does not include blank lines. This is invalid input! On the other hand, every programming language ever invented, as far as I know, simply ignores them. That [...]
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on 1/4/2014 5:00 PM
Tis’ still the Season for yearly retrospectives, and making foolish predictions or commitments; here is a very incomplete and disorganized review of my year 2013 with F#, and some of my take-aways for the year ahead. 2013 has been a CRAZY year for me. I used to be proud of myself when I gave one talk per quarter – this is the map of places where I gave F# presentations / Dojos this year (note that I spoke multiple times in some of these places, and some online talks are not listed…): So yes, it’s been a[...]
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on 1/2/2014 7:20 PM
If you have followed my posts about setting up Ghost blogging site on Windows Azure and adding Disqus comment and changing your Ghost site theme, you probably notice that code block that comes with Ghost is very plain and has no syntax highlighting. Don’t worry, you can easily add syntax highlighting to your ghost site. … Continue reading →
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on 1/2/2014 7:20 PM
If you have followed my posts about setting up Ghost blogging site on Windows Azure and adding Disqus comment and changing your Ghost site theme, you probably notice that code block that comes with Ghost is very plain and has no syntax highlighting. Don’t worry, you can easily add syntax highlighting to your ghost site. … Continue reading →
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