F# Bloggers

Blog articles of F# Bloggers

on 1/31/2014 8:26 AM
Introducing my latest top-o-the-line type provider that everyone wants and needs. The Squirrelify provider!  This very useful type provider will create an INFINITE type system and show you random pictures of ASCII art in intellisense.  It turns out that intellisense was not really designed for this and it struggles with various formatting and layout, but the provider tries the best it can. It also doesn't have many images as I couldn't find a webservice for them and had to do it manually. "Wow Ross!" I hea[...]
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on 1/31/2014 8:25 AM
This post is intended to show how easy it is to use the F# programming language in order to explore new libraries and get stuff going quickly. It also shows the usage of various great F# features such as Record Types, Discriminated Unions, Computation Expressions and Async workflows, whilst also using a bit of mutable state, integrating with various other 3rd party .NET libraries (including use of an XBOX pad and even a Kinect!), and even some low level bit shifting and masking stuff. F# is definitely NOT [...]
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on 1/18/2014 7:49 PM
A couple of months ago, I started working on an F# decision tree & random forest library, and pushed a first draft out in July 2013. It was a very minimal implementation, but it was a start, and my plan was to keep refining and add features. And then life happened: I got really busy, I began a very poorly disciplined refactoring effort on the code base, I second and third guessed my design - and got nothing to show for a while. Finally in December, I took some time off in Europe, disappeared in the French [...]
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on 1/17/2014 4:01 AM
After my talk last night, several people expressed an interest in the script I was using to draw the LINQ expression trees. I have uploaded here on github. This is just a script I use in development. It doesn't visualize every node by a long shot, and does a fair bit of name replacing to make some of the very long generic type names readable.  You will need GraphViz installed to use this script.  You might need to point the function that does the generation at the location where you've installed it.   You [...]
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on 1/12/2014 3:00 PM
I start looking at Durandal after attending Jason Clark’s DurandalJS and Twitter Bootstrap at Nashville .NET User Group. Durandal is a SPA framework that incorporated several popular JavaScript libraries like JQuery, Knockout, and RequireJs. It’s also created by Rob Eisenberg who is also behind Caliburn.Micro. For Nancy, I have heard about it in .NET Rocks … Continue reading →
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